

This was published 11 years ago

Senior East Timorese minister backs Indonesia's call for spying code of conduct

By Dan Harrison

A senior East Timorese minister has backed Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s call for a code of conduct on spying, questioning whether intelligence gathering by some nations had got out of hand.

East Timor's Minister of State and President of the Council of Ministers Agio Pereira told Fairfax Media that he had been concerned by recent revelations about Australia's spying operations, including that it used its Dili embassy to intercept phone calls and internet data.

President of East Timor's council of ministers, Agio Perreira, has repeated claims Australia bugged his country's leaders.

President of East Timor's council of ministers, Agio Perreira, has repeated claims Australia bugged his country's leaders.

''You do wonder where does this stop,'' he said. Referring to Australia bugging the phone of Dr Yudhoyono's wife, he said: ''When revelations come about recording the first lady of Jakarta . . . you wonder whether it is going too far.''

Mr Pereira said the damage the spying revelations had done to Australia's reputation in the region had been exacerbated by Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s reaction, which had been slow compared to US President Barack Obama's response to allegations US spies might have monitored the phone of German chancellor Angela Merkel.

''The response of Australian leadership to this crisis with Indonesia were not in my view the best,'' he said.

He said while all countries gathered information, ''it is not true that all countries bug the heads of state of other countries'', and East Timor did not eavesdrop. ''You know the old saying that gentlemen don't read other gentlemen’s mail?'' he said.

Mr Pereira said espionage was only acceptable in limited circumstances. ''I think after the cold war, many powerful countries are a bit confused about who are their real enemies.''

He said as a member of the United Nations Security Council and as the chair of the G20 in 2014, Australia should demonstrate leadership on the issue.


''When you want to lead, morality and ethics do play a very relevant role,'' Mr Pereira said.

In April, East Timor launched a challenge under international arbitration to a 2006 treaty between it and Australia on the grounds that Australia spied on it during negotiations. Mr Pereira repeated the spying claims on the ABC's 7.30 report on Wednesday night.

East Timor argues the treaty, which governs how proceeds are shared from oil and gas fields in the Timor Sea, is invalid because Australia did not act in good faith.

An initial hearing is scheduled for December.

Former Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said on Wednesday that it was ''opportunistic'' of the East Timorese to repeat the allegation at this time.

''I have to be a little cynical about this because the East Timorese made this claim months if not years ago and they've just come out and repeated the claim yesterday in order to gain themselves more publicity because of the Indonesia crisis. There’s nothing new about this at all,'' he told ABC radio.

Mr Downer said the East Timorese ultimately wanted to abrogate the treaty governing the sharing of resources from the Timor Sea in order to ensure gas processing occurred in East Timor rather than in Australia or on a floating plant.

East Timor also supports a UN resolution drafted by Germany and Brazil, which calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance.

The UN General Assembly’s third committee, which deals with human rights issues, adopted the resolution by consensus on Tuesday.

Australia, the US, Britain, Canada and New Zealand – known as the Five Eyes surveillance alliance – supported the draft resolution after language that had initially suggested foreign spying could be a human rights violation was weakened to appease them.


The resolution is expected to be put to a vote in the 193-member General Assembly next month.

with Reuters

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