

This was published 9 years ago

The Bachelor 2015: Sam sends Sarah home but she almost quit two weeks ago

By Michael Lallo

Bachelor evictee Sarah Mackay has revealed she was never in love with Sam Wood – and almost quit the show two weeks ago.

The Melbourne events manager was sent home on Wednesday night, leaving Sam to choose Lana or Snezana in Thursday's finale.

Sarah (centre) at the first cocktail party.

Sarah (centre) at the first cocktail party.Credit: Ten

Things started well on Sarah's final date, with a horse-and-cart ride to a country manor. But the wheels fell off (metaphorically) when Sam began explaining his "growing" feelings for the other women.

"As soon as he said that on my date, I went, 'Wow, maybe I need to put that wall back up a little bit'," Sarah tells Fairfax Media.

Who will Sam choose? Snez or Lana?

Who will Sam choose? Snez or Lana?Credit: Ten

"And that's exactly what I did."

This was no secret to the audience. We could practically see the radioactive force field materialise around her when Sam dodged her question about who he likes most.


SARAH: "Do you think you already have a little idea of who it might be?" [Tells viewers she hopes it's her.]

SAM [Clearly packing himself]: "Ummm, I'm still really working it out."

VIEWERS AT HOME: "Good grief man! Why did you say that?"

SARAH [Shoots Sam an epic greasy, pointedly examines the bottom of her tea cup]: "This is beautiful stuff."

It's a wonder the cup (or Sam) didn't explode from the sheer force of her displeasure.

Indeed, Sarah was *this close* to leaving the mansion when Sam chickened out a fortnight ago and gave everyone a rose.

"I was going to pack my bags when he left me hanging at that rose ceremony," she says.

"Here I am thinking, 'I'm on one page and he's on a completely different page.' He's not even sure if he's going to give me a rose or intruder Rachel or Nina [who have both since left].

"I had really strong feelings for him at that point. It was around then we knew home visits were coming, and I was like, 'Well, do I want to introduce him to my family when he is unsure of me? Why would I do that?"

Yet Sarah stayed. She felt if they could get past it – "that's what relationships are about, you get through things, it's the good with the bad" – she and Sam would grow.

And they did. Which made her final rose ceremony particularly hard.

"I was pretty upset," she says. "I did picture a relationship with this guy, a life with this guy. I was shocked, and I think that comes across in my reaction.

"But I was sort of okay with it at the same time, because I knew he had two incredible women standing there and he's going to pick one of them."

While Lana and Snezana made it obvious they're falling for Sam, Sarah says she wasn't in love – yet.

"I told him I really, really, really liked him – but I never said I loved him," she says. "I wasn't there yet. I didn't want to say anything I regretted.

"A lot of people go on this journey and just want to be that girl with the happy ending.

"I think I was just holding back too much. I just didn't want to get hurt, that's the bottom line.

"But on the other hand, I feel I did everything I possibly could that I was comfortable doing at the time ... I didn't fall in love with him but I really liked him. I could see us in the outside world and see us together and obviously, love would come with that. I just wasn't there yet, and I think he needed something stronger to make the huge decision that he did."

It will be an even huger decision on Thursday night, when Wood ends up with original contestant Snezana or intruder Lana.

There are rumours of an engagement, given he was sizing up a ring on Wednesday.

But as Wood told News Corp a few months ago, his mate Sam Frost – famously jilted by Blake Garvey, now returning as The Bachelorette – advised him not to.

"I cannot see myself getting down on one knee to propose at the end of a TV series," he said.

So: Lana or Snezana?

Sam is hot for Snez in a major way. This was obvious from the moment he met her, when the producers really should have added a cartoon "boing!" sound effect and some steam coming out of his ears.

On his final date, he went all Pretty Woman and bought her a dress. To no one's surprise, it's a strapless number that begins somewhere around her belly button. #freethenipple

I bet his first option was some rude lingerie he picked up at a Sexyland superstore, but the producers said no.

Lamborghini. Ballet at the Sydney Opera House. Penthouse with harbour views.

"I am really falling in love with this man," Snez says.

They pash on the couch. Snez takes her top off. Oh wait – that's just her low-cut dress.

They re-play that clip from way back, where Snez reveals she has a daughter and Sam's voice jumps eight octaves and he forces his mouth into a frozen grin.

"Wow!" he squeaks. "A nine-year-old daughter!! What's her name?!!!"

Again, Snez reminds him that her daughter is a big deal. Some things will be different. Weekends away won't be easy, for instance.

"I'm ready for a change," he tells the camera, "but if I choose Snezana, that's a huge change..."

We cut to Lana.

Everything goes perfectly. Of course.

Seaplane. Harbour views. Palm Beach. Everyone commenting on how iconic Palm Beach is while studiously not mentioning the iconic Channel Seven soapie filmed on Palm Beach. Stone the flamin' crows!

Beach mansion. Perfect. Water views. Perfect. A surprise deviation into the extreme sport of tubing. Yet Lana – fresh from being thrown off what looks like an inflatable mattress at high speed – emerges from the water with her hair, of course, perfect.

If you have any doubt Lana has this whole thing stitched up, consider the way Sam turns into an adjective machine-gun when he's around her.

"You're beautiful and smart and perceptive and creative and our conversations are always interesting," he gushes.

"I can see us having a beautiful relationship ... we get on so damn well and we're so well-matched. It's pretty damn exciting."

That's not all.

"On our first date, our connection was electric."

"Lana and I connect on so many levels."

"I'm incredibly attracted to her."

"I'm definitely a believer you can fall in love with someone really quickly."

In the bag, people. In. The. Bag.

Lana, of course, makes some sensible noises about not wanting to get her heart broken and she knows her boyfriend has two other girlfriends and blah blah and then this:

"Every time I kiss him, I just want to kiss him again, and it just gets better and better."

"I can imagine a future with Sam. The idea of moving to another state is exciting. Love is always worth moving for."

"Every time I'm with you, I fall for you. And you make falling for you so easy."

"I feel like I forget everything else that matters, everything else that's going on in the world, like, falls into nothing, and all I see is him, and I'm just so happy."

Sam "cheekily" suggests they take a dip in the pool, which definitely had nothing to do with wanting to see Lana in a bikini. One second later, he has literally wrapped himself around a bikini-clad Lana, and they make out.

When asked to back a winner, Sarah insists she would be happy for Lana or Snezana.

"It wouldn't even matter to me who he picked," she says. "I love them both equally and they're both amazing girls."

Her time in the house was "f---ing amazing", she adds, and she'd recommend it to any of her single girlfriends.

"It's obviously a lot about the bachelor, but it's also about the connections you build with the girls.

"It was a spiritual journey for me. You recognise your blockages, your flaws, the things that annoy people. It's incredible."

Before she returns to life as an event manager, she'll take fortnight's holiday with two close girlfriends.

She's also keen to relinquish her contractually-obligated veil of secrecy – something that's made it hard to meet other men.

"It's been awfully tricky going out with the girls and having gentlemen come up to me and seeing if I'm single. I'm playing this game, 'Well, I might be taken...' I'm a mystery woman! I can't wait to drop that hat and be single again."

Twitter: Michael_Lallo

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