

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott says his government will go full term amid speculation of a Malcolm Turnbull coup

By Latika Bourke

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has sought to reassure internal dissidents plotting against his leadership, saying he intends to call an election when one is scheduled next year, and not as early as this month.

Mr Abbott's leadership is under renewed pressure this week, ahead of a crucial byelection in the West Australian seat of Canning on Saturday, which opinion polls show the Liberal party is likely to retain.

But some who want Mr Abbott removed as the Prime Minister, because of his poor performance in the polls and a litany of disastrous Captain's Calls, fear he could call a snap poll after the vote this weekend and before the party room is due to next meet in October.

They point to a tweet by News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch, who after recently meeting with Prime Minister Abbott, called for a snap election.

Leadership rivals: Prime Minister Tony Abbott with cabinet ministers Julie Bishop, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison in Parliament last week.

Leadership rivals: Prime Minister Tony Abbott with cabinet ministers Julie Bishop, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison in Parliament last week. Credit: Andrew Meares

But Mr Abbott on Monday played down the likelihood of an election this year.

"My job is to do what the public elected me to do two years ago and that is to govern effectively every day for three years and then submit myself to the judgement of the people," Mr Abbott told reporters in Adelaide.

"I expect that the government will go to the middle of next year and maybe a bit beyond because that's what we were elected to do three years ago."


Mr Abbott repeatedly dismissed the leadership speculation, which dominated media coverage as "Canberra insider games" that he said he would not play.

"They wouldn't be talking to me": Social Services Minister Scott Morrison on Monday.

"They wouldn't be talking to me": Social Services Minister Scott Morrison on Monday.Credit: Andrew Meares

This is in sharp contrast to his behaviour as opposition leader, when Mr Abbott frequently capitalised on divisions within the Gillard government between former Prime Ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

Former leader Malcolm Turnbull is seen as the frontrunner and only viable contender to replace Mr Abbott. Junior Whip and Tasmanian MP Andrew Nickolic texted Mr Turnbull on Friday morning asking him to rule out running for the leadership but Mr Turnbull refused, saying the best approach when asked about leadership is to say nothing.

This text exchange occurred after an article appeared in News Corp publications detailing a hit list of cabinet ministers set to be sacked in any major reshuffle. Liberals blame the Prime Minister's chief of staff Peta Credlin for the story.

One minister told Fairfax Media it was widely interpreted as the Prime Minister's Office's attempt to allay MPs considering a switch that they don't need to change the leader for a major reshuffle.

Deputy leader and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is widely considered to be have been damaged internally by her handling of the same sex marriage debate, in which she called for a plebiscite. This disappointed moderates who believe she privately supports gay marriage but lacked the political courage to state so publicly, fearing a backlash from the Liberal Party's conservative wing.

Cabinet minister Scott Morrison, who is currently aligned with the conservatives but in the past has been considered a moderate, is also seen as future leader of the party.

It is expected he would be promoted to Treasurer to replace Mr Hockey, who also dismissed leadership speculation as "gossip".

Mr Morrison appeared on Sydney radio 2GB for his weekly chat with host Ray Hadley, a strident critic of Mr Turnbull.

Mr Morrison said he had seen no evidence of Mr Turnbull undermining the Prime Minister and said he was not privy to any plotting that might be going on.

"I haven't seen him doing anything, he hasn't said anything to me," he said.

"I've got no idea mate, because if they were they wouldn't be talking to me," Mr Morrison told host Ray Hadley.

Hadley unleashed another tirade on Mr Turnbull, calling him "smarmy" for "organising a chat with his wife" in a public place where he could be filmed, and unusually, for wearing his collar turned up.

"It is an indication of someone being up themselves," Hadley declared and urged the Member for Wentworth to turn his collar down.

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