

This was published 8 years ago

Federal election 2016: Budget worse for seven years under Labor

By Peter Martin and Heath Aston

Labor is promising a worse budget outcome than the Coalition in each of next seven years.

The revelation, in the costings document released by Labor on Sunday, means that by 2022-23 the budget would be a cumulative $22 billion worse off, but that by 2026-27 it would be a cumulative $10 billion better off.

The worse short-term outlook is due to Labor's decisions to spend more on Medicare, education and infrastructure. Were it not for those extra commitments its budget position would be better than the Coalition's in every year but the first. The improving long-term outlook is due to its decision to abandon the steadily increasing cost of the Coalition's promised tax cuts for big business and to restrict negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions.

"Only Labor is putting forward a plan with structural improvements to the budget," said Labor treasury spokesman Chris Bowen. "The Coalition is actually deliberately putting forward a structural deterioration, it is the biggest fiscal ram raid on this budget which has been announced in the course of this election."

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen and opposition finance spokesman Tony Burke with auditor Michael Keating (left).

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen and opposition finance spokesman Tony Burke with auditor Michael Keating (left).Credit: Kym Smith

Labor's figures were checked by a panel including Michael Keating, a former head of the finance and prime minister's departments under prime ministers Hawke, Keating and Howard and Bob Officer, who conducted commissions of audit for the incoming Howard Coalition government and for the Kennett Coalition government in Victoria.

Dr Keating said the panel had a high degree of confidence in the costings, including ones about which it had previously been sceptical.


"We have satisfied ourselves, having gone through the independent costings of the parliamentary budget office, that the uncertainty in the estimates put before you are no different to the uncertainty in budget measures and documents generally," he said.

He had been sceptical of Labor's policy on the national broadband network, but having examined it was "no longer a sceptic".

Labor announced two new savings measures with the costings; a limit of $5000 on the tax deduction for the cost of managing tax affairs, and withdrawing the private health insurance rebate from so-called "junk" policies that do no more than cover public hospital treatment.

Mr Bowen said the users of junk policies – designed primarily to avoid the Medicare levy surcharge – were essentially double-dipping, getting taxpayer-funded treatment in public hospitals and getting the private health insurance rebate.

The $5000 cap on deductions for tax advice would affect 40,000 people, only 0.5 per cent of all taxpayers.

Treasurer Scott Morrison attacked the projections as "same old Labor".

"Over the next four years, under Labor's own figures, the deficit is $16.5 billion higher. Then in the one year after the budget forward estimates it miraculously has an almost $12 billion turnaround, on a dime, miraculously produced by the great fiscal wizards of the Labor Party. Labor is a triple-A threat to our triple-A rating."

Mr Bowen challenged Mr Morrison to be as honest as Labor and release its costings over 10 as well as four years.

"They won't because they're embarrassed by their 10-year figures," he said. They won't because they have no plan for Australia beyond their three-word slogan and their one-point plan of a corporate tax cut which impacts the budget over the medium term."

If allowance was made for the $6.9 billion of Coalition measures unlikely to ever pass the Senate the Coalition's figures would be worse.

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