

This was published 8 years ago

Federal election 2016: Pauline Hanson mixes nostalgia with hate and dresses it as patriotism

By Tony Wright

"When I was growing up," said Pauline Hanson, "[Australia had] 13 million people.

"We had jobs for everyone, we had a prosperous nation, we had industries, we had manufacturing, yet over the years I see more and more industries and manufacturing closing down."

Here is the voice of any number of wistful Australians whose distant youth is tucked away in happy, if inaccurate, memory, and who can't understand or who actually fear what has happened to the nation that gave spring to that golden period.

Many want it back – or what they imagine the good old times to have been. Pauline Hanson is there to offer the vision of it to them with a strong serving of fear and loathing for the present.

One Nation's comeback kid Pauline Hanson.

One Nation's comeback kid Pauline Hanson.Credit: AAP

While she professes to speak for middle Australia, Pauline Hanson speaks for a mythic Australia.

It wouldn't matter much ... if it were not that she cynically misuses nostalgia in the cause of hateful bigotry.

Hers is the same voice with a different accent as America's Donald Trump, or some of the more extreme elements who led the campaign for the UK to quit Europe, or new nationalists everywhere who seek to harness the base instincts of the querulous by appealing to their pining for misty water-coloured memories of the way they thought we were.


She splices fact with fiction and seeks out whole sections of modern society to blame for stealing the "real Australia's" supposedly easier, happier, more cohesive and prosperous past.

Pauline Hanson, still Pauline Zagorski when this photo was taken, with Amanda [Mark Hanson's daughter from his first marriage], circa 1978.

Pauline Hanson, still Pauline Zagorski when this photo was taken, with Amanda [Mark Hanson's daughter from his first marriage], circa 1978. Credit: Untamed & Unashamed - the autobiography. By Pauline Hanson: 2007

Her real trade is in fear.

The last time she was in parliament – 1996-1998 – it was Asians who were swamping Australia.

Now she is coming back, it is Muslims. The common thread has been multiculturalism.

"They" – Asians and Muslims – are taking "Australian" jobs, changing "our" way of life, hiding behind the Racial Discrimination Act, swamping whole suburbs and putting a strain on housing, hospitals, water, sewerage, nursing homes and schools.

Yes, and they're bringing the threat of "terrorism on our streets" and they're preaching hatred in their mosques.

Hanson plays the tragic little Aussie battler when she is called out for wholesale racism and prejudice.

"You're standing here having a go at me because I stand up for my culture, my way of life and my culture," she protests.

"Every day that I went to school I saw the Australian flag raised and it was instilled in me, the pride, who I was to be an Australian and … I stand here before you and want to bring that to my country and floor of Parliament and you criticise me."

No, Pauline. We criticise you for the fraudulence of your fear-tainted nonsense, which is as old as bigotry itself.

The last time Australia had 13 million people was in 1971.

Pauline Hanson was 17 that year, a classic baby boomer born in 1954.

Was her Australia a better or simpler place than now?

Ms Hanson had been working in her parents' fish and chip shop since she was 12; she left school at 15, was married at 16 – to a man who had come to Australia as a Polish refugee – and she had two children by the time she was separated and heading for divorce at 21.

Australia might have had manufacturing industries, but it maintained them behind protective barriers and worked them with a lot of immigrant labour. Just 3.8 per cent of Australians had any form of university degree. And mothers who found themselves single, like Pauline Hanson, received no supporting mothers' benefit.

Times were not so simple then, and they aren't now, whatever Pauline Hanson might say, and however many Australians might be so easily misled by her fear-mongering dressed up as patriotism.

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