

This was published 10 years ago

Tony Abbott must eat humble pie to placate Indonesia after spying scandal's sour aftertaste

By Philip Dorling

Tony Abbott should apologise to Indonesia without delay. Even more importantly, he should establish a wide-ranging inquiry, preferably a royal commission, into Australia's intelligence and security agencies.

The Prime Minister needs to do these things to head off major damage not only to our diplomatic ties with Indonesia but also with our other Asian neighbours, which are long-standing Australian intelligence targets.

Faced with highly embarrassing headlines about Australia using its Jakarta embassy to intercept the mobile phones of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife, Abbott and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop have stuck to a well-established script.

Almost ad nauseam they have repeated that the Australian government does not comment on intelligence matters.

Under pressure to reconcile: Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Under pressure to reconcile: Prime Minister Tony Abbott.Credit: Andrew Meares

The Prime Minister appears hopeful that the imbroglio will blow over and, in the longer term, he is certainly correct. But the key question is just how much damage will be suffered in the meantime.

The statements of Yudhoyono and his Foreign Minister, Marty Natalegawa, the withdrawal of Indonesia's ambassador and the warning that Indonesia will review bilateral co-operation and the status of Australian embassy officers in Jakarta all demonstrate the seriousness of the Indonesian government's position.

In the absence of some measure of contrition from Canberra, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service station chief in our Jakarta embassy may need to start packing. Our ambassador to Indonesia might also find himself returning home ahead of schedule.


More seriously, the Abbott government needs Indonesian co-operation on the politically sensitive issue of people smuggling. Australia also has a big stake in co-operation with Indonesia on counter-terrorism and in regional diplomacy, where Jakarta could easily make life very difficult.

In this context, trite statements that all countries collect intelligence really don't cut it.

At a minimum, some form of public apology is required.

Like it or not, Australia has been caught out. This is a price that must be paid.

An apology wouldn't stop Australia's future ability to act to protect its national interests.

Equally seriously, the Australian government must anticipate further revelations from the enormous cache of secret documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.

It is now clear that Snowden's material includes numerous documents relating to Australian intelligence.

In all the drama of the past 24 hours, almost everyone has missed the fact that the document that confirmed the Defence Signals Directorate's targeting of the Indonesian President merely used that as one example of intelligence that could be obtained through access to the new 3G mobile phone networks springing up all across south-east Asia.


Australian officials must now know that their worst-case scenario is likely to play out - a media-led striptease of Australian espionage in east, south-east and south Asia. The diplomatic and political consequences will be felt far and wide.

In these circumstances, the Prime Minister would be well advised to get on the front foot. Clearly the time has come for a comprehensive review, preferably by an independent panel able to cast a critical eye over the dark arts of Australian secret intelligence.

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