

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal leadership spill: five reasons why Malcolm Turnbull will avoid Julia Gillard's curse

By Tom Allard

Julia Gillard's prime ministership, it was often said, was cruelled from the moment she took the job in a lightning coup against Kevin Rudd. Her depiction as as a plotter and a backstabber - a "Lady Macbeth" - lasted throughout her stint as Labor leader.

For this, and other reasons, she never really established her authority as prime minister.

Malcolm Turnbull, however, has carefully watched Gillard's rise and demise. Here's why he should avoid the same fate.

1) Turnbull won't go to an early election.

Former prime ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

Former prime ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.Credit: Scott Barbour

On the night she deposed Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard - extraordinarily and explicitly - queried her own legitimacy.

" I have not been elected prime minister by the Australian people," she said. "And in the coming months I will ask the governor-general to call for a general election so that the Australian people can exercise their birthright to choose their prime minister."

No doubt designed to placate a shocked public about the brutal manner of her elevation, the comments were - for starters - factually incorrect.


Under Australia's parliamentary system, the prime ministership is decided by MPs and senators of the party or coalition of parties that can command a majority in Parliament.

More importantly, the remarks suggested she did not have a rightful hold on the job unless she was returned in a general election. Within a month, a poll was called and a knife-edge result resulted in a hung Parliament.

Gillard, in the end, stayed prime minister after a deal with the Greens and independents but never had the clear public mandate that she said she needed.

In both his comments presaging his challenge and after he toppled Abbott, Turnbull clearly stated he expects to see out the rest of the government's term. He also - pointedly - noted that the prime ministership was the gift of the party room, not the Australian people.

Turnbull won't be repeating the bizarre spectacle of the 2010 election campaign, when Gillard spruiked the record of a Labor government while simultaneously explaining why she had to assassinate the main architect of the government's supposed achievements.

2) Turnbull's ascension was not a shock

In the months leading up to Kevin Rudd's defeat, as rumbles about a leadership change grew, Julia Gillard could not have been clearer that she wouldn't be taking his job.

To suggest otherwise was simply laughable, she said.

Gillard confided she had a better chance of starring opposite Brad Pitt in his next Hollywood blockbuster; or playing full forward for the Bulldogs; or taking a trip to Mars, or circumnavigating the globe, solo, on a yacht, 12 times.

About a month after she made these remarks in a series of interviews, Gillard was prime minister.

Little wonder, the public was taken aback.

Turnbull, by contrast, never issued such denials. Rather, he has said nothing, and through his proxies in the party and the media, let it be known he was ready and willing to take the top job.

Indeed, the member of Wentworth didn't have to say anything. His vaulting ambition - including a well-worn anecdote that he coveted the prime minstership since he was a child - meant the public already knew he desired to become prime minister.

The Rudd coup was conducted with lightening speed. Many Australians were genuinely shocked when they woke to find out Gillard had become PM.

In contrast, the unsuccessful Liberal leadership spill in February conditioned the public to expect a challenge. So, too, did Abbott's persistent unpopularity.

And, of course, Labor's twin leadership coups also massaged public expectations. For better or worse, such challenges are now de rigeur in Australian politics.

3) Turnbull has a vision

The prime minister-designate's post challenge remarks were hardly soaring oratory but they were the Gettysburg address compared to Gillard rhetoric when she became leader.

The reason for the tearing down of Kevin Rudd? A government that has "lost its way" in "some areas". Gillard neither praised nor damned Rudd, and just confused the public.

Gillard all but apologised for her role in the Rudd government's errors. "I take my fair share of responsibility for the Rudd government's record," she said. She was a reluctant draftee who only stood as prime minister because her colleagues insisted she must.

Hardly rousing stuff.

From Turnbull, there was no hint of an apology. There was an endorsement of the Abbott government's "formidable" record but also a direct attack on Abbott's communications skills - "we need advocacy, not slogans".

"Ultimately, the prime minister has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs," he said.

Turnbull framed his leadership challenge in the context of tectonic changes in the global economy that provides both "challenges and opportunities".

Later at his press conference, expanded on the "vision thing", displaying optimism and verve..

"The Australia of the future has to be a nation that is agile, that is innovative, that is creative.

"There has never been a more exciting to be alive than today, and there has never been a more exciting time to be in Australia."

4) Turnbull has Bill Shorten

Tony Abbott ruthlessly exploited Labor's leadership division while opposition leader, hammering the theme daily about a government riven by division and discord. It could not govern itself, let alone the country.

Bill Shorten is - to say the least - hamstrung in replicating Abbott's attack.

The Labor factional warlord played a key role in deposing two Labor leaders, including the one - Gillard - he initially installed, Shorten has no credibility in critiquing the government's instability.

Abbott may have been an unpopular and unsuccessful prime minister but he was a brilliant opposition leader. Disciplined, Abbott's delivered soundbites with the laser-like precision of a tabloid headline writer and usually won the daily news cycle.

There was never any question Abbott would be removed when opposition leader.

Shorten has failed to impress so far. He lacks authenticity with the public, and the overwhelming support of his colleagues. Shorten may, himself, be the subject of leadership speculation should Labor's polling turn south.

5) Tony Abbott is not Kevin Rudd

While Tony Abbott and his government languished in the polls for the best part of 18 months before he was toppled, Rudd was actually ahead in the latest Newspoll when his leadership was sunk.

To be sure, it was a rare favourable bounce after a few months of poor results, but Rudd remained relatively popular. Early in his term, Rudd's personal polling was in the stratosphere.

Moreover, he had won in 2007 with a presidential-style campaign that was all about Kevin. He was a rare creature of the Labor Party, not beholden to the factional warlords. Voters endorsed a Rudd government, not a Labor government.

There was never any cult of personality around Abbott. His victory was built on exposing the frailties of the government and exploiting its infighting. Even at his height, his personal approval ratings were unremarkable.

For months now, public sentiment towards Abbott has been irredeemably hostile, the result of a litany of broken promises, bizarre gaffes and "captain's calls".

Rudd, of course, plotted for his return to the prime ministership from the moment of his defeat, telling supporters on the night he lost that he would be back.

Will Abbott do likewise? Highly unlikely.

His refrain in defence of his leadership that that "we are not Labor" would make any destabilisation the height of hypocrisy.

More importantly, unlike Rudd, Abbott has no reservoir of goodwill with the public from which to springboard back into office.

He is just not that popular.

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