

This was published 9 years ago

ACTU dismisses royal commission findings as a 'blatant political exercise'

By Clay Lucas

The union movement has roundly rejected the findings of the royal commission into trade unions, with ACTU secretary Dave Oliver branding the inquiry a blatant political stitch-up.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Oliver said the royal commission was not about finding out about potential corruption.

"The royal commission was always about prosecuting an ideological, partisan agenda," Mr Oliver told reporters.

He said it was "no coincidence" that the report had been released soon after the Productivity Commission had released its report recommending Sunday penalty rates for cafe, restaurant, entertainment and retail workers be lowered to the same level as Saturday penalty rates.

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver announced his resignation on Tuesday.

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver announced his resignation on Tuesday.Credit: Josh Robenstone

"It's a tale of two commissions: a Productivity Commission which has now handed down recommendations to attack wages and conditions of low-paid workers in this country," Mr Oliver said, "and at the same time you've had a royal commission that is about diminishing the capacity of unions ... to defend penalty rates."

He said the ACTU believed that $80 million had been spent on the royal commission - challenging the $46 million figure in Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon's final report, released on Wednesday. "That money could have been well spent anywhere else."

Mr Oliver said the ACTU had consistently said there was a "zero tolerance" approach to corruption in the union movement. "We took unprecedented action three years ago when we suspended the Health Services Union," he said.


And he said that, contrary to the finding by the royal commission of widespread and deep-seated corruption within unions, there was "no evidence of systemic corrupt unlawful conduct" in unions.

After 15 minutes spent stridently defending the union movement, Mr Oliver was challenged by reporters on the level of corruption within union ranks.

"There are a number of isolated cases that we find reprehensible," he said in reply. "Those individuals should face the full force of the law. But it is wrong to suggest there is a widespread systemic problem across the movement."

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