

This was published 8 years ago

Federal election 2016: How the hell do I vote for the Senate?

By Adam Gartrell

So you've heard that the Senate voting has changed. What's the deal? We answer all the questions you were afraid to ask:

So I hear Senate voting has changed. What's the deal?

That's right. Back in March there was a big hooha in Parliament about the Senate voting system. Everyone was calling each other nasty names - even more so than usual - and there was an epic overnight sitting that got really silly as pollies turned up to vote in their PJs. But the upshot was that the Turnbull government sided with the Greens to bring in what's called optional preferential voting.

I know, it sounds really dull. Even for political tragics like me, articles on "OPV" have a similar effect to the sedative Ambien. But the time has come - you need to get across this stuff because it will change the way you cast your vote this Saturday.

The Senate chamber in Canberra's Parliament House. Senate voting has changed this election.

The Senate chamber in Canberra's Parliament House. Senate voting has changed this election. Credit: Andrew Taylor

OK what is OPV? And why did they bring it in?

Basically, the change abolished party control over Senate preference flows. That's another of those eye-glazing terms I know, but stick with me.

Under the old system, parties could essentially make deals between themselves to shuffle your vote around. This allowed people to "game the system" and get people elected on very small percentages.


The government says it's giving people more control over their votes and that's true. But it also had a strategic motive: to make it harder for minor parties and independents to get in and make its life difficult.

Changes to voting for the Senate has abolished party control over Senate preference flows.

Changes to voting for the Senate has abolished party control over Senate preference flows.Credit: Andrew Meares

All right, sounds reasonable. But what does it mean for me?

It means that no matter how you decide to vote for the Senate - above the line or below the line - you'll be doing it a little differently.

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove opening  the second session of the 44th Parliament, in the Senate, at Parliament House in Canberra in April this year.

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove opening the second session of the 44th Parliament, in the Senate, at Parliament House in Canberra in April this year.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

In the past you had to number only one box above the line to vote for the party of your choice. Now you have to number at least six boxes. Which means a bit more work I suppose, but no one ever said democracy was easy.

If you want to get more granular and vote for specific politicians you can still do so by voting below the line. In the past, to do that meant numbering every single box - which very few people bothered doing. But now you have to number only your top 12. Which means a bit less work, so it's swings and roundabouts.

The six and 12 numbers are minimums by the way - you can number more boxes than that if you're really feeling this whole democracy thing. The more boxes you number, the more control you exert over where your vote ends up.

Voting for the lower house hasn't changed - you still need to number all the boxes on the small green ballot paper.

And remember - use numbers, not ticks or crosses.

Am I supposed to remember all of this?

No. It's worth being prepared but there will be instructions on your ballot paper and plenty of polling staff on hand to help if you need it.

If you do make a minor mistake there are so-called "savings" provisions built into the new act so your vote might still be counted. But do your best to get it right - otherwise your vote might not be counted. Which means it was a waste of time going to the polling booth.

So will my Senate ballot paper be really small this time?

Nope, sorry. The NSW ballot paper for example still features about 150 candidates and is about a metre long.

All right, just tell me: who should I vote for?

Can't really help you there - that's entirely up to you. But be careful. Don't throw your vote away. Make it count.

Maybe you don't particularly like the major parties and want to send them a message by voting for a minor party. Fair enough. But don't give your vote to someone just because they have a catchy name or cool logo or because they're first on the ballot paper - you could be voting for someone you disagree with.

For example in NSW, the first spot on the ballot paper belongs to the Health Australia Party. Sounds pretty good, right? We all like health. They're probably doctors and nurses who want to protect Medicare and hospital funding, right?

Actually, they're natural medicine advocates who are anti-vaccination - or, at the very least, they question vaccinations - and anti-fluoride. If they get a candidate elected it will be in large part because they attracted a high number of donkey votes.

So even if you hate Labor or the Libs or the Nats, it might still be worth putting them ahead of parties you've never heard of before. Better the devil you know.

It sounds lame, I know, but voting is a privilege - even if under our compulsory system it sometimes feels like a bit of a chore. So let's get it right.

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