

This was published 7 years ago

Alec Baldwin to Donald Trump: Release your tax returns and I'll stop impersonating you


Alec Baldwin says he will stop impersonating Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live – but only if the president-elect releases his tax returns.

The actor made the promise on Sunday after Trump lashed out at the show, using Twitter to call Baldwin's skits "unwatchable".

Saturday night's skit featured Baldwin returning as Tweeter-in-Chief, with a cameo from Stephen Bannon, a plate of mashed potatoes and a brutal joke at Mitt Romney's expense.

The five-minute sketch hammered Trump for spending his time tweeting and retweeting instead of preparing to govern.

The storyline saw Baldwin's Trump shrugging off important policy briefings to pass along the social media musings of 16-year olds and other random Twitter users. It showed him in Trump Tower retweeting a high school student instead of listening to a security briefing on Syria.

Trump has continued to use his Twitter account to air his grievances as he did during the campaign. He has sent more than 100 tweets since being elected.

Before the show had even ended – and as if to prove Baldwin's point – Trump took to his preferred medium to voice his disapproval.

Baldwin, who started impersonating Trump on the NBC show during the presidential election campaign, hit back.


Trump has long promised to release his taxes following the completion of an audit.


Snippets of Trump tax returns leaked during the campaign revealed the multi-billionaire may have used loopholes to pay little or no federal income tax for as many as 20 years.

AP, The Washington Post

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