

This was published 8 years ago

France pushing for greater military effort against Islamic State: ambassador

By David Wroe

France is pushing for coalition partners in Iraq and Syria, including Australia, to step up their military contributions to the fight against the Islamic State terror group, the country's envoy in Canberra has said.

French President Francois Hollande has embarked on a series of high level international meetings including in Washington and Moscow to drum up support for a stronger coalition against the militants in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Ambassador Christophe Lecourtier told Fairfax Media that while Australia had been providing the second-largest contribution to the coalition after the US, there would be a series of discussions about what more all the players could do.

Mr Hollande would discuss the issue with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the Paris climate change talks next week, he said.

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek greets Lecourtier on his visit to Parliament ten days after the Paris attacks of November 2015.

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek greets Lecourtier on his visit to Parliament ten days after the Paris attacks of November 2015. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"We need more co-operation, more support and a bigger burden-sharing with our allies, first Europeans but also obviously countries that since the very beginning shared the same views on terrorism," Mr Lecourtier said.

"We do think that if we do not act, one day or another they will strike directly in other cities exactly as they did in Paris.

"My president has also spoken during the weekend with Prime Minister Turnbull, so he is absolutely part of these talks and [Mr Hollande] will see him in about one week at the Paris conference on climate change."


His comments came as Mr Turnbull returned from an 11-day overseas trip during which the Paris attacks happened, sending shockwaves around the world.

On Monday morning, the national security committee of cabinet held its first face-to-face meeting in Canberra since the attacks, after which Mr Turnbull played down the prospect of any international ground force in the Middle East.

"I know that many people, here and in the United States, have argued that America and its allies should dispatch a large expeditionary force to conquer and hold the ISIL-controlled areas in much the same way that Iraq was conquered and occupied in 2003," he said.

"That is not the policy of the United States government or of any of the coalition partners and it is unrealistic for Australia to embark on any military operations in that region other than in partnership with our allies."

The Australian Defence Force has six fighter planes carrying out airstrikes supported by 250 personnel while another 300 Army troops and about 90 special forces soldiers are training and advising in Iraq. By contrast several European countries have only about 100 or fewer forces involved.

Mr Lecourtier said France would likely overtake Australia's contribution as it began flying bombing raids from its aircraft carrier in the eastern Mediterranean, expected to start on Monday night.

He said the Paris climate talks would send "a more positive message of civilisation of international community" in the wake of the terror attacks that killed at least 130 people.

France maintains its view that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad had "too much blood on his hands" and would have to leave power through a transitional period.

"For France, the question is still not if Assad must go but how and when," he said.

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