

This was published 8 years ago

CSIRO executives asked to justify deep cuts to climate science

By Peter Hannam

Senior CSIRO executives spent much of Sunday trying to justify and prioritise deep cuts planned to climate change science programs that are understood to have caught Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull by surprise.

Senate estimates has also focused on the potential impacts to the Bureau of Meteorology. The bureau's director, Rob Vertessy, said he was told of the axings just one day before they were made public.

Hard to fathom: CSIRO executives are being pressed to justify their deep cuts to climate science.

Hard to fathom: CSIRO executives are being pressed to justify their deep cuts to climate science.Credit: AIMS

Lengthy conference calls are understood to have lasted late into Sunday evening between senior CSIRO managers, including the executive director of Environment, Energy and Resources, Alex Wonhas, and the director of the Oceans and Atmosphere, Kenneth Lee.

The Oceans and Atmosphere unit is home to about 140 staff, 110 of whom are expected to lose their jobs. Few of those involved in climate change research will remain.

Slashing climate jobs: CSIRO boss Larry Marshall.

Slashing climate jobs: CSIRO boss Larry Marshall. Credit: Dallas Kilponen

A similar number will go from the Land and Water division, as part of 350 jobs to be cut over two years, CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall announced to staff via email on Thursday.

Teleconference calls went on "all day" on Sunday, with managers being asked to justify why the cuts had to be so deep and to identify which contracts would be affected, one senior scientist familiar with the discussions, said.

"Cuts are unavoidable but if we can keep some capacity - even the bare minimum - we can come back during good times," the scientist said.


The managers were asked, "Do you know the impacts?" the scientist said. "Many of them are multi-agency ones, and programs have already been set up."

News of Sunday's discussions are the latest indication that the Prime Minister, and perhaps also Industry Minister Christopher Pyne - while aware that CSIRO were planning deep staff cuts - were surprised that climate science programs would be singled out.

Manufacturing and data will also lose jobs.

Fairfax Media sought comment from the Prime Minister's office, Mr Pyne and the CSIRO.

Scientific pressure

Renewed pressure for the Turnbull government to intervene will most likely mount on Monday. Scientists, who are attending the start of the joint national gathering of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanic Society and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science in Melbourne, are expected to assemble at 1pm to protest against the cuts.

Dr Marshall said last week that the cuts to Australia's decades-long monitoring of the changing climate were appropriate since the science had been settled and that efforts should be focused instead on emerging industries. Some climate mitigation and adaptation programs would be retained.

Programs understood to be at risk include the monitoring of rising sea levels, ocean acidification and climate modelling - some of it world-leading and exchanged with international counterparts, giving Australia a seat at global gatherings.

It is also understood that managers are still to identify which roles are to be axed, part of the focus of Sunday's discussions.

Senate estimates

Greens and Labor members of the Senate's environment and communications legislations committee grilled Bureau of Meteorology officials on Monday in Senate estimates about the CSIRO cuts.

Dr Vertessy told the committee he was "contacted 24 hours ahead" of the CSIRO cuts, and had been given few details even though the bureau and the CSIRO shared many major programs.

These include the joint Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, which enables the bureau to provide near-term weather forecasting and seasonal outlooks to three months. The CSIRO uses the models to work on longer-term forecasting.

The main models are the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS) weather models, in which the CSIRO "plays a very significant role", Dr Vertessy said when pressed by Victorian Greens senator Janet Rice.

"If they were to exit completely, it would have an impact," he said.

The CSIRO was also "critical" in the bureaus of National Resource Management programs forecasting future change and the State of the Climate reports, Dr Vertessy said.

The ACCESS model is based on data provided by Britain's Met Office, which CSIRO and bureau scientists work on together to "tune up" for Australian use.

While the bureau had the technical capability to fill in the CSIRO's work, it did not have the financial resources to do so, Dr Vertessy said.

Other countries have been keen to join Australia and Britain in the model development, including New Zealand, South Korea and India, he said.

Grim fate

He said it remained "unknown" whether the CSIRO would continue to collaborate in the Cape Grim research station, operated by the bureau.

The CSIRO's exit would leave a $460,000 annual shortfall in funding of the site - which has the longest-running measurement of atmospheric carbon-dioxide in the southern hemisphere - if the organisation pulled out, Dr Vertessy said.

"[CSIRO] is still working out the details," he said.

It is understood that as many as 20 CSIRO researchers have work that involves Cape Grim, and that their research is among those areas slated for elimination.

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