

This was published 10 years ago

We are not like the Gillard government: Tony Abbott defends backdown on race-hate laws

By Latika Bourke

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has declared that he is nothing like the Gillard government in defending his decision to break an election promise to change race-hate laws, saying he is putting the nation’s security first.

Mr Abbott promised News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt before the 2013 election that he would repeal section 18c, which makes it illegal to ''offend'', ''insult'' and ''humiliate'' a person based on their ethnicity.

Tony Abbott confirms he personally told News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt  about the dumping of changes to race-hate laws.

Tony Abbott confirms he personally told News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt about the dumping of changes to race-hate laws.Credit: Andrew Meares

Mr Bolt was found to have breached the law in two columns in 2011.

The Prime Minister revealed on Wednesday that he had personally phoned Bolt to tell him of his decision to drop his repeal plans.

Andrew Bolt has criticised the Prime Minister for taking changes to race-hate laws off the table.

Andrew Bolt has criticised the Prime Minister for taking changes to race-hate laws off the table.Credit: Joe Armao

''I had a conversation with Andrew Bolt yesterday and I explained it was off the table, I knew he would be disappointed,'' he told ABC Radio.

Mr Bolt revealed the backdown on his blog before Mr Abbott made the announcement at a media conference on Tuesday.

Mr Abbott said he had to dump his election promise because the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act had put ethnic communities offside and he needed their support for new counter-terrorism laws being proposed, which he said were a "greater priority''.


''It's [changes to the Racial Discrimination Act] off the table, it's gone, it's disappeared, our intention is to work as effectively as we can with the communities of Australia to ensure we take a Team Australia approach,'' he said.

But he bristled when asked if other key election commitments, including his prized paid parental leave scheme, might also be dumped.

''You're trying to say the current government is as bad as the Gillard government, we're not. We are a government that takes its commitments seriously,'' he said.

Brandis rejects 'right to be a bigot' line cost government its policy

Attorney-General George Brandis said on Wednesday he did not regret opening the debate on the changes to the laws by defending the ''right to be a bigot''.

He rejected criticisms that opening salvo cost the government its policy.

''I don't necessarily accept that [it lost the debate]. It's the obligation of politicians to speak the truth and sometimes to speak the truth brutally,'' he told ABC radio.

''I'm not the sort of politician who is a creature of spin doctors who talks in talking points or mantras. What I said was correct, what I said made the point forcefully.''

An angry Bolt in an interview on radio 2GB on Tuesday night accused the Abbott government of asking Australians to ''assimilate to immigrant values'' and said the decision spells a ''dangerous'' time for Australia.

Bolt went on to say that Mr Abbott's justification was an ''excuse rather than a reason''.

''He announced that he was dumping the free speech changes at a press conference actually called to announce fresh new measures, strong measures against terrorism, people who had been fighting for jihadist groups overseas and would be coming back radicalised and with superior killing knowledge and pose a danger to us,'' Bolt said.

He referenced Mr Abbott's comment that everyone needs to be part of ''team Australia'' when it comes to counter terrorism.

''What he is saying is the very people, the very ethnic groups that would take exception to 18C are the same ones that are, in part, some of them, affected or take offence to the anti-terrorism legislation. To make them feel not picked on he’ll retain laws against free speech,'' Bolt said.

As for who those who might ''feel picked on by terrorism measures'', Bolt identified ''obviously Muslims, jihadists, people from the Middle East''.

''Don't we need a frank debate, more frank than it's been so far, into how the Islamic culture, Muslim culture, how they integrate here? That is a very difficult and dangerous discussion.''


Despite his anger, the News Corp commentator and Bolt Report host said he did not blame Mr Abbott for dumping the 18C changes: "I don’t think politically he had any option."

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