

This was published 11 years ago

Tony Abbott plays to an adoring crowd as he delivers the prize

By Tony Wright


''My friends,'' declared Tony Abbott, ''I can inform you the government of Australia has changed.''

Amid cheering – and soon an ill-conceived stage invasion by an over-excited young man who was taken down by security police – Mr Abbott repeated the words his supporters had waited to hear.

It was, he continued, just the seventh time in 60 years that the government of Australia had changed.

Tony Abbott with wife Margie and daughters Louise, Bridget and Frances.

Tony Abbott with wife Margie and daughters Louise, Bridget and Frances.Credit: Nick Moir

And to rub it in, he declared that the Australian Labor Party vote at the election was at the lowest level in 100 years.

The Liberal crowd at Sydney's swanky Four Seasons Hotel, almost 1000 strong and revved up by circulating trays of wine, went wild.

It seemed a timely dig at Kevin Rudd, who had spent the previous 15 minutes speaking from Queensland, his image and voice carried on a huge screen in the Sydney ballroom, as if Labor had somehow lost with great honour.


The Sydney Liberal crowd had grown increasingly impatient as Mr Rudd spoke on. And on.

Security throw out a man who hopped on stage during Tony Abbott's victory speech.

Security throw out a man who hopped on stage during Tony Abbott's victory speech.Credit: Janie Barrett

''Doesn't this bloke ever shut up,'' cried a voice from the floor, echoing one of Mr Abbott's more memorable lines from the campaign.

Two enthusiastic young blonde women leapt on stage and hoisted a large banner shouting ''It's time for Tony''. The women hollered and gyrated as if they were on a stage elsewhere, drowning out Rudd's voice and revving the crowd even more.

Though Mr Abbott strived to keep his speech brief and to the point before leaving the stage to be swallowed by the crowd, he clearly took great satisfaction in setting his jaw, taking a small beat and offering ''Mr Rudd has conceded defeat''.

One dishevelled young man couldn't contain his excitement. He rushed the stage, managed to insert himself into the Abbott family celebration photo and in the ensuing confusion, he was tackled by security agents and flags were sent toppling.

It seemed only to punctuate what was becoming a night of unrestrained celebration.

Abbott, of course, has met Mr Rudd only once at an election. And he had won. The 2010 match-up was cancelled when Rudd was rolled, and Abbott found himself instead facing Julia Gillard.

Now Abbott had seen both of them off. He was a Liberal hero.

For a man who had seen the back of two Labor Prime Ministers and was about to to see off prime minister Rudd for the second time and to take the title himself, Tony Abbott was sticking to a cautious script 12 hours previously Saturday morning.

Anything could still happen, he told everyone within earshot, keeping his face perfectly straight.

All those minor parties, all those potentially wild preference flows.

There was a thirst for change, but if you wanted a Coalition government, he repeated again and again, you had to vote Coalition.

He sounded rather like his political patron, the famously cautious John Howard.

But as the day folded into the evening and the votes came in, Mr Howard himself turned up at Sydney's Four Seasons Hotel, a smile almost as wide as the Sydney Harbour Bridge on his face.

He was heading upstairs to party with the next Liberal Prime Minister, though at 8.30pm, Mr Abbott hadn't yet appeared before his milling supporters downstairs to claim victory. ''Oh, yes,'' Mr Howard told Fairfax Media, ''I'll be having a drink or two.''

Abbott's earlier concerns about preferences had by then been proved at least partly right when it became clear that at least one of those minor parties, the Palmer United Party, had quite upset the applecart for both pollsters and the major political outfits, at least in Queensland, and few could quite predict what it all might mean for the Senate.

The prospect of Clive Palmer himself taking a seat in parliament aside, Mr Abbott didn't have much to worry about so far as taking government from Rudd Labor – senior commentators had called the result for the Coalition as early as 7.07pm.

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