

This was published 9 years ago

Malcolm Fraser dead: SBS, pho and Parliament House, what Malcolm Fraser did for you

By Dan Harrison and Fergus Hunter


Fans of the Tour de France, the world game and cinema from places other than Hollywood owe a debt of gratitude to Malcolm Fraser. In 1977 he established the Special Broadcasting Service to provide multilingual radio and television services. Since leaving office he was a staunch public defender of the multicultural broadcaster against funding cuts and threats of a merger with the ABC.

Aboriginal Land Rights

Gough Whitlam may have laid the groundwork for Aboriginal Land Rights, but it was during Fraser's prime ministership that Parliament passed legislation (an amended version of legislation drafted by Labor) to deliver land rights to Indigenous people in the Northern Territory.

Parliament House in Canberra. Malcolm Fraser's government oversaw a design competition for the new building.

Parliament House in Canberra. Malcolm Fraser's government oversaw a design competition for the new building.Credit: Rob Homer


Fraser welcomed the arrival of 200,000 migrants from Asian countries, including nearly 56,000 Vietnamese refugees. He also put in place policies to grant entry to more than 2000 Vietnamese "boat people" who reached Australia's northern coast without documentation or official permission. Fraser's immigration advisor, Petro Georgiou, said that it was the arrival of these Vietnamese refugees that made Australia's migrant intake multiracial. "It was under [Fraser's] management that Australia first confronted the real consequences of abolishing the White Australia policy," he told the National Archives.



A strident opponent of apartheid, Fraser played a leading role in Commonwealth efforts to encourage reform in South Africa. He was also played a prominent role in international efforts to end racial war in the former British colony of Rhodesia, allowing elections to be held and Zimbabwe to be established as an independent nation under black rule.

Environmental protection

Some of Australia's most precious environmental assets have endured thanks to Fraser's foresight. He ended sand mining on Fraser Island, proclaimed Kakadu National Park, banned exploration and drilling for petroleum on the Great Barrier Reef, and declared the first stage of the Great Barrier Reef marine park. Under Fraser's leadership, whaling ended in Australia, and Australia joined other nations lobbying for an international ban on the practice. His government also signed conventions against trading endangered species, on the conservation of seals in Antarctica, and on the importance of wetlands.

Parliament House

Under Fraser's leadership, parliament approved the building of a new, permanent Parliament House on Capital Hill. Fraser's government oversaw a design competition which led to the New York-based architectural firm Mitchell/Giurgola being chosen as the winner. Italian-born architect Romaldo Giurgola, who directed the on-site work, said his design was intended to "nest with the hill [and] symbolically rise out of the Australian landscape, as true democracy rises from the state of things". The building was opened by the Queen in 1988.

Battling tax evasion

"Bottom of the harbour" tax avoidance schemes were outlawed by Fraser's government. Under the schemes, a company would be stripped of its assets and profits before its tax fell due, leaving it unable to pay. The company would then be sent metaphorically to the "bottom of the harbour" by transferring it into the name of someone of limited means, and company records would commonly be lost. The Fraser government's response to the problem followed a report from the Costigan Royal Commission into the affairs of the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union, but its approach, particularly its use of retrospective legislation, attracted strong opposition including from sections of the Coalition.

Human Rights Commission

Fraser's Liberal successors may not wish to thank him for it, but it was under his watch that the Australian Human Rights Commission was established to promote and protect human rights in line with the international human rights instruments Australia had ratified. Since leaving office, Fraser was outspoken in defence of the human rights of asylum seekers and indigenous people, and was critical of post-September 11 laws which eroded individual liberties and handed greater powers to police and intelligence agencies. "It is a sobering though that in recent times, freedoms hard won through centuries of struggle … have been whittled away," he wrote in a 2012 foreword for The Journal Jurisprudence. In 2000, the Commission awarded Fraser Australia's human rights medal for his contribution to the advancement of human rights in Australia and internationally.

Government integrity

In 1982 Fraser introduced Australia's first freedom of information laws, establishing for the public a legally enforcable right to access information held by ministers and officials. His government also established the Commonwealth Ombudsman, to investigate and resolve disuputes between citizens and government. To set up the office, Fraser revived a Labor bill that had failed to pass the upper house. Fraser said the purpose of the ombudsman was to ensure "the departments and authorities are responsible, adaptive and sensitive to the needs of citizens". The first Commonwealth Ombudsman started work in July 1977. Since then, the office has received hundreds of thousands of complaints and delivered countless reports to recommend improvements to public administration.

Reform of the courts

Fraser oversaw the establishment of the Federal Court, which took in the previous responsibilities of the Industrial Court and Bankruptcy Court and heard appeals from state and territory courts. Fraser abolished appeals to the Privy Council, making the High Court of Australia the final court of appeal. His government also created the Family Court of Australia to handle matters such as divorce, child support and marriage-related property issues.

The referendum of 1977

Three of four proposals in Fraser's May 1977 referendum were passed and brought important changes to the way Australia was governed. The successful proposals concerned the filling of Senate casual vacancies, giving ACT and NT residents the right to vote in constitutional elections, and retirement of federal judges. The fourth, failed proposal sought to introduce simultaneous elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives. Linked to the chaos of the 1975 constitutional crisis, the changes to the Senate casual vacancies meant that incoming senators had to be from the same party as the person they were replacing and that they had to serve out their full term. Changes to the tenure of federal judges meant they were forced to retire at 70 rather than serving life terms.

Self-government for the Northern Territory

It was under Fraser, in 1978, that the Northern Territory's current form of self-government was granted. Before that it had gone through stages as a part of South Australia and then a territory of the Commonwealth, without a parliament and the power to make any laws for itself until 1947. The final push for more independence from the Commonwealth was spurred on by the tragedy of Cyclone Tracy and Fraser said he felt "the time had come". In fact, Fraser also claimed he wanted statehood for the Territory although this never materialised.

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