

This was published 9 years ago

Someone owes someone an apology

By Michael Gordon

The Moss report is a scathing indictment of the level of care afforded to vulnerable and damaged people who sought protection from Australia after fleeing persecution.The picture it paints is shocking. It reports that detainees do not feel safe, and that their apprehension is exacerbated by over-crowded accommodation in un-air-conditioned tents in a sweltering climate.

Among the most damning findings is that sexual and other assaults have gone un-reported because asylum seekers fear they will be punished in decisions on their refugee status and/or because they have no confidence that anything will be done.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young has won a defamation case against Zoo Weekly.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young has won a defamation case against Zoo Weekly.Credit: Andrew Meares

The biggest question it poses is not covered by the terms of reference for the inquiry by former integrity commissioner Philip Moss: will the implementation of his recommendations ensure that asylum seekers will protected from further harm?

On this there can be little confidence because one of the fundamental flaws remains: the Nauru detention centre, like the one on Manus Island, is extremely difficult for independent agencies to access or monitor.

The lack of accountability inherent in the arrangements with both countries remains, whereby Australian officials deflect questions of responsibility to Nauru, Nauru can avoid giving a response and whistle blowing is forbidden.

When the Human Rights Commission raised alarm about conditions on Nauru in its recent report on children in detention, the government response was to attack the report and the commission's president. With how much vigour will it act on this report?

The report is also vindication for Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who went public with allegations of sexual abuse by security guards at the Nauru centre in September, after raising them with then minister Scott Morrison and receiving no reply.

A few days later, the minister responded by way of a "drop" to Sydney's Daily Telegraph. Under the splash headline "Claims of abuse on island go overboard", the paper reported that a leaked "intelligence report" had found that staff employed by the service provider, Save The Children, had fabricated the stories of sexual abuse.

Now, the Moss report finds no conclusive evidence that the 10 Save The Children employees who were sacked and removed from Nauru in any way actively encouraged protest activity or the fabrication of stories. Someone owes someone an apology.

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