

This was published 20 years ago

Fifteen minutes of fame

With David Marr vacating the Media Watch chair, Debi Enker finds outs about where it has been and where it is going.

As Media Watch wraps its 15th year and David Marr signs off after three years in the hot seat, Green Guide asked the outgoing host and the ongoing executive producer, Peter McEvoy, about the show's role, its accomplishments - and the need to be funny.

Green Guide: What do you consider to be Media Watch's main achievement?

David Marr: Richard Ackland getting hold of the documents that became "Cash For Comment". To my mind, that was the biggest single thing that Media Watch has done. They had to hammer and hammer before the rest of the media paid attention. But once they did, they understood that he had stripped the covers from a culture of media corruption that had an impact on the way that we do commercial radio.

GG: Has the show played a role in changing the media?


Peter McEvoy: That's always hard to judge. Media Watch looks at a range of media practices where people go over the line. We've done stories about plagiarism, but it keeps on happening. People know that Media Watch is on the case and perhaps they modify their behaviour. But you can never measure that.

Marr: We have one measure of the effectiveness of the show, which is that people hate being targeted for Media Watch. If the show was ineffective, no one would give a rat's about being on it. We know that all 'round Australia on Monday night at 9.15, the trade is watching. I think that that points to the fact that we have an impact. We're not just talking to ourselves.

GG: Three years ago, did you discuss a new direction for the program?

Marr: One of the things that we wanted to do, which I think is a slight shift, has been to go into a bit more detail about the kinds of structural reasons for shitty journalism. That it's not necessarily the individual failings of an individual journalist. We decided we weren't going to nark grammar and spelling, particularly because I'm a rotten speller. I don't know about

Peter: I suspect he's quite a good speller. And there was a certain tone which the show had had in the past, a sort of lofty narking, that we weren't going to go in for, though, God knows, it may have cropped up once or twice.

McEvoy: From time to time. But I think that we do take a more analytical look at the media. We try to look at how stories are put together: that's the main focus of Media Watch nowadays. David and I didn't set out a plan. There was an existing program. Media Watch has evolved over the years, but it has a pretty well-defined nature. People know what it is, and we're working within that framework.

GG: If you describe the show at one time as being "lofty narking", how would you describe the tone now?

Marr: This is a show in which the presenter sits in a chair, looks down the camera and denounces people. We believe for very good reasons. But it's a judgemental show, so the tone is always going to be there. But you hope that at the same time, it's wry and funny, and has other qualities. At times, I've got on and I've been furious. I've been lofty. I've been continuously hilariously funny, of course. There's a bit of a dispute between Peter and me on that point.

GG: How important is the humour?

Marr: It's vital. The show couldn't survive unless it was funny.

McEvoy: Media Watch has to be entertaining.

GG: How much does the style and personality of the host shape the show?

McEvoy: The host has to have a significant input. They express their own opinions and the researchers and the producers provide the material that forms the program. But it has to be the genuinely held opinion of the presenter. So the tone of the program has changed when different people have sat in that chair.

Marr: It's a hand-in-glove operation. Peter and I work out what we're going to be doing each week, but that's on the basis of the material that the staff have collected. I was given briefs at the end of the week, I'd go away and write the script. You should've see what they did to my scripts on Monday mornings, these fiends. Everybody put in their tuppence worth, quite often more than tuppence worth. There's a rigorous system of challenging and checking everything that goes into the show. Peter and I would workshop the script together until the cameras start taping a little bit after midday on Monday.

By the time that I was sitting in the chair, what I reading was were absolutely my opinions. It's crucial that if anything goes wrong with any story that we put to air - and nothing's gone wrong legally in the last three years - I'd have to go to court and say that they are my opinions. In the end, it's my face and my voice saying rough things about people in the trade.

GG: What qualities does a Media Watch host need?

Marr: You've got to love journalism, and I was never really very sure about that with Stuart Littlemore. I think that he was one of those Sydney lawyers. The Sydney bar has this fantastic scepticism about the media and that was a quality that he brought to the show. But you've got to love the trade, because otherwise you don't care enough about what goes wrong with it. At several points in the last few years, Pete and I have worked to defend journalists, and that's been unique to Media Watch. We did a whole of the show on the coverage of the Bali bombing and the aftermath. One of the reasons for doing that was not just to show some excellent journalism, but to point out what a terrific job the tabloid press had done.

McEvoy: We found a lot of positives when we did that coverage, but that's not our bread and butter.

Marr: The function of the show isn't to go 'round saying, "That was a gorgeous piece of journalism."

GG: When you look back on the last three years, which stories do you think have had an impact?

Marr: Cash for comment. Media Watch is the forum in which this issue has been kept before the public. In a sense, our criticism of the work of the Australian Broadcasting Authority has been a continuous theme. There was a kind of climax to that, I suppose, when David Flint resigned as chairman of the ABA. I rate keeping that issue alive, and scoring some points along the way, as an achievement.

McEvoy: I agree with David on that, but we could also add in that we've done a lot of tough stories about the ABC and it's quite an achievement to do that within the ABC.

