

This was published 14 years ago

A father's love is precious, but bad dads still cause damage


I am surrounded by young fathers and expectant fathers. At the office they come and go from leave spent with their newborns, flashing baby photos, discussing strange new feelings of exhilaration and anxiety. They are redefining father-love. They will know how to plait their daughter's hair, and where the other ballet shoe is hidden. They will know what their son likes to eat and how to cook it. And if the boy falls over and hurts himself when the pair is kicking a ball around, neither will have to call for the mother.

The mothers, as things stand, will end up spending more time with the children. But these fathers are intent on building an intimate relationship of the kind that often eluded fathers and children in the past. It's not intuitive to mothers to know the difference between a cry of hunger and of sadness, or to sense when a child is feeling scared. That knowledge is a product of time spent, attention paid, and hard work. For a range of reasons, mostly to do with gender roles and expectations and work commitments, many fathers have remained outside the intimate circle. It is no wonder young fathers proclaim they want to be different from their own distant dads and are willing to put in the effort.

Compared with the men around me, a startlingly different picture of fathers is painted in a report that landed on my desk - a picture of fathers who used their emotional, physical and psychological power to terrorise their wives and children. These are the fathers who, far from building a strong connection with their children, or developing the competence and patience that parenting requires, inflict trauma on their children through hurting them and/or their mothers. But when the marriage breaks up, these fathers expect to "share the care".

The report, No Way to Live, by the University of Sydney academic Lesley Laing, adds to the mounting evidence that the 2006 changes to the Family Law Act which put greater emphasis on shared parenting, and children's right to maintain a "meaningful relationship with both parents", went too far. The amendments failed to provide the promised protections against abusive parents of either sex. But in essence the changes, pushed by men's groups, were built on an idealistic view of fathering that assumed nearly all fathers are like the young ones in my office.

Partly as a result of the legal changes, and the community's understanding of them, children are being forced into unsafe hands.

The former Family Court judge Richard Chisholm pointed out the deficiencies in the law in a report on family violence commissioned by the federal Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, who has ignored its recommendations. Harder to ignore is an even bigger study of violence and family law on his desk that is also expected to make a strong case for changes.

On top of that, there is the recent Family Law Council's study and a draft report by the Australian Law Reform Commission, all telling the government the same story: the family law system needs to be fixed.

Laing's study is based on interviews with only 22 mothers, but they are exactly the mothers the law is supposed to be flexible enough to help - those who have sought assistance from a domestic violence service. All were going through the family law system to negotiate parenting arrangements. And they were finding everything stacked against them in their effort to protect their children.

First the 2006 legal changes meant that if they raised the matter of the violence, they were in danger of being punished by the court as an "unfriendly" or "alienating" parent unwilling to foster an ongoing relationship between the children and their father. The second barrier was community attitudes that saw such mothers as liars and manipulators. The third barrier was an unco-ordinated system that meant reports of child abuse might go uninvestigated by state authorities if the family was involved in the Family Court.

Since the advent of the single parent benefit and job opportunities for women, mothers have been able to leave violent men, taking their children with them. Now the women can leave, but are being forced to send their children back for part of the week or month. And some mothers expressed a terrible sense of guilt.


It takes a lot for children to reject their parents, so desperate are they for the love of mother and father. That is why in principle it is good for children to spend substantial time with their fathers after marriage breakdown. Most children will do OK even when fathers fall short of being like the paragons at my office and instead, like many mothers, are just good enough.

But what has happened in recent years is children being forced to have a "meaningful relationship" with abusive fathers who have traumatised them, as if time spent together will erase, rather than exacerbate, the children's fears.

Federal Labor has many tests ahead. The angry dads lobby can be just as formidable as the miners. But Labor must not avoid fixing the family law system while it has the chance.

Father love is beautiful to behold. How lucky are the nurturing dads and their children.

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