

This was published 5 years ago


Watching the trawlers from the Pacific Hotel, I had a sinking feeling

The trawlers head out from Yamba in late afternoon.

I saw the first two muscling through a heaving swell as we walked around the rocky headland south of the Pacific Hotel. The pub, which sits on a high hill overlooking the beach, is a weird mix of sweeping and beautiful art deco curves out front, and blocky functionality out back; a design to lure the thirsty wanderer in through the front door, and keep them drinking for hours, stunned by the view in the back bar.

Fishing trawlers at Yamba.

Fishing trawlers at Yamba.Credit: Paul Harris

By the time we’d hauled ourselves up the sandy heights for a Stone & Wood, there were eight trawlers beating their way through the plunging waves and sea mist. Prawn boats, I guessed. The local prawns are fat and sweet and much sought after a long way from here.

The weather was fine, the last heat of a long, punishing summer lingering to make the trek around the headland and up the hill a sweaty, hard-breathing challenge. A steady breeze cooled the drinkers on the back deck of the Pacific and gave a lone paraglider plenty of lift to play with. Kids and some naughty dogs chased a ball up and down the sand.

It was a scene worth savouring, because it will pass.

It was the giant rocky breakwater protecting the mouth of the Clarence River estuary that put me in mind of sunken Alexandria, the great marbled harbour, second only to Rome in its day. Enjoying a pale ale and watching the trawlers put out to sea, I wondered how much of that heavy engineering would survive the rising sea levels and increasingly ferocious storms of the next 100 years.

Maybe all of it. Those stones look as big as camper vans from the back deck of the Pacific and it would probably take a tsunami to smash them apart. But the relentless creep of rising sea levels? That will do fine for making an archeological ruin of this place. It will submerge those rocks, flood the riverine hinterland and excavate the sandy hillsides where the pub and the lighthouse and streets full of simple holiday homes currently enjoy such booming ocean views. And on current projections it will do it all in one human lifetime.

Yamba's Pacific Hotel, perched above the surf club.

Yamba's Pacific Hotel, perched above the surf club.Credit: Bryce Ellis

Perhaps this is the way to think about the global catastrophe of climate change. Not globally, but locally. It’s hard to imagine vast oceans rising to swallow us whole. That’s a Hollywood movie. It happens somewhere else to people we don’t know. Easy though to think of the floods that sometimes submerge this place and towns like it, coming one day and just never going away. Hard to imagine all of civilisation laid waste. Easier to think of those trawlers laid up and rotting because the prawn beds and fishing grounds have disappeared.


It’s been a bad summer. They’ll likely all be bad and getting worse from now on. For the next month and a half, a lot of politicians will mouth a lot of words about climate change. Some of the dimmer reactionary tools will even straight-up deny it’s happening, because, amazingly, there are a few votes to be had in that still.

But what I’d like to hear from anyone putting their hand out for my vote is exactly what they think their electorate will look like 100 years from now if we do nothing. That’ll tell you whether they’ve really thought it through or not.

Yamba isn’t my place. I was just passing through. But it is a lovely spot and it would be nice to think others might get to enjoy it, and the pub, in future generations.

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