

This was published 9 years ago

Bill Shorten offers an olive branch over company tax for small business

By Mark Kenny

Bill Shorten has proposed working with the Abbott government to dramatically reduce the rate of company tax for small businesses, dropping it from its current rate of 30 cents in the dollar to the 28.5 cents proposed by the government, and then down to 25 cents after that.

But he has acknowledged it presents challenges to the revenue take in overall terms as well as from an equity standpoint and may need to be phased in over more than one term.

The 1.5-cent cut has already cost the budget $3.3 billion so more than tripling the cut would be expensive.

The offer, a rare outbreak of bipartisanship in Australia's conflict-riven Parliament, would be an advance on the other tax breaks offered to businesses with annual turnover lower than $2 million, such as the instant asset write off, and presents the possibility of genuine and meaningful tax relief for the sector regarded as a key driver of employment and opportunity.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.Credit: Andrew Meares

"I invite you to work with me on a fair and fiscally responsible plan to reduce the tax rate for Australian small business from 30 to 25 per cent, not a 1.5 per cent cut, a 5 per cent cut," Mr Shorten said.

"That's the future. That's real confidence."

With early election speculation continuing in Canberra on the back of the Abbott government's softer second budget, the Labor leader used his official budget reply speech to put forward a mixture of criticism, co-operation, and creativity. But he did not duck the chance to speak directly to the nation's lounge rooms either, slamming the budget as a missed opportunity for the nation, while flagging support for some government savings measures and unveiling his own initiatives.


"The 2015 budget has neither the qualities, nor the priorities of the Australian people," Mr Shorten told Parliament.

<i>Illustration: Cathy Wilcox</i>

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

"The test for this budget was to plan for the future: to lift productivity, to create jobs, to boost investment, to turbo-charge confidence for the years and decades ahead - to restore hope.

"But this budget fails every test, it is a hoax, a mirage, a smokescreen."

He said the budget had been built on unrealistic hopes for growth in employment and on unfair cuts constituting a "trifecta of indecencies".

"One, the repackaging of last year's unfairness: cuts to hospitals, schools, universities and family support; two, relying on bracket creep to increase taxation by stealth; and three, their unconscionable attack upon the states."

But his harshest criticisms were directed squarely at Tony Abbott after the Prime Minister ditched his "Rolls-Royce" paid parental leave scheme and then moved to reduce entitlements availiable to new mothers.

"In just one year, this Prime Minister has gone from the staunchest defender of paid parental leave, to vilifying tens of thousands of women who rely upon it," he said.

"From praising 'women of calibre' to demonising 'rorters' and 'frauds' – that's how quickly and viciously this Prime Minister reverts to type on women in the workplace."

The budget, he said, had "missed the main game – the challenge that will define life in the 2020s".

Under Mr Shorten's alternative plan, university degrees in maths, engineering, science and technology would become free for 100,000 students under a future Labor government, which would also include computer coding in the national school curriculum, put up half a billion dollars for a new "smart investment fund" and create a new body called "Start-Up" to ease loan applications for new and prospective businesses struggling for capital.

The Shorten formula had a heavy emphasis on skills and education, including the specialised university degree proposal, which would refund course fees upon completion, and the smart investment fund which would see government co-invest with the private sector in high tech companies considered to be of high potential.

Mr Shorten's proposal would make computer coding available in every primary and secondary Australian school within five years in a change similar to a scheme already introduced in Britain.

University graduates of so-called STEM courses - science technology, engineering, mathematics - would not only receive their fees back but would then have access to 25,000 teacher scholarships to encourage them to become STEM teachers.

Describing computer coding as "the literacy of the 21st century", Mr Shorten said "digital technologies, computer science and coding – the language of computers and technology - should be taught in every primary and secondary school in Australia".

A future Labor government would also see the power and influence of Infrastructure Australia beefed up through legislation to make it fully independent of the government - like the Reserve Bank - and give it genuine power to act as broker in achieving the best price for asset construction.

Mr Shorten's address, which followed the budget by two days, comes as the first signs of recovery appear for the government - a morale boost for Liberal MPs based on anecdotal feedback in electorate offices and commentary, supported by a small lift in its support in the wider electorate.

A nationwide Seven News ReachTel poll of 3,180 residents taken on Wednesday evening found the government still trailing Labor decisively by 47 per cent to 53 per cent - but that was a minor improvement on the April number of 46/54.

However, on other indices, the numbers were slightly more encouraging, with fewer people marking Tony Abbott's performance as either poor or very poor than last month, although 50 per cent are still unconvinced of his suitability as leader.

Seventy per cent of voters said they would be the same or better off one night after the budget.

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