

This was published 10 years ago

Free U2 album: delete it when you want, so why the whingeing?

It's a strange world when getting something for free is a reason to complain.

By Bernard Zuel

So much of the discourse around the U2 album which landed in the accounts of millions of iTunes users last week has bordered on the ridiculous. It's akin to being given a plate of expensive food you didn't ask for: you can taste it and throw it out if you don't like it. You're not paying for it, and yet you object. How very dare they?

Absurd? Well yes. Variations of "Oi, U2 get out of my inbox" and "I hate U2 and now I have them, I am outraged" flooded social media. Accusations of privacy invasions followed. This from people who have signed up to iTunes, and no doubt many other services which require personal information and collect even more from your keystrokes, with barely a glance at the user contract.

Why the outrage? No one dropped porn into inboxes. No one inserted an advertisement as you tried to read/watch/listen to something else. No one tracked your previous purchases and deduced that you'd like "information" on nappies, holidays resorts or how to secure money from property developers.

It was a bunch of songs which you could listen to, keep or delete, or otherwise completely ignore. Oh, the horror.

U2 frontman Bono (centre) at Apple's product launch last week.

U2 frontman Bono (centre) at Apple's product launch last week.Credit: Reuters

Of course, part of the hoo-hah is inevitable bandwagoning. U2 long ceased to be a cool band and, you could reasonably argue, a particularly relevant band. It certainly has been more appropriate to mock their pretensions, their affectations and the ubiquitousness of Bono.

The scale of their shows sometimes suggests grandstanding rather than grand ambitions; the desire to be seen as the biggest band in the world again brought up its own sense of neediness. As an Irish painter I know put it, it's hard to take lectures on injustice and poverty entirely seriously when the lecturer is setting up operation in tax havens while the home country is going broke.

So when the news broke, even before people could find – and I can confirm it wasn't necessarily easy to find, particularly if you were trying to access it remotely – the album in their system, the U2 knockers came out.


The sport quickly became about who could make themselves look cooler-than-thou by shouting the loudest about how much they disliked the band, were offended, etc etc ad nauseum. Yes people you are so impressive, thank you.

More relevantly, though not necessarily all that frequently raised, was the question of whether the alignment of U2 with Apple was socially/musically/commercially appropriate? Of course in a sense that ship sailed long ago with the two cultural behemoths long-term "partners" before the finger touch of Bono and Apple head Tim Cook.

Nonetheless, it's worth asking if a band big enough to buy a small tax haven if they wanted to really needs to play ball with a company big enough to buy a medium-size country if it wanted to. While we're at it, let's ask why so many major league artists – and we're talking the likes of the Rolling Stones, the Eagles and others who charge many hundreds of dollars for tickets and sell millions of them on massive world tours – feel the need to sign "partnership" deals with tour sponsors?

As a final and, in a sense, almost irrelevant note aboutthe fuss and bother over iTunes access, is the question of whether, a month in advance of the album going on sale, making a record available for free (in a variation of what Radiohead did several years ago when they told fans to pay as much as they wanted for the band's record) is a good thing for music or merely another sign of the impending apocalypse?

Who knows? To paraphrase William Goldman on the film industry, nobody knows anything in the music (and media, and TV and political) industry about what the public will and won't like or buy, because if they did they'd all be retired in luxury.

Does a huge promotional campaign help sell albums eventually? Does the middle-age audience still prefer to have something concrete in their hands? Who pays attention to news reports of the launch of a new phone which isn't that dissimilar to the old one?

What we can say is that it has long been a secondary issue whether an album sells huge quantities – given nothing sells anywhere near the numbers CDs did in the '80s and '90s – as it's only part of the income stream. How you make money and where you make money is a constantly evolving guessing game. A game most people in the industry, as always, are likely to lose.

While you're pondering that, you could listen to your free U2 album. Or not. Either way it won't kill you.

How Twitter reacted to the U2 album

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