By Dan Harrison
The dreaded Medicare co-payment may be gone, but the Abbott government has not abandoned its belief that those who can afford to pay more for their healthcare should do so.
By continuing a freeze on rebate indexation put in place by Labor, the government will slowly reduce the real incomes of bulk-billing GPs over time. Faced with rising costs, doctors will have little option but to bulk-bill more sparingly, charging more patients the full cost of their visit upfront, and leaving them to claim their own rebate from Medicare.
And the freeze applies not just to GP services but all Medicare services, including those delivered by specialists and other practitioners such as physiotherapists. The Australian Medical Association has warned that the interaction of the Medicare schedule with private health insurance no-gap schemes will mean that private health fund members will face out-of-pocket costs for surgery of more than $1000.
In his submission to the Commission of Audit which kickstarted debate about a copayment, Tony Abbott's former advisor Terry Barnes proposed such a freeze to encourage doctors to charge their patients a fee. The government's freeze is expected to save about $1.3 billion – almost twice the amount Barnes predicted his proposal would yield.
While Labor and the Greens see Medicare as a universal system and have no problem with well-off Australians – who contribute more to government revenues through taxation – being bulk-billed, the Coalition is troubled by the historically high rates of bulk-billing. Last year more than 82 per cent of all GP visits, and seven in 10 services delivered to non-concessional patients, were delivered at no charge to the patient.
The Coalition wants to see bulk-billing reserved for the vulnerable. The freeze is a step in that direction, but rather than making the change suddenly and obviously with a rebate cut and a co-payment, the government will accomplish the shift more gradually, in a manner that will be less noticeable.
There must be a better way to protect Medicare. The question is whether Sussan Ley's consultation with doctors and patients can deliver it.