

This was published 8 years ago

Tale of two leaders - Trudeau and Turnbull - at the Paris UN Climate Conference 2015

By Tom Arup and Peter Hannam

The new and - as it has become mandatory to point out, startlingly good looking - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in a triumphant mood.

"Canada is back, my good friends. We're here to help," he told the first day of the UN climate conference in Paris, face beaming.

Meanwhile, next door, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was making his own, slightly more muted, pitch to re-brand Australia on climate change.

Trudeau and Turnbull had been grouped together since they both came to power in the latter part of this year.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, French President Francois Hollande, Brazilian President Dilma Roussef and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet at the Paris summit.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, French President Francois Hollande, Brazilian President Dilma Roussef and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet at the Paris summit.

Both men replaced predecessors who were largely antagonistic to global action on climate change, and presented a fresh chance for their nations to reengage ahead of Paris.

And they again found themselves linked on Monday. With the French organisers having to fit in speeches from about 150 world leaders in a day, they set up two separate streams running side-by-side. Turnbull and Trudeau spoke at roughly the same time.

Speaking in the "Seine" room, Trudeau came with a straight message: "Canada can do more to address the global problem represented by climate change. And we will do that."


He wound his way through a series of commitments, some real and some feel good. There would be support for carbon pricing, there would be work with cities and indigenous communities, an emphasis on green industries and growth, and an extra $2.6 billion to help developing countries.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.Credit: AP

So if Canada was "back", at least according to its boyish leader, was Australia?

If it was, Turnbull was comparatively low-key about it. In the "Loire" room the Australian PM was talking hope - in particular, his view that innovation and invention could solve climate change.

Francois Hollande greets Malcolm Turnbull as he arrives for the UN climate conference.

Francois Hollande greets Malcolm Turnbull as he arrives for the UN climate conference.Credit: AP

"From Australia we come with with confidence and optimism," he said. "We are not daunted by our challenge."

"It inspires us, it energises us."

He had commitments, too. A pledge to ratify the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol (which Canada has pulled out of), $1 billion over five years for developing countries drawn from existing aid dollars, and a boost for investment in clean technology research.

But Turnbull had to spend as much of the day explaining what he was not doing, as what he was.

Despite ratifying Kyoto, there was no immediate plan to lift Australia's emissions target for 2020 to one of the more ambitious goals - a 15 or 25 per cent cut - that are pledged under that protocol but have been abandoned by the Coalition.

And Turnbull was also left to explain Australia's decision not to join a statement led by New Zealand, and signed by more than 30 countries, to promote reform of fossil fuel subsidies.

Turnbull said it was about the wording, but back home conservative MPs has been pushing back hard against the idea of signing up.

Two leaders. Two honeymoons. But what appeared to be a very different ability to enjoy it - on climate change at least.

It is a big wide world, with countries of all stripes and colours

Of course Trudeau and Turnbull were not the only leaders to speak. All the big guns were there, including US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel - along with the leaders of some of the planet's smallest and poorest nations.

Many spoke eloquently about the dangers presented by climate change and the challenge the world faced, even if they brought no new real action to the table.

Fine speeches, though, weren't going to impress the leaders of small island states, who were angry that the current pledges still amount to warming of 2.7 degrees or more above pre-industrial times.

They reminded fellow leaders that 1.5-degrees was closer to the mark needed to preserve their low-lying lands.

"Today we heard a great leader say we have come to challenge ourselves. But this challenge is to save ourselves, not someone else," Peter Christian, President of Micronesia, told the summit.

"I also heard another great leader say the economy had grown but the carbon emissions had stayed flat," he said, taking at a dig at Mr Obama. "What I would give for that flatness to dip a little bit during my lifetime."

"Someone else said that by 2030...," Mr Christian said, before trailing off. "Ladies and gentlemen there are island states that may not be there by 2030."

Christopher Loeak, President of the Marshall Islands, said the climate was changing "before our very eyes".

"We are already limping from climate disaster to climate disaster and we know that there is worse to come," he said.

The Paris agreement "must send a message to the world that if we are to win the battle against climate change, the fossil fuel era must end", he said.

At the other end of the scale is India, which many at the Paris summit see as pivotal in determining whether the pact will have real bite.

"The prosperous still have a strong carbon footprint... [while] the countries at the bottom of the development ladder are seeking space to grow," India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.

"Democratic India must grow rapidly to meet the aspirations of 1.25 billion people – 300 million of whom are without access to energy," he said. "We are determined to do so, guided by an ancient belief that people and planet are inseparable, that human well-being and nature are indivisible."

Masoumeh Ebtekar, Iran's vice-president, said delegates should examine how wars would both add to climate change - and be caused by it.

"I wish to urge the UN system to initiate an assessment on the carbon footprints of war, conflicts, security and terrorism," Ms Ebtekar said. "Those perpetuating conflicts are in fact accomplices of the global warming process."

Fairfax Media is a partner of the United Nations Foundation

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