

This was published 5 years ago

Chimpanzees seen cracking open tortoises for meat

Berlin: Scientists have observed wild chimpanzees in central Africa tucking into an unusual snack: tortoises, whose hard shells they crack against tree trunks before scooping out the meat.

In a paper published by the journal Scientific Reports, researchers from Germany say the behaviour they saw dozens of times in a group of chimpanzees at Loango National Park in Gabon bolsters the notion that one of humankind's closest living relatives develop their own distinct cultures.

A wild chimpanzee eats a tortoise, whose hard shell was cracked open against tree trunks before the meat was scooped out, at the Loango National Park in Gabon in central Africa.

A wild chimpanzee eats a tortoise, whose hard shell was cracked open against tree trunks before the meat was scooped out, at the Loango National Park in Gabon in central Africa.Credit: Erwan Theleste/Max Planck Institute via AP

Tobias Deschner, one of the authors of the paper, said that, while chimpanzees and tortoises coexist elsewhere - and other primates such as baboons and mandrills are known to feed on young, soft tortoises - scientists have never before spotted any that crack open and eat the reptiles.

One explanation could be that the Loango park region also has abundant hard-shelled fruit, such as that from the strychnos tree, that also needs to be whacked against trees to open, prompting some enterprising chimpanzees to try the same on passing tortoises, he said.

"They see this is a hard-shelled object with some interesting thing inside and I need to crack it open," said Deschner, a primate researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig.

"If I can do that with the fruit and have the same problem with a hard-shelled animal with something inside that I want to get access to, then I can say 'OK, why not do it in exactly the same way?' "

Wild chimpanzees eat a tortoises, whose hard shell was cracked open against tree trunks before the meat was scooped out, at the Loango National Park in Gabon.

Wild chimpanzees eat a tortoises, whose hard shell was cracked open against tree trunks before the meat was scooped out, at the Loango National Park in Gabon.Credit: Nadia Balduccio/Max Planck Institute via AP

Some scientists dispute the idea that chimpanzees are capable of this kind of mental leap, much less of passing the trick on to others in such a way that it becomes an established "cultural practice" among the whole population.

But Deschner and colleagues from the University of Osnabrueck said their observations in Loango suggest that's what happened.


"They all use exactly the same way of doing it," he said. "This suggests to me that they really look at how others are doing it and then copy the movements."

Other researchers agreed. "This fits into previous observations that are interpreted as traditional behaviour, which some have broadly described as culture," said Dietmar Zinner, a zoologist at the German Primate Centre in Goettingen who wasn't involved in the study.

The authors also noted that weaker chimpanzees often pass their tortoises to stronger adults who are able to break them open and then share the meal among the whole group.

In one case, a male was even spotted eating half a tortoise, then tucking the shell into a tree fork and coming back the next day to finish the leftovers, suggesting chimpanzees are capable of planning ahead, the authors said.

Deschner said such acquired practices might be lost if particular groups of chimpanzees are wiped out, even if the area they inhabited is repopulated again later.

"We see chimpanzees disappearing all over Africa due to habitat destruction and poaching," he said.

"What disappears there is not only sheer numbers but with each population that goes there is a unique culture that is lost."

The paper says that the "ability to use and manufacture tools, long thought to be uniquely human, has now been reported in a variety of species of birds and mammals".


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