

This was published 9 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull's radical recast leaves an angry rump on the outer

By Michael Gordon

The biggest punt in Malcolm Turnbull's sweeping transformation of the ministry concerns the elevation that everyone predicted, whether or not Tony Abbott stayed as prime minister: that of Scott Morrison to treasurer.

Can the man who appealed so effectively to the worst instincts of the electorate as immigration minister when stopping the boats excel as the preacher of optimism and hope in starting the economy?

But the transformation expected of Morrison is a metaphor for a much bigger project: changing the government's message from one that plays on fear by offering strength and security to one that inspires confidence and hope by offering agility and vision.

Turnbull's main justification for toppling Abbott, aside from the reality of the polls, was to address a failure of economic leadership. Morrison is a populist, a fixer and a capable administrator, but he is untried in this critical area and has a reputation for dropping stories to a Sydney tabloid.

Malcolm Turnbull has taken a punt on Scott Morrison.

Malcolm Turnbull has taken a punt on Scott Morrison.Credit: Andrew Meares

Will his task be easier, or more onerous, by the appointment of Michaelia Cash, a junior minister under Abbott, to the critical Employment portfolio? Business will be asking what her credentials are as an economic or workplace reformer.

To be sure, this is as bold a reshuffle as there has been in recent political history. If the risks are great, so too is the imperative to change the message.

The challenge is all the greater because it isn't just the conversation that has to change, from sloganeering to serious engagement. Hard decisions have to be made unless this is the team Turnbull intends taking to a pre-budget poll, an unlikely prospect.


The aim is to renew the government, recast its priorities and rectify the most glaring deficiency of the one it replaces: the dearth of female representation.

Liberal MP Kevin Andrews is concerned about a Coalition-Greens deal on school funding

Liberal MP Kevin Andrews is concerned about a Coalition-Greens deal on school fundingCredit: Paul Jeffers

Now there are five women in cabinet and the country has its first female defence minister in the capable Marise Payne. There is also a focus on science and innovation: the area Bill Shorten hoped to monopolise in the run-up to the next poll.

The aim is to restore cabinet government to the "gold standard" of the Howard years. To address that task, Arthur Sinodinos, Howard's chief of staff for a decade, is Cabinet Secretary and two key staffers of Peter Costello, Kelly O'Dwyer and Mitch Fifield, are promoted to cabinet.

The biggest danger is that the reshuffle rewards all of Turnbull's key supporters and leaves an active, angry, conservative rump from the Abbott camp on the outer. How will they respond?

Kevin Andrews' graceless expression of disappointment that Turnbull had rejected his "offer" to serve may be a portent to future strife. It isn't ministers who make offers to prime ministers, Kevin. It's the other way around.

The big surprise is that Joe Hockey, who deserved the opportunity to resurrect his standing in a senior cabinet post, is getting out of politics altogether. Don't be surprised if he succeeds another gracious loser in Kim Beazley as ambassador to the United States.


If Andrews' needed a role model when it comes to dealing with disappointment, he need not have looked further than Hockey. But he couldn't wait, or contain his anger, or resist the temptation to send a message to the new leader.

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