

This was published 8 years ago

West should learn from Iraq and Libya, says Russian envoy Vladimir Morozov

By David Wroe

Russia's ambassador in Canberra has attacked the West's track record in toppling Middle Eastern dictators as he insisted there must be no "political strings attached" to Syria peace talks.

Ambassador Vladimir Morozov, writing on Monday in an opinion article for Fairfax Media, raised the twin spectres of Iraq and Libya as examples of where the United States, Australia and Europeans countries had erred by forcing out their autocratic rulers.

Vladimir Morozov, Russian ambassador to Australia, says that Bashar al-Assad is a necessary part of negotiations over the future shape of Syria.

Vladimir Morozov, Russian ambassador to Australia, says that Bashar al-Assad is a necessary part of negotiations over the future shape of Syria.Credit: Andrew Meares

"We can remember Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In both cases, it was said that if you remove the dictator, the country will prosper. The result as we can see is quite different," he said.

His remarks came as former defence minister Kevin Andrews used a column in the Australian Financial Review to call on the US and its allies to work with Russia and leave Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in place until a viable alternative emerges.

In remarks echoing those of Moscow's envoy, Mr Andrews said that "we should have learnt by now that removing a dictator without having an achievable plan for a viable alternative leaves a vacuum that enemies like [the Islamic State] will fill".

Russia is an ally of Assad's and has intervened in the country's civil war to prop up the dictator. Moscow is also involved in talks in Vienna with the US and other key nations about finding a political solution to Syria's entrenched violence, which is regarded as a key plank in the campaign against the Islamic State terror group.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who has long called for a pragmatic political solution in Syria that could mean leaving Assad temporarily in place, told Fairfax Media on Friday that "realpolitik" meant both Russia and Iran needed to be at the table for negotiations.

She said it had been "controversial" in June when she first raised the involvement of Iran but time had shown that "no option should be taken off the table".

Referring to the aim of the Vienna talks to hold elections in Syria as soon as 2017, Ms Bishop said that "we should aim for elections to be held as soon as conceivably possible".


Mr Morozov's comments follow Fairfax Media reports that the ambassador had told other international diplomats in Canberra that Moscow would be prepared to see Assad go as part of a compromise over Syria.

But in his Monday article, Mr Morozov said that Assad was a necessary part of negotiations over the future shape of Syria.

"All the forecasts that the people would rise up and oust him never came true. This means one thing: Assad represents the interests of a significant part of Syrian society. So no peaceful solution can be found without his participation."

He added: "I can't agree with the thinking that … [Assad] is behind all misfortune. The terrorist attack in Paris and the Islamic State claiming responsibility for it showed that regardless of whether you are for or against Bashar al-Assad, you are the enemy of the Islamic State. So let's fight IS together."

Debate meanwhile heated up in Canberra on Monday over Australia's military options in the fight against the Islamic State after Mr Andrews used his AFR column to argue that "more is required" including greater use of coalition special forces soldiers.

He said that "a concerted campaign by coalition special forces and related personnel is required to defeat IS".

Justice Minister Michael Keenan said it was good to have a debate about "whoever wants to make a contribution should be welcome to do so".

But he repeated what is now a well-worn line for government ministers that Australia is already "making a very significant contribution" as the second-largest player among the US-led coalition.

"Obviously if other countries would like to step up their contribution to that coalition, then Australia would certainly welcome that," he said.

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