GG: Do you think that the ABC is committed to Media Watch?

McEvoy: I think that the ABC is committed to Media Watch. But Media Watch does create tensions within the organisation, and the ABC manages to live with that.

Marr: Very insulting things have been said about Russell Balding because he's allowed Media Watch to criticise the ABC. But the ABC understands that you can't do this show unless you're equally critical of the ABC. Whatever standing the show has in the community is based on the understanding that we'll go the ABC, too.

McEvoy: What the program says is that the ABC takes journalism and editorial standards seriously, so seriously that they have a program devoted to looking at the media and seeing how journalism is being done. It's a great credit to the organisation.

Marr: And if you don't have a public broadcasting service, you don't have a show like Media Watch. Channel Nine is never going to host Media Watch.

GG: How much of what is seen on Media Watch comes from tip-offs?

McEvoy: Most of our stories come from tip-offs, and 90 per cent of those tip-offs come from the public. It's amazing the things that people pick up. We get hundreds of tips every week. A lot of them don't check out: people can be wrong. But the best of them do check out. A small percentage comes from people inside the media.

Marr: And they tend to be sensational when they come. Tips are our lifeblood. You've no idea what pedants and narks and sharp-eyes and funny people there are out there, people who are passionately engaged with the quality of their media, who see it as crucial to the life that they live in this country that they have a good media.

GG: Have you learnt anything about the media that you didn't know before you worked on the show?

McEvoy: It's surprising what people think that they can get away with. It's surprising that someone thinks that they can just cut and paste media releases into the paper week after week. It's surprising that Channel Nine thinks that they can just cut Lewis Moran's head out of the front page of the Herald Sun and stick it in their TV news. It's surprising what Alan Jones thinks he can get away with, what John Laws thinks he can get away with.

GG: We've talked a bit about what you see as the show's achievements, but are there things that you've missed, or that you might have done better?

McEvoy: I'm sure that there are.

Marr: But we're not a newspaper. The technique of Media Watch is you've got about 15 seconds to make your case: a little bit of commentary and bang, you've got to show the proof. The ethic of this show is "We Show the Proof". What makes us different from all kinds of commentators and columnists is that we show what we're talking about. We have to make our case very swiftly and convincingly, and that governs the tone and the nature of the show.

GG: So would it be better if it ran for half an hour?

Marr: We love people telling us that! And we love telling those people that half an hour would be really long. It's a very dense show. It calls for terrific concentration and calls for a lot of resources to make a quarter of an hour show. I don't think it would work as a half-hour. You wouldn't be able to keep up the kind of rapid-fire approach that's the hallmark of the show. You'd have a magazine show about what's in the news this week.

McEvoy: I think 15 minutes is about right.

GG: David, why have you decided that three years is long enough?

Marr: I've absolutely loved this. I've had a ball and I've done exactly what my mother told me not to do when I began. She said, "Dear, you'll be very good at this job so long as you don't show off." I've showed off outrageously, but it is time to go back and do it myself. This is a huge story that Media Watch reports, but it is one story, and I'm interested in reporting lots of other stories.

GG: Any news on who the new host will be?

McEvoy: All I can tell you is that we haven't chosen a host yet.

Media Watch is scheduled to return on February 14.


Matthew Ricketson runs the journalism program at RMIT.

"I ask myself the question: Is the world a better place for having this program or not? The answer is a resounding yes. Whatever things I think that they could do better are secondary to the fact that I think that they make a real contribution.

"David Marr has brought a very particular presence to that program. He has a forensic mind, he's very witty, a real television performer. You might argue that he engaged a bit too much with his adversaries, but that's at the margins. I know that there are people who found him arrogant. But I don't see how you can present Media Watch and come across as the milk of human kindness. It's not that kind of a gig.

"One of the things that always strikes me as funny is the number of journalists who get so angry with Media Watch when these very same people will tell the Prime Minister how to run the country and the Australian Test cricket captain how he should improve his batting outside off-stump. They will tell anyone and everyone how to do their jobs better. Yet when someone says 'Hang on guys, you actually need a bit of scrutiny yourselves', they scream with this hollow outrage."

John Schwartz, senior lecturer in media and communications at Swinburne University.

"I think it's an important program and it serves an important function. I was worried when it appeared to be threatened as a part of the ABC line-up.

"This year I've been particularly impressed with some of the attacks on the ABC and ABC policies, such as denying a documentary maker access to archival footage. David Marr highlighted the ABC's inadequacy and its bowing to political pressure. That's the real acid test with Media Watch: it's easy to pick on Ray Martin or John Laws. They're obvious targets and it's been done before. We know about those areas: chequebook journalism, trial by media, conflict of interest. It takes more courage to attack the ABC when you're in the ABC.

"But SBS probably got away with a bit this year. SBS has changed a lot, and if there's a criticism to be made of Media Watch, I think it's one of omission. They could have spent a bit of time investigating the changes that are happening on SBS, checking the charter and noting the concerns expressed by commentators and people who have left SBS.

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