

This was published 8 years ago

Australian federal election 2016: Who is on the new Senate crossbench?

By Josh Dye

The fallout from Saturday night's election sees some new faces entering the upper house for the first time, in a blow to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's attempt to clean out the minor parties.

While some results won't be known until later in the week, we already know some of the characters who will fill the crossbench.

Their votes will prove crucial to passing the legislation of whoever eventually forms government.

There are some high-profile names and parties, but what do they stand for and what agendas will they push?

Below are the key players from four of the minor parties and a handful of their policies.

It's fair to say we're in for an interesting few years.

Strap yourselves in.

Nick Xenophon Team (NXT)

Kingmaker: Nick Xenophon.

Kingmaker: Nick Xenophon.Credit: Paul Jeffers

He's been dubbed the "Kingmaker" of Australian politics, and Nick Xenophon's influence in Canberra is set to increase with at least two other Senate spots and one lower house seat.

The proud South Australian is a smart political operator who has pledged to "drag both parties to the centre". His party is certainly one to watch. His policies include:

  • Gambling and pokie reform, including banning gambling advertising during television sports broadcasts.
  • Favouring local procurement for government contracts.
  • Stronger whistleblower protections to improve government transparency.
  • Changing the emphasis of healthcare towards preventable measures.

Pauline Hanson's One Nation

Divisive policies: Pauline Hanson.

Divisive policies: Pauline Hanson. Credit: Robert Shakespeare

It's a dream return to Canberra for controversial Queensland Senator-elect Pauline Hanson.

The staunch anti-multiculturalist hasn't changed her tune since first entering the political fray more than 20 years ago, with her divisive immigration policies still very much on her agenda. Her policies include:

  • Banning the burqa, sharia and the building of more mosques.
  • A royal commission into climate science.
  • Relaxing gun laws to allow access to firearms for self-defence.
  • Opposing constitutional recognition of Indigenous people.

Derryn Hinch's Justice Party

​The outspoken former radio host has run a campaign based on reforming the criminal justice system and most of his policies reflect that, although he lacks detail on other policies.

He was famously jailed in 2014 for contempt of court after he breached a suppression order to reveal details of Jill Meagher's killer.

Known as the "Human Headline", Hinch is certain to entertain. His policies include:

  • A national public register of convicted sex offenders showing names, photos, crimes and addresses of offenders.
  • Reform to stop serious violent offenders from receiving bail.
  • Supporting voluntary euthanasia.
  • Harsher penalties for acts of animal cruelty.

Jacqui Lambie Network

Tasmania first: Jacqui Lambie.

Tasmania first: Jacqui Lambie.

After forming her own party in the lead-up to the election, the Tasmanian pitched herself as a "truly independent" candidate who will always put her state's interest first.

Having served in the Defence Force for10 years, many of her policies are particularly focused on veterans' affairs.

Her relationship with Hanson will be one to watch, after she said Hanson did not have "much to offer" in the Senate. Her policies include:

  • Withdrawing troops from the Middle East and establishing a royal commission into Defence abuse.
  • Increasing TAFE funding.
  • Opposing sharia.
  • Constitutional recognition for Indigenous people and quotas for Indigenous representation in Parliament.

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