

This was published 8 years ago

Federal Opposition leader Bill Shorten hopes to win back voters, town hall by town hall: "I never give up. I don't and I won't"

By Deborah Snow

It's a sultry November Saturday morning at the bowls club in Wynnum, an outer Brisbane suburb on the shores of Moreton Bay, and the locals are working up a sweat waiting for the federal Opposition leader Bill Shorten.

Suddenly there's an urgent announcement: "people, don't walk on the greens!"

Bill Shorten’s proposed road show has raised eyebrows among ALP insiders, concerned it’s an inadequate response to his poor 14 per cent preferred PM rating.

Bill Shorten’s proposed road show has raised eyebrows among ALP insiders, concerned it’s an inadequate response to his poor 14 per cent preferred PM rating. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"If we can't walk on the Greens, how about the LNP?" someone shouts, to general laughter. It turns out to be the best joke of the morning.

Shorten arrives soon afterwards with a small team in a Tarago and takes unscripted questions from the floor for an hour and a half, ranging effortlessly across all the big federal policy issues and a smattering of local ones besides. He's relaxed, has an answer for everything and holds their attention throughout – but the meeting doesn't exactly catch fire.

Time out ... Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Time out ... Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

This is not a politician inclined to "throw the switch to vaudeville", in Paul Keating's immortal phrase.

David Marr, author of this year's incisive Quarterly Essay on Shorten, told a Sydney audience recently that the Opposition leader – a consummate deal-maker who climbed to the top of the powerful Australian Workers Union before entering Parliament – would do better if he stopped trying to be "nice" in public and let his inner mongrel show more often. "Stop looking like a visitor in the world you want to dominate" was Marr's advice.

But Shorten isn't keen on the idea. "I don't think people need to see mongrel in their politicians" he says, though conceding a need to "broaden the repertory of what I do and how I communicate".

Spilling out of the bowlo afterwards, a number of locals say they're more impressed than they expected to be – "he's better than he comes across on TV". A few disagree. Wynnum resident Jill, 60, complains that he lacks a leader's "gravitas". She tells me she will keep voting Labor at the state level but wants to "see what Malcolm will do" in Canberra.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has already declared all out war on any increase in the GST.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has already declared all out war on any increase in the GST.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

And that cuts to the nub of Shorten's huge problem – the juggernaut that is Malcolm Turnbull. Despite the Turnbull government losing some of its lustre after the Mal Brough imbroglio and the party games of Ian Macfarlane, this week's Newspoll takes Shorten to new depths.

Only 14 per cent of respondents rated him preferred prime minister, a record-equal low in the poll's history for a Labor leader, and a stunning fall from February when Shorten out-rated Tony Abbott 48 per cent to Abbott's 30.

Shorten's answer is to intensify a program of "town-hall" style meetings like the one at Wynnum, "40 to 50 " of them he says, to be rolled out across the country in the next 12 months.

Wynnum is an attractive target. It's part of the federal seat of Bonner, won by Labor in 2007 but in Liberal hands ever since.

I never give up. I don't and I won't

Bill Shorten, federal Opposition leader

Yet not all in the party are convinced an ambitious program of town-hall tours is the best way for the Opposition leader to spend precious time in a busy federal election year. "If the election is in September, and he says he will do 40 by then, then that has to be one a week. He won't stick to that, it's ridiculous" says one senior ALP source. "It's not a strategy to win the election."

But Shorten says the more he exposes himself directly to voters, the more traction he'll gain. "You don't win elections sitting in offices and doing interviews on Sky News."

He says he discovered a liking for the "town hall" format after doing a solo spot on ABC TV's Q&A with Tony Jones in his home state of Victoria in September.

"It [Q&A] went well, and I thought, oh, a longer form of discussion would suit me, you know, people say don't speak in 15 second grabs, don't be too scripted."

Media indifference, outright hostility in the Murdoch camp, Turnbull's soaring popularity – these are things he can't directly control. "So therefore I've got to work on how I'm selling what I'm selling. What I like about these town hall forums, it's much more American primary style, you're going out to the battleground electorates and just talking to directly to people ... I'm most comfortable when I'm doing that."

The Bill Shorten road show then? "Ah well, Harry Truman in '48," he replies. "Everyone wrote Truman off and he did this whistlestop tour ... and look what happened." (Truman won).

He brushes off suggestions that he wouldn't be human if he wasn't quietly despairing over the poll figures.

"I don't take it personally, I genuinely don't," he says. Nor, he insists, is there a level to which the numbers might sink where he would feel morally obliged to step down.

"I never give up. I never give up. I don't and I won't."

