

This was published 8 years ago

Trade unions lash out at PM Malcolm Turnbull's 'myths' about building industry

By Nick Toscano

Trade unions have launched a blistering attack on Malcolm Turnbull, accusing the Prime Minister of pedaling myths about the benefits of resurrecting a Howard-era building industry watchdog.

A July election fought over industrial relations looks likely after the Coalition threatened a double dissolution if the Senate did not agree to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission and establish greater monitoring of union activities.

Labor and the Greens oppose reviving the commission, which was created by the Howard government in 2005 before being abolished in 2012 by Labor. It was replaced with a new industry watchdog with watered-down powers and penalties.

Australia's biggest construction union is fiercely fighting the proposed ABCC reinstatement. Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national construction division secretary Dave Noonan said the Prime Minister was being held hostage by his big business backers and a conservative party room that appeared "obsessed" with slashing workplace rights.

Dave Noonan of the CFMEU says Malcolm Turnbull is hostage to big business and a conservative partyroom.

Dave Noonan of the CFMEU says Malcolm Turnbull is hostage to big business and a conservative partyroom.Credit: Jorge Branco

"These undemocratic and repressive laws help the government with its base, it help them settle the 'Taliban' in the Liberal backbench, and it rewards their mates in the big property developers and construction companies," he said.

"The proposition that this has got anything to do with productivity would make a cat laugh."

Unions are worried about some major changes if the ABCC replaces the existing building watchdog - known as Fair Work Building and Construction. Key differences under the ABCC would include civil penalties for unlawful conduct in the building industry that are dramatically higher than in other industries.


The ABCC would also strengthen the regulator's coercive powers, which are used to compel people to appear for interviews and provide evidence under the threat of jail time if they do not comply. The regulator would no longer be forced to apply to a presidential member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to authorise the use of a coercive notice, but could do so at its will.

The Master Builders Association said the industry was gripped by a culture of lawlessness and that flagrant violations on construction work sites should be a concern to everyone.

"Intimidation and bullying tactics drain critical construction projects of time and money required for the roads, hospitals, aged care facilities and schools on which our community depends," Master Builders Association of Victoria chief Radley de Silva said.

"Something needs to be done to stop this consistent breach of laws. There is no justification for any person to act lawlessly, and if a special organisation is needed to ensure that people behave within the law, then that should be established as a matter of urgency."

Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox says the ABCC and union governance bills need to be passed immediately "The community has an obvious, direct interest in ensuring that the rule of law is upheld in the construction industry and the ABCC bill will create a more effective deterrent against law-breaking in the industry," he said.

Unions have been highly critical of the government's language used in support of the ABCC revival, which has centred on a need to address thuggery and alleged criminal elements of the CFMEU by restoring a "tough cop on the beat". Mr Noonan accused Mr Turnbull of failing to stick to his promise of treating voters as adults through more mature conversations about political reforms.

"Prime Minister Turnbull has tried to justify all of this in terms of corruption and criminality, and that would demonstrate he has walked away from mature debates and is telling lies to the Australian people," Mr Noonan said.

"He knows that the ABCC is an industrial relations regulator - it has got no power to cover criminality at all."

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