

This was published 3 years ago


We must control detonation of coal-fired power plants

By Daniel D'Hotman and Luke Heeney

There’s a ticking bomb in our electricity grid - coal-fired generation - and its uncontrolled detonation will drive supply shortages, increase prices and harm Australian communities.

This week we got a glimpse of what an uncontrolled detonation could look like. The owners of the Yallourn coal-fired power station in Victoria brought its closure date forward by four years to 2028. This announcement came despite Yallourn’s owners reaffirming a 2032 closure just last year.

The Yallourn power station will now close in 2028.

The Yallourn power station will now close in 2028.Credit: Vince Caligiuri

Representing more than 20 per cent of Victoria’s electricity supply – and almost 10 per cent of the National Electricity Market – Yallourn’s exit will prompt a race to replace supply so the lights stay on and prices stay down. The federal government is already issuing loud calls for generators to build replacement supply. Workers are left to pick up the pieces, planning for a future without Yallourn’s high-paying jobs.

Yallourn’s exit is no surprise. With more cheap renewables entering the grid, coal-fired generators are under financial pressure. Many are set to close far sooner than anticipated. Yallourn is just the one we know about. Eraring, Australia’s largest coal-fired generator, is predicted to be unprofitable by 2025. So will Vales Point and Mount Piper. Which plant will close next? Nobody knows.

This is inevitable and unavoidable. Our only choice is whether to control the detonation or not. A spontaneous combustion is in no one’s interest – we must avoid another Hazelwood or Port Augusta debacle, which led to price increases, reliability concerns and stranded workers.

What’s required above all else is certainty around closure dates of the nation’s coal-fired generators. Certainty would provide the private sector time to invest in new supply — mostly from renewables, with some support from batteries and gas. And workers and communities would be able to plan for life after generators close. Workers, communities, generators, consumers. They all demand certainty. In the setting of such rapid change, it would be an abrogation of the federal government’s duty if it fails to provide it.

Transforming an electricity grid is not an insurmountable task. 

Transforming an electricity grid is not an insurmountable task. Credit: Janie Barrett.

Transforming an electricity grid is not an insurmountable task. It requires significant planning, investment, and construction. But coal-fired generators intending to close in Queensland, NSW, South Australia, and Western Australia are only required to provide 3.5 years of notice of their closure. This is not nearly enough time to plan, finance and construct a new grid for the 21st century.

Only Victoria has a longer mandatory notice period of five years — we are hearing of Yallourn’s closure this week because of it. There may be other coal plants planning to close in 2025. But the market won’t know about them until later this year. All the while, the bomb’s clock keeps ticking.


Our failure to recognise the risk of unplanned closures has left the grid in a precarious position. Policymakers need to accept that renewables and storage will be the future of Australia’s electricity supply, not coal-fired generation. And they must enact the right policy settings to enable the grid’s inevitable transformation. The first step must be an orderly phasedown of coal-fired generation from the grid.

Blueprint Institute’s report Phasing Down Gracefully proposes a coal-generation phasedown mechanism (CPM) to do just that. The CPM would be managed by the Clean Energy Regulator and tied with a change to the Safeguard Mechanism, which helps Australia’s largest emitters measure, report and manage their emissions. It would gradually reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants through the announcement and enforcement of sectoral emissions targets for 2026, 2028 and 2030. This would work through a sealed-bid auction, where generators bid the value they attach to continuing operations (and thus emissions production) to each of the target dates. The information revealed through this process is used to construct a gradual and least-cost phasedown schedule for coal-fired generation.


This will bring forward closure for generators where it is economically efficient, ensure that there are no surprise exits and enable Australia to halve emissions from the electricity sector this decade – comfortably beating our Paris target. Of course it will also provide the certainty that investors, workers and communities all crave.

A proactive and well-considered national policy is desperately needed to co-ordinate coal generation’s exit from the grid. A phasedown of coal-fired generation could be costly; the question of who pays is a political decision. But political difficulties shouldn’t be used as an excuse to delay. The clock is ticking. We can’t afford another uncontrolled detonation. It’s time for policymakers to step up.

Daniel D’Hotman is director of research and operations and Luke Heeney is a researcher at the Blueprint Institute.

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