

This was published 10 years ago

Caught red-handed, without an easy fix

By Mark Kenny

Confronted in Parliament with the claim that Australian security agencies had tried to tap phones of the Indonesian leadership, Tony Abbott did the only thing he could do in the circumstances. He played it down, he generalised.

His answer to a Greens' question was an exercise in re-direction, neither openly admitting nor fully denying the story. A Labor prime minister would have done the same.

All countries gather intelligence he contended, but Australia gathers it only to do good, and not just for Australia, but for its friends, of which Indonesia most assuredly, is one.

As mediocre as the logic was, it was the best he (or anyone) could offer the man with whom he has been trying to build personal trust since becoming Prime Minister, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Abbott has put much into the leader-to-leader links. But these efforts have been shredded by public revelations our embassy has been used for an Australian-US eavesdropping operation in Indonesia and now by an essentially indefensible decision to target the personal phones of SBY, his wife and his inner circle.

The public revelations have left SBY feeling used and abused. Not that this is Abbott's fault. It well pre-dates his premiership.

The question that hung in the air on Monday was how materially bad was all of this? Is it substantial or superficial?

Australia's longest-serving foreign minister, Alexander Downer, worried the cost would be significant.


Former intelligence analyst turned independent MP Andrew Wilkie, dismissed any public indignation in Indonesia at present as pre-election ''chest-thumping''.

We didn't have to wait long to see which of the two assessments was the more accurate.

Jakarta's decision to recall its ambassador could not send a clearer signal of the seriousness with which Australia's deceit has been viewed in Indonesia. Understandably, the Indonesians see themselves as double victims. The first crime is the fact of the breach. The second crime is the humiliation of it becoming known.

Abbott is right. All countries gather information, but the first rule in the spy game is don't get caught.

Just as was the case with the WikiLeaks docu-dump, Australia has been caught red-handed courtesy of the security failures of its senior alliance partner, the US.

The information has come to light through Edward Snowden, who is now protected in Russia.

This has raised suspicions that his information is being used for partisan strategic purposes. The claim is that information is being released in a manner designed to do maximum harm to potential weak points in the Western alliance. First came the hammer blow to US-German relations through the revelation of US hacking of Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone. Now we have another hit to Canberra-Jakarta relations.


The challenge for Abbott now is to strike the contrite tone achieved by Barack Obama when he assured Merkel that it would never happen again.

Australia's relationship with its northern neighbour has just hit a serious rough patch. It will take a lot of skill and patience to fix it up.

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