

This was published 9 years ago

Q&A recap: An explosive episode filled with insults, obscenity and an Islamic State shocker

By Neil McMahon

Beware episodes of Q&A bearing boobytraps.

On paper at least, Monday's night's outing looked eminently miss-able in terms of lacking major star power and political heft. Unless Grahame Morris floats your boat, Married At First Sight over on Nine might have seemed a better option. But then, on it came. And then off it went, like a demented Catherine wheel, showering bits of panellist and points-of-view so far and wide it was hard to know where to look.

You could look at Grahame Morris, Liberal lion and John Howard confidante, a man whose past TV moments - he once said of Julia Gillard that Australians "ought to be kicking her to death" - have added a certain frisson to his live TV appearances: the face that launched a thousand raspberries.

You could look at Antony Hegarty, the musician whose opening lines suggested such an aversion to Q&A's colosseum ambience that it was a surprise when she started feeding politicians to the lions, with a deft obscenity to see them on their way. And then there was Liberal MP Steve Ciobo, parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, who today will surely be busy affirming his government's recent affection for the ABC.

Q&A host Tony Jones ruled Zaky Mallah's comment "out of order".

Q&A host Tony Jones ruled Zaky Mallah's comment "out of order".Credit: ABC

Tony Abbott may have rejoiced at the historical delights provided him by The Killing Season, but he would not have counted on this - Q&A bearing a live-and-present gift for a government wading through muddy debate over changes to citizenship laws.

The former terrorism suspect Zaky Mallah started out fine - asking what would have become of him back in 2003 had the proposed new laws been in place. Then came the head-spinner: taking Ciobo's bait - "I'd be pleased to be part of a government that would say you're out of the country" - Mallah spent roughly eight seconds doing all the government's work for it.

"Rubbish. As an Australian I would be happy to see you out of this country," he told Ciobo.


Because of "ministers like him", Mallah declared, many Muslims would feel justified "to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL".

Government representative Steve Ciobo did not shy away from telling former terror suspect Zak Mallah on Q&A he would have been happy if the government had revoked his citizenship.

Government representative Steve Ciobo did not shy away from telling former terror suspect Zak Mallah on Q&A he would have been happy if the government had revoked his citizenship.Credit: ABC

It was a moment that illustrated a common truth on Q&A and in life generally: quit while youre behind. Panellist Dee Madigan tried gamely to haul the debate back from the personal to the broader principle involved - "Don't you think we have courts to decide these things? That's why we have courts" - but Ciobo sniffed at the notion.

Having found himself on national television going head-to-head with a one-time terrorist suspect in a debate over the terrorist bogeyman du jour, you could hardly blame a politician for thinking it was Christmas. "I don't apologise for this point of view," he said, restraining himself from doing a jig. Joel Fitzgibbon, Ciobo's Labor foe at the other end of the panel, had a go but couldn't compete with this.

Zaky Mallah: "The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him."

Zaky Mallah: "The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him."Credit: ABC

It was a startling moment among many odd ones on Monday night - an indication of just how odd it is that a man with the heroic air of a dry Salada came away with bragging rights. Ciobo had opened the night with an unintentionally amusing declaration that politicians did not manipulate words to stoke fear and reaction. "Very Orwellian" to suggest that, Ciobo said, butter melting in his mouth faster than he could swallow it.

Grahame Morris, meanwhile, found himself in conflict with both Antony Hegarty and the loquacious American poverty campaigner Linda Tirado. It was quite the night for Morris, whose biggest round of applause consisted of an eccentric single pair of hands that died quickly of embarrassment. Morris also didn't seem to know quite what to make of Hegarty, whose remonstrations included: "You're doomed and I'm doomed and you're children are doomed. You're deluded, you're utterly deluded."

Had he been seated next to a talking pineapple, Morris could hardly have appeared more baffled. He seemed to be grasping for a word starting with F - "fiddlesticks" probably - but Hegarty helped him out. A stray "f---" hung over the studio and was echoed in living rooms across the land.


All in all, it was quite a night to be a politician, those creatures who Ciobo had assured us are not in the business of using weasel words. He was of course forgetting that the most acclaimed modern practitioner of his trade once told a judge: "It depends upon what the meaning of the word is is."

Heaven knows what Bill Clinton would have made of this Q&A debate, but suffice it to say his other gift to political discourse - "I didn't inhale" - wouldn't have passed muster here. As eye-popper piled upon gobsmacker, obscenity upon insult, ramble upon rant, you had cause to think that maybe they don't call it the "green room" for nothing. We hope the snacks were good afterwards.

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