

This was published 8 years ago

Crisis for senators and MPs: no languid holidays on the Riviera this year

By Tony Wright

Travel agents, international airlines and marriage counsellors have called crisis meetings following Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's decision to ruin senators' autumn vacation plans and destroy the northern hemisphere summer for all MPs.

"This has completely buggered up our forecasts for business and first-class seat loadings to France, Italy and Spain," cried a distressed Dudley Junket, head of the Federated Airline Travel and Corporate Annual Tripsters (FATCATs) agency.

"There's gonna be trouble," warned Perce Lypps, of Spouses and Partners of Australia's Sitting Members (SPASM), the Parliament's heavily-subsidised confidential lonely hearts counselling service. "Hasn't Malcolm seen the data on school holidays and domestic discord?"

Mr Turnbull's shock announcement that the expected seven-week break for senators from Parliament is to be cut to a period suitable only for the dry-cleaning of suits and a weekend in Yass before a budget and an election has left major party treasurers in a state of near collapse.

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Lynne Cosgrove seemed very relaxed at the prospect of an early election at Monday's Harmony Day lunch on the Government House lawns.

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Lynne Cosgrove seemed very relaxed at the prospect of an early election at Monday's Harmony Day lunch on the Government House lawns.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Counting their fingers and swiftly-curling toes, the big-party bosses recalled they spent maybe $20 million each, much of it borrowed, during the last election campaign, which covered a mere five weeks.

The Prime Minister's sudden re-making of the calendar had, they shuddered, all but announced the start of a 2016 campaign to culminate with an election on July 2.

Almost 15 weeks!


Lamington cooks, sausage sizzlers and society hosts of the rubber-chicken fundraiser circuit face levels of exhaustion never previously experienced, they forecast

There'll not be a corporate pocket or a union slush-fund with a cent at the bottom of it before this is over, warned campaign veteran Walter "Pork Barrel" Spinster.

"After the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd adventures we're already flat broke," mourned Labor HQ insider Harry Stacker.

"Poor you," said Liberal banker Henry Gouge. "Do you have any idea what that Abbott bounder has done to our liquidity? Why d'you think we turned to Malcolm? Chap's so flush he thinks a budget's a plaything."

Reports that Glenn Lazarus, Jacqui Lambie and even Ricky Muir were seeking panicky reconciliation with their old sponsor Clive Palmer were scotched shortly after unconfirmed reports emerged that Palmer had been heard bellowing "you won't get a nickel out of me, you ingrates"!

The Greens have issued a statement declaring they will make no comment on the grounds that budgets, elections and Senate sittings are all artificial capitalist constructs of a pre-postmodern age, and anyway, their late-lamented balance of power now looks certain to be returned, thanks to that nice Mr Turnbull.

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