That refrain will be familiar to anyone who's read Shorten's 2007 maiden speech, where he said all the earlier lessons of his life – from school, university, his family and union days – could be "distilled into one phrase: never give up".

But scientist and climate guru Tim Flannery – with whom he's formed a friendship over the last decade – says: "I think he is facing an incredibly difficult time at the moment. I can only imagine what it would mean personally to go from leading to [14 per cent] ... But one of the things about Bill, he performs best when he is right up against the wall."

Many inside the parliamentary press gallery are convinced Shorten won't last as leader until the next election. But outwardly Labor's movers and shakers are holding ranks.

Frontbencher Gary Gray, a formidable one-time ALP national secretary, says "the polling is irrelevant to me. I can remember when Howard was Mr 17 per cent, and when Turnbull was in complete disarray. This is what happens in politics".

Shorten, he says, is "showing all the hallmarks of the best that there is in political leadership, and that is the combination of a powerful sense of purpose, and ability to align his team".

"He has been an incredibly powerful force for stabilising the the internal structures of the party, and for ensuring that the future talent pool is supported, nurtured and encouraged."

Another Labor insider says "there is no value, no joy, in rolling another Labor leader because of the polls. In any case, there is a view that if he is not given a clean shot [at the election] he will probably try and claim one at some point down the track".

Turnbull's very invincibility (for now) in the polls is also a powerful dampener on the appetite of any potential challenger. With the exception of Anthony Albanese, no one else on the Labor front bench is yet fully formed as an alternate leader and who in their right mind, another insider asks, would want to take Turnbull on at this juncture? Besides which, Shorten is a seasoned and skilled backroom fighter.

"The big plus for him is that no one is agitating," this source says. "But if it gets so bad, then who knows."

Shorten says he's had "outstanding" support from the party, and is careful to portray this as the fruit of "the hard work of a lot of people".

"I don't think even my harshest critics would say anything other than we are a lot more united."

But that also owes much to the discipline of his colleagues. As one old Labor hand points out, "unity also comes from restraint on the part of people who, across the board, have just dug in and got on with the job".

Shorten promised that 2015 would be the year of "ideas" and has released a slew of policy announcements to back that up, though some party stalwarts grumble that there's often not sufficient follow-up before he moves on to the next "thing".

An example is his plan to explore the feasibility of extending the vote to 16 and 17 year olds, announced to an ALP youth conference six weeks ago. Since then there has been almost no public mention of it again. Sources say it did not go to the shadow front bench for clearance, nor to the shadow minister for electoral matters (Gray) though it was workshopped with shadow parliamentary secretary for youth affairs, Sam Dastyari.

"Have you seen any follow up from us? anything at all?" asks one bemused party insider. "The weakness is the lack of a medium and long term strategy."

Shorten brushes this off. He says the plan did go to his senior leadership group and that Dastyari is pursuing it as part of a "youth engagement strategy" which "we'll take to the next level if there is a good level of interest". Recently he has ratcheted up the rhetoric on climate change, making a substantial speech to the Lowy Institute in Sydney before flying out to observe the Paris summit for a week earlier this month.

Excoriating Turnbull's failure to drag the coalition into more meaningful action, Shorten invoked his own recent visit to the Pacific to warn that "paradise is drowning" amid "a crisis unprecedented in human history".

Flannery believes Shorten is genuine on the issue – the two have been talking since Shorten invited him to address an Australian Workers Union meeting in 2006, when Shorten was still the union's national secretary.

Other policies Shorten has released include a crackdown on multinational tax avoidance and superannuation perks for high income earners, reinvigorating the battered TAFE sector, major incentives for students to take on university STEM courses (science, tech, engineering and maths), stronger union governance, domestic violence and Indigenous justice initiatives and a 50 per cent Renewable Energy Target by 2030. And of course, all-out war on any increase in the GST. But one of the toughest tests for a Labor leader lies ahead: reducing union influence in choosing MPs.

"We have to move to greater local say in Senate preselections," he says, though he won't be pinned down on when.

The danger for Shorten is that he and Turnbull are both pitching for the middle ground in politics, meaning the government could "eat his lunch" on some policy issues, as Turnbull effectively did this week on innovation.

Shorten, ever the stoic, insists the tinsel will soon start unravelling on Turnbull's tree: "The government is on an extended honeymoon with Malcolm but he simply hasn't faced any real economic tests yet. Every ten dollars that the iron ore price falls off is $10 billion off the bottom line – I want to hear them talk more about the hard stuff."

In the meantime, the polls are threatening to serve the Opposition leader with plenty of "hard stuff" of his own to deal with.

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