

This was published 9 years ago

Smashed, broken or just a table malfunction? Penny Wong, aka Miss Marple, is on the case

By Matthew Knott

It takes a lot to crack Penny Wong – a politician so steely, so on-message, her interviews often have a Mogadon-like effect on those watching.

On Monday the Labor senator did an admirable job stifling giggles as she used Senate estimates hearings to probe what has become known as The Mysterious Case of the Broken Marble Table.

It's a tale fit for an Agatha Christie who-dunnit, and Wong was ready to unleash her inner Miss Marple.

The question at hand: how did a raucous party on the night Tony Abbott lost the prime ministership end with a $600 marble table being smashed into shards.

A photograph of the damaged table.

A photograph of the damaged table.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

To be clear: we're not talking something you can pick up at IKEA. The table in question, made of the finest Italian marble, had been classified "Status A" furniture: "highly crafted and specialised items, often designed in collaboration between the craftspeople and the architects".

The table first came to prominence on the morning after September's leadership spill when South Australian MP Jamie Briggs was spotted being pushed into a Coalition party room meeting in a wheelchair.

Rumours began fluttering around Parliament House like a plague of Bogong moths that Briggs had injured himself while dancing on a marble table.


Not so, Briggs insisted. He had simply hurt his leg on an early-morning run.

Senator Penny Wong says Australia should "not be naive" about the future of our diplomatic relations.

Senator Penny Wong says Australia should "not be naive" about the future of our diplomatic relations.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Under Wong's forensic questioning, Parliament House officials confirmed they had received an "anecdotal report" the table may have been damaged by someone standing or dancing on it.

It took staff three days, however, to inspect the damage because they were blocked from getting into the room.

Senator Cory Bernardi doesn't want GST revenues to go to "wasteful states".

Senator Cory Bernardi doesn't want GST revenues to go to "wasteful states".Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

A whiff of Watergate in her nostrils, Wong stayed on the case.

Where did the fragments of marble end up?

Recent history has been bruising for cabinet minister Jamie Briggs.

Recent history has been bruising for cabinet minister Jamie Briggs. Credit: Andrew Meares

Some cleaners, according to the officials, had reported sighting shards of the table in ministerial offices. As a souvenir of the Abbott era goes, it certainly beats an overpriced tea towel from the Parliament House gift shop.

This revelation displeased Senate President Stephen Parry no end, who said he was concerned the cleaners had breached the "confidentiality" of parliamentarians.

At times the hearings resembled the dazzling high farce of a Noel Coward play.

Liberal senator Dean Smith and Wong clashed over how to refer to the state of the table: Wong liked "smashed", Smith "broken".

Committee chair Cory Bernardi – a leading champion for the watering down of the Racial Discrimination Act – intervened to ask Wong stop using such "inflammatory language".

In an admirable attempt to run interference, Smith asked officials to confirm whether they had checked for "structural weaknesses" in the Parliament House furniture. Senator Bernardi, describing the incident as a "malfunction", asked if there was any "natural weakness in the stone".

As the hearings rose for lunch, the mystery remained unsolved. Still, Wong allowed herself a smile. Canberra insider games get a bad rap, but they can be fun.

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