

This was published 8 years ago

MYEFO budget update: Budget deficit projected to reach $37.4 billion in 2015-16

By Mark Kenny and James Massola

The federal budget deficit will blow out by another $26.1 billion over four years, while an Abbott-Hockey pledge of a strong surplus of 1 per cent of GDP by 2023-24 has been quietly benched, according to Treasurer Scott Morrison's first mid-year economic update.

Growth forecasts have also been downgraded in the fiscal snapshot described as "workmanlike" and one that avoids "extreme responses" that could act as a handbrake on household consumption and business investment growth and threaten momentum in the economy.

The budget update leaves open the option of an early March election – a course advocated by some Liberals – but pushes back the prospect of a balanced budget, again, with a surplus now predicted to occur one year later, in 2020-21.

And the budget papers also show that any surplus if it is achieved it would be so fragile that even a small upward movement in interest rates would see the debt servicing costs of the Commonwealth soar, and the budget sink deeper into the red.

Treasurer Scott Morrison has unveiled the latest mid-year budget update.

Treasurer Scott Morrison has unveiled the latest mid-year budget update.Credit: Andrew Meares

The US Reserve is expected to start lifting rates on Thursday after six years at almost zero.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten immediately claimed the update introduced cuts that were "harsher than those of Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey" and that "after two and a half years the budget is going nowhere, the Liberal government have achieved precisely nothing and Australia is going backwards".

Major savings include close to $2 billion in welfare integrity measures, $930 million in changes to family day care, $650 million from discouraging bulk billing for diagnostic services such as pathology, $317 million by capping Green Army environmental projects and $472 million in savings from aged care.


Over the next decade to 2025-26, net debt is now projected to reach $263 billion, rather than the $201 billion projected just six months ago, although net debt at a proportion of economic output is expected to peak in 2017-18 at 18.5 per cent before slowly declining. When it had been less than 13 per cent under Labor, the Abbott-Hockey team branded that a crisis.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

The mid-year economic and fiscal outlook, (MYEFO), shows a $2.3 billion increase in the deficit from the May budget, which is now projected to reach $37.4 billion in 2015-16, up from $35.1 billion projected in Joe Hockey's second budget.

And the picture is bleaker in the following three years, with a $33.7 billion deficit forecast in 2016-17, up from $25.8 billion, and forecast deficits of $23 billion in 2017-18, up from $14.4 billion, and $14.2 billion in 2018-19, up from $6.9 billion.

Growth forecasts have been revised dow from 2.75 per cent to 2.5 per cent in 2015-16, and from 3.25 per cent to 2.75 per cent in 2016-17.

Growth projections in 2017-18 and 2018-19 have also been revised down, from 3.5 per cent to 3 per cent.

Unemployment is forecast to touch 6 per cent in mid-2016 and mid-2017, up from 5.8 per cent in November, but lower than the 6.5 per cent peak previously forecast.

While the budget bottom line has taken a hit since May's federal budget, the government claims to have more than offset the hit to revenue with a net $400 million in savings found.

Mr Morrison said that $400 million was the result of $10.6 billion in savings and $10.2 billion in new spending.

Despite the ballooning deficit and growth downgrade, Mr Morrison insisted Australia's economy was heading in the right direction and that "with growing confidence, strong jobs growth and improving business conditions, Australians know this".

The government had avoided "extreme responses", Mr Morrison said, that would have placed "a handbrake on household consumption and business investment growth and unnecessarily threatened the fresh new momentum emerging in our transitioning economy".

"Alternative responses have consequences," he said, and the revised-down growth forecasts were a "more realistic outlook on domestic growth".

Revenue writedowns totalling $34 billion flow from falling commodity prices and lower company tax receipts, as well as slower wages growth that has led to lower than expected income tax from individuals.

The government's commitment to spending restraint has meant the spending forecast has declined from 25.9 per cent of GDP in 2015-16 to 25.3 per cent of GDP in 2018-19.

Among Australia's major trading partners, China's economy is expected to grow more slowly, but growth in Japan and the United States in particular is expected to strengthen. The EU will remain subdued.

The iron ore price forecast has been cut to $US39 a tonne, down from $US48 a tonne in the 2015-16 budget and way down from the record high of $US180 a tonne in 2011.

That hit to prices is expected to cut about $7 billion from tax receipts over the next four years.

Mr Morrison defended the forecast price, arguing that "at the last budget the treasurer was criticised for having an overly pessimistic view of the iron ore price and today others will make commentaries whether it is too optimistic. It has a three in front of it, I think that's important."

Mr Shorten said the update imposed the "harshest cuts to the people least able to protect themselves", citing cuts to Medicare, diagnostic imaging, cancer treatment and aged care.

"Why is it that the Liberal Party, when in government, their only idea for the future of Australia, when there is a problem of their own making, is to force cuts on to those least able to protect themselves?"

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said the round of welfare compliance measures demonstrated Mr Morrison was a "one-trick pony".

The savings will help pay for new measures such as the government's $1.1 billion innovation statement and the approximately $900 million cost of settling an additional 12,000 Syrian refugees.

This year's MYEFO announcement was held in Perth, partially to allow Finance Minister Mathias Cormann to stay close to his pregnant partner. Within hours of delivering the statement, along with Mr Morrison, Mr Cormann had a real emergency on his hands and had to drop a round of media interviews to be with his wife who unexpectedly went into labour.

2015-16 budget update

  • Budget deficit: $37.4 billion (up from $35.1 billion in the budget)
  • Estimated GDP growth: 2.5 per cent (down from 2.75 per cent in the budget)
  • Unemployment rate: 6 per cent (down from 6.5 per cent in the budget)
  • Employment: Growth rate of 2 per cent (up from 1.5 per cent in the budget)
  • Inflation: 2 per cent (down from 2.5 per cent in the budget)
  • Nominal GDP: 2.75 per cent (down from 3.25 in the budget)
  • Iron ore price: $US39 a tonne (down from $US48 a tonne in the budget)

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