

This was published 8 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull's year of living courageously

By Mark Kenny

Malcolm Turnbull has given himself 12 months to reframe his government, setting course for a policy-heavy budget in May - and possibly outlining a GST increase - and an election to be held not before September of 2016.

The moves will set the stage for an extended lead-up to the election which can already be seen as a battle of ideas over taxation, with Labor strongly opposed to a GST increase and the government arguing it can be made fair and could facilitate a lower company tax regime or other incentive-destroying costs for business.

Reviving memories of Julia Gillard's unorthodox declaration of an election date some eight months in advance in early 2013, Mr Turnbull has all but named the date for the next general election as "September-October" 2016 - quashing feverish speculation of a February-March double-dissolution poll.

"We will be going to an election next year, expecting it to be about this time, perhaps October, [because] November is getting a bit late," he said in Sydney.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has suggested the next federal election won't be held until at least September.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has suggested the next federal election won't be held until at least September.Credit: Andrew Meares

"I would say around September-October next year is when you should expect the next election to be."

The indication comes as the new Prime Minister continues the process of reshaping the Coalition government from the ground up, simultaneously inviting a broad public debate about tax reform while blithely casting aside one of Tony Abbott's most ridiculed initiatives, the appointment of knights and dames within the Australian honours system.

In blunt terms and leaving little room for misunderstanding, the former head of the Australian Republic Movement was scathing, characterising the pro-monarchy Abbott system as anachronistic and out of tune with a modern Australia.


"The cabinet recently considered the Order of Australia, in this its 40th anniversary year, and agreed that knights and dames are not appropriate in our modern honours system," he said.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding

That frank dismissal also coincided with a renewed policy debate around the 10 per cent goods and services tax with government ministers determined not to close off the possibility of an increase to 15 per cent despite the potential for a scare campaign.

"The tax system also has got to work in a modern way ... it has to encourage businesses to take on new staff, and so forth," Mr Turnbull said.

"I think it's really important that we get lots of ideas out there and lots of discussion, but it's premature to say that the government has landed on one particular change or another.

"But ... any changes to the tax system have got to be ones that ensure that there is no disadvantage to the most vulnerable Australians, to less well-off Australians."

While changes to the consumption tax will be bitterly opposed by Labor, reform that was previously regarded as impossible now appears to be inching closer with state governments, whose support is required if change is to be achieved, indicating some room for discussion.

Labor states are the most problematic with both Victoria and Queensland strongly opposed to an increase, however there are suggestions both of those premiers would respect a GST-reform mandate for the Turnbull government if it were to be returned at the next election.

Speaking during a school visit in Sydney, Mr Turnbull expanded on the reason his government had now scrapped knighthoods that had only just reintroduced.

"Her Majesty has agreed to amend the letters patent, which is essentially the rules of the Order of Australia, and this reflects modern Australia, knights and dames are titles that are really anachronistic, out of date, not appropriate, in 2015, in Australia," he said.

The "captain's pick" decision by then prime minister Mr Abbott in July 2014 to reintroduce the British title brought ridicule and condemnation on the government at the time. But that escalated to open contempt in January this year when one of the first recipients of the new knighthood was the Queen's husband, Prince Phillip.

Within a matter of days, Mr Abbott was faced with internal rebellion and only narrowly survived a spill motion supported by more than half of the backbench - a victory achieved by reminding ministers that they were bound to support the leader or submit their resignations.

Ultimately, it was the beginning of the end because by August, the six months' grace Mr Abbott sought and gained from colleagues was seen to have passed without the required internal changes and without any marked improvement in the government's parlous standing with voters.

Under intense pressure at the time - much of it from conservative commentators and fellow Liberals - Mr Abbott had defended his knighthood for the 93-year old Prince Phillip on the grounds of his "contribution to Australia throughout the Queen's 62-year reign".

Social media commentary was scathing, leading to one of Mr Abbott's signature reductions as he called it "electronic graffiti".

"Social media is kind of like electronic graffiti and I think that in the media, you make a big mistake to pay too much attention to social media," he had said.

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