

This was published 10 years ago

Attack tax expenditures. It's where the money is

By Peter Martin

The finance minister is two-thirds right. He says if the government can't balance its books by cutting spending, "the only alternative to balance the books is to increase taxes".

There's only one other option. It's neither an increase in tax nor a cut in spending. It's an attack on tax expenditures, something the committee drawing up next year's tax white paper would have been asked to examine in any event.

Superannuation is Australia's biggest tax expenditure; the tax breaks given to contribution and to the earnings on those contributions when they are in the funds amount to $36 billion a year on Treasury estimates.

Parts of the superannuation industry dispute that total. But however many tens of billions it is, it is climbing as more Australians get pushed into the tax brackets where it makes sense to make use of super's low 15 per cent tax rate to avoid income tax.

Closing just the first of the two super loopholes and taxing contributions to super at the employee's marginal tax rate would save $17.8 billion this financial year and $20.7 billion by 2016-17.

The Murray financial system inquiry found those concessions are directed towards exactly the wrong group of people. Most go to the top 20 per cent of earners, a group that doesn't much increase its already high rate of saving in response. Super tax concessions are likely to change the form of saving for high earners but not its amount.

The Henry tax review suggested axing the concession and replacing it with a uniform tax benefit delivered to the super accounts of high and low income earners alike.

The 50 per cent discount on capital gains tax is worth another $5.4 billion, climbing to $7.6 billion by 2016-17.

The Parliamentary Budget Office believes the standoff with the Senate has put at risk budget measures that will eventually be worth 0.7 per cent of GDP. That's $11 billion in today's dollars. A good look at tax concessions would find it easily.


Peter Martin is economics editor of The Age


Twitter: @1petermartin

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