By Hannah Duke
"Women in tech" is a dangerous topic. It will generate eye rolls, groans and defensive tirades - even before you've said much more than those three words.
More than a few people reacted this way when I mentioned Startup Weekend Women, held last weekend at Inspire9 in Melbourne, Australia.
"Isn't it ironically discriminatory?” they asked. “And how does separating women in the start-up and tech scene allow them to be more involved with the community as a whole?"
While Startup Weekend has long been part of the community calendar in many cities around Australia, the inaugural Startup Weekend Women marked the first of its kind in the country.
Watching the pitches on Sunday afternoon, it became abundantly clear that there was something special about the vibe in that room: to see so many women getting up to showcase their talents, intelligence and perceptiveness was amazing. It made me feel - dare I say it - hopeful.
To say I felt hopeful implies, of course, that there is something to be concerned about. We can't deny that certain recent events have been less than encouraging. Take the violence of RadiumOne CEO Gurbaksh Chahal against his partner, or the recent departures of New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson and Le Monde's editor-in-chief Natalie Nougayrède.
Perhaps we'll never know whether Abramson's or Nougrayède's departures denote gender bias. Regardless of the reasons, one thing is obvious: their departures will mean fewer women in positions of power. As many others have asserted, a lack of women in leadership roles means fewer role models for other female employees, and less hope that their talents will be looked at before their gender.
There will be gutsy women who continue to chip away at the glass ceiling, but the point is that it shouldn't simply be up to the ones brave enough to smash it. It should be our talents, experience, dedication to what we do and willingness to work hard that make the difference. We should be willing to fight for our ideas – but we shouldn't have to waste our energy fighting to simply be viewed as more than our gender.
The way to encourage women into an ecosystem that wasn't built to accommodate them isn't to force them to just deal with it. We need to create an environment that supports and welcomes them.
Startup Weekend Women isn't designed to encourage these women to stay inside a safe, female-dominated haven. Nor is it designed to make a huge political statement: to say “we hate men - we don't want them involved”. Rather, it's to acknowledge that it's not always easy.
It empowers them by giving them confidence in their talents, experience and expertise - and by showing that there are other like-minded people out there who support them. It's about empowering a group of individuals whose special insights, points of view and skills are hugely under-represented. Empowering doesn't mean giving them power to overtake: just to participate on an equal footing.
The vibe in the room at Startup Weekend Women was so amazing because a whole room full of people was discovering what it's like for the tension and difficulty to not exist.
From here, they will feel that they're more qualified to participate in the tech and start-up world as a whole. Within the larger ecosystem, however, they now have a smaller microcosm that they can turn to when they need a group of people who just get it. The Startup Weekend Women community, and groups like Ladies of York (founded by women at the York Butter Factory co-working space), play an important role: not to shut men out, but to give women a strong foundation.
Women in tech could be made a less touchy topic simply by eradicating the issue entirely. As a community of innovators who see the world as it could be rather than as it is, that should be easy.
Hannah Duke is coordinating editor at, and a freelancer based at the York Butter Factory. She is on Twitter: @dukeofhannah.