

This was published 9 years ago

We sort the facts from the government's climate claims

By Tom Arup and Lisa Cox

As the Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Environment Minister Greg Hunt revealed Australia's new climate goal on Tuesday they launched alongside it a barrage of arguments to back their position.

But do these claims stack up? Let's take a look (well at some at least).

Prime Minister Tony Abbott during a joint press conference with Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop at Parliament House in Canberra.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott during a joint press conference with Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop at Parliament House in Canberra.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

CLAIM: Australia's 2030 emissions target (to cut emissions by 26 to 28 per cent on 2005 levels) is in the middle range of international commitments.

Whether this statement is true or not depends on which countries you include in the comparison.

Australia is behind many advanced economies, at least when the targets are compared on 2005 levels.

In absolute emissions terms the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand (among others) come out ahead. But Australia does better than Japan (still dealing with the Fukushima nuclear disaster), Norway and Russia.

In Tuesday's press conference Mr Abbott also named South Korea and China as nations whose targets Australia will be ahead of.

This is true, but also a highly misleading comparison, especially in China's case.


Both Asian nations are traditionally grouped among emerging countries, which tend to announce targets that seek to curb emissions as they continue to economically develop. Rich nations instead push for absolute cuts to emissions.

But of course different targets can be sliced up different ways, which leads us to ...

CLAIM: Australia's target is the highest reduction on a per capita basis.

The government said Australia's target would represent the highest reduction in emissions by a rich country on a per person basis. And on the government's own numbers it comes out on top.

But it depends on the data used for population growth. The government used budget data on Australia's population and UN population data for other countries for its assessment.

Economist Frank Jotzo from the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy said the target implied a halving of emissions per capita over a 25-year span.

He said this put Australia slightly ahead of Canada and the US and well ahead of the EU and Japan.

But Australia is the highest per capita emitter in the developed world and would remain so with this target: "So nothing changes the relativity," Dr Jotzo said.

The Climate Change Authority, when it published its final recommendations for Australia last month, said the government should adopt more ambitious targets with this in mind.

CLAIM: Australia's target is similar to the United States.

This was alluded to by Mr Abbott. And it is wrong.

It is true the US is committed to a 26 to 28 per cent cut to emissions from 2005 levels – the same as Australia. But the US has promised to achieve the cut five years earlier in 2025.

For the two targets to be the same you have to assume the US will make no more cuts to emissions in the second half of the next decade.

If the US continued the pace of emissions reductions it is currently proposing up to 2025, then it would ultimately cut emissions by 41 per cent by 2030, according to the Climate Institute.

CLAIM: Other countries are not on track to meet their current emissions reduction targets.

The government has boasted Australia will meet its 2020 commitment to reduce emissions by 5 per cent on 2000 levels.

Mr Abbott told Parliament on Tuesday Australia was "quite rare" among countries because we are on track to "meet and beat" our targets under the Kyoto protocol.

The government bases its confidence largely on modelling it released earlier this year suggesting Australia's abatement task by 2020 had fallen.

But the Climate Institute questions whether Australia will meet its goal without the purchase of international permits. It says all countries except for Canada, which withdrew from Kyoto, and the US, which never ratified it, will meet their first targets under the agreement.

The EU, Japan, Norway and New Zealand are among the countries that it says are on track to meet 2020 targets, while the US is ramping up its domestic policy to try to achieve its 2020 goal.

CLAIM: Adopting higher targets would cost the economy more.

During the press conference the Prime Minister said government modelling had found the cost to the economy of a 26 per cent reduction in emissions would be between 0.2 and 0.3 per cent of GDP in 2030.

That would equate to $3 billion and $4 billion in current terms, he said.

But achieving a 40 per cent reduction in emissions would be much more expensive, Mr Abbott claimed. Over 2 per cent of GDP in fact, or in the order of $40 billion.

It is so far impossible to test these claims because at time of writing the government had not released the full modelling, though it says ultimately it will.

When the modelling is released one thing to look for is whether these amounts assume the use of the international carbon credits, which are selling for cut-price rates and would lower costs of meeting emissions goals.

And it will be interesting to see whether Mr Abbott compared numbers that both include international credits, or one that did and one that didn't.

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