

This was published 8 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull recalls Parliament for April 18 sitting ahead of early election

By Matthew Knott

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced he will bring the budget forward a week, setting the scene for a rare double dissolution election on July 2 unless the Senate passes laws to reintroduce the construction industry watchdog.

In a snap press conference at Parliament House on Monday, Mr Turnbull said he had received permission from Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove to recall both houses of Parliament on April 18. The government will try to pass a bill restoring the Australian Building and Construction Commission and a separate bill, already rejected twice by the Senate, toughening standards for union governance.

If the government's bills are not passed, Mr Turnbull will call a double dissolution election - the first since 1987.

To avoid claims the government is rushing its bills through Parliament, both houses will sit for an additional three weeks before the budget. The focus will be on the Senate, which has stymied much of the government's agenda.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ahead of the surprise announcement in Canberra.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ahead of the surprise announcement in Canberra.Credit: Andrew Meares

The budget will now be delivered on May 3, a week earlier than the scheduled date of May 10. This would allow the government to pass its budget supply bills over the next week before heading into an unusually long eight-week election campaign.

Even though the government has other triggers available, Mr Turnbull said he would not call a double dissolution election if the Senate passes the ABCC and Registered Organisations bills.

"The time for playing games is over," Mr Turnbull said.


"Today, I called upon His Excellency the Governor-General to advise him to recall both Houses of Parliament on April 18, to consider and pass the Australian Building and Construction Commission Bills and the Registered Organisations Bill, and he has made a proclamation to that effect.

"I make no apology for interrupting senators' seven-week break to bring them back to deal with this legislation.

"This is an opportunity for the Senate to do its job of legislating rather than filibustering.

"The go-slows and obstruction by Labor and the Greens on this key legislation must end."

Mr Turnbull said the Coalition would campaign on its plan to improve union governance, its innovation agenda, competition policy and forthcoming policies to boost jobs and economic growth. Opposition to Labor's plan to limit negative gearing would also be at the centre of the government's campaign, he said.

Attorney-General George Brandis,QC, wrote to Governor-General Peter Cosgrove on Monday to assure him that recalling Parliament for an April session was "soundly based in constitutional law and well supported by a large and uniform body of constitutional precedents."

He listed 28 times when previous governors-general had terminated, then recalled a parliamentary session, dating back to 1902.

"It would therefore be clearly within your constitutional power and consistent with your duty for you to make the Proclamation which the Prime Minister has advised you to make, proroguing and appointing a time for the next session of the Parliament."

Senator Brandis told Sky News that the Governor-General was given "sufficient time" to consider whether to recall Parliament on Monday morning.

At a double dissolution election, all senators are up for re-election. Calling such an election would allow the government to take advantage of new Senate voting laws that will make it harder for minor parties - including most of the current crossbench senators - to be elected.

An hour before Mr Turnbull's press conference, Treasurer Scott Morrison replied "May 10, May 10" when asked during a radio interview when the budget would be.

"We are preparing for May 10," he told 2GB's Ray Hadley. "I can't be clearer than that."

Mr Morrison later said he had been informed of the decision to hold the budget early during a cabinet meeting at 10am. He said an election would be fought on which party can best support the Australian economy during the transition from the mining boom.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said: "Today Mr Turnbull has decided to put his own future ahead of Australia's future.

"Today Australians have seen a PM in full panic mode.

"There can be no better demonstration of the chaos at the heat of this dysfunctional and divided Government than the fact that the Treasurer of Australia thought that the Budget was going to be on a different day to his PM."

Mr Shorten said Labor would fight an election campaign on health, education, renewable energy and housing affordability - all issues Mr Turnbull did not discuss at his morning press conference.

Independent senator Glenn Lazarus dismissed the government's policies as "garbage" and said he would not vote for the restoration of the ABCC unless the government created a federal Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

"Roll up your sleeves Malcolm and get some decent legislation in that will benefit everyone, not just the big end of town."

Independent senator Nick Xenophon predicted the ABCC debate could be "even uglier" than last week's overnight debate on Senate voting reforms. He said he would seek his own advice on the recall of Parliament.

Key dates

April 18: Both houses return for three weeks as government tries to pass its ABCC and Registered Organisations bills. If they are not passed, the government will call a double dissolution election.

May 3: The budget is released, a week earlier than scheduled.

May 11: The last day Malcolm Turnbull can call a double dissolution election.

July 2: The date a double dissolution election would be held.

With Jane Lee

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