

This was published 15 years ago

It's hip to be white

Michael Lallo accompanies Stuff White People Like author Christian Lander on a tour of Melbourne in search of our whitest suburb.

'MELBOURNE is definitely whiter than Sydney," says Christian Lander, before taking a sip of organic Fair Trade coffee. "In Sydney, most people seem to spend their days jogging around large bodies of water," he adds. "Melbourne is more chilled. If I lived in Australia, I'd live here."

We're in North Fitzroy, huddled over a small table in a trendy cafe-slash-grocer. It's the sort of place that sells organic vegetables, bio-dynamic meat and expensive pots of jam. On weekends, it's overrun by couples with babies on their chests and The Age under their arms. It's the perfect place to begin our search for Melbourne's Whitest Spot.

Before you panic, Lander is no racial supremacist. He is one of America's most popular humorists, having shot to fame last year with his blog-turned-bestseller Stuff White People Like. The book lampoons left-leaning, inner-city hipsters who believe they're unique — despite the fact they're actually all the same. They love Mad Men, vintage T-shirts, farmers' markets, sushi and foreign films. They "get" subversive comedy. Many can be found tapping away on an Apple laptop in a groovy cafe. "And I'm definitely one of them," Lander says. "This is me making fun of myself."

Fortunately, his peers also enjoy being parodied — particularly in Australia, which was the first country outside of America and Canada to publish his book. More than 200 people recently crammed into Readings book store in Carlton to meet him. And he has been recognised three times on our shores, compared to just twice in the US.


But not everyone gets his humour. Germaine Greer snubbed him at the Sydney Writers' Festival ("She just stood there not speaking to me," Lander says) and Kerri-Anne Kennerley cancelled his appearance on her show because she did not find him funny ("But everyone tells me that that's a good thing," he says). The Herald Sun also declined to interview him. "Their readers are obviously the 'wrong' type of white people."

Lander finishes his poached eggs and orders another coffee. Although he and his wife arrived just two days ago, they have already seen several contenders for Melbourne's Whitest Spot, including Degraves Street in the city, the Readings end of Lygon Street and Shanghai Dumpling House in Chinatown.

We leave the cafe and wander down Scotchmer Street and St Georges Road. "This place ticks all the boxes," Lander says excitedly. "Organic bakery! Cafe with retro furniture! Vintage clothing store! Authentic Thai restaurant! And old-school pub! Another organic bakery!"

He sees a vacant store. "There are only two options for that place. It will either become a community art gallery or a shop that sells vintage children's clothes. Oh, wait, there's a vintage children's clothing store right over there."

But then we encounter a pub with — oh no! — pokies. "Everything about this place is problematic. It's definitely not white. But, paradoxically, it makes this suburb even whiter because it reminds everyone that working-class people still live here, which makes it more authentic."

We hop on a tram and spend the next three hours strolling around Brunswick and Fitzroy. Lander asserts that Smith Street's grungy vibe makes it slightly whiter than Brunswick Street. But Gertrude Street, with its record shops, handmade toy retailers and natural cosmetics stores, is the whitest of the lot. It is here his wife Jess buys a funky koala doll for a friend's baby. "That koala was made by someone who lives in Fitzroy," the assistant tells her. Big white tick.

Next stop is the Queen Victoria Market — a controversial choice given its abundance of non-white people. But, as Lander explains, that only makes it whiter. "White people love being among non-white people because it makes them feel like cultural pioneers," he says. "Also, shopping at this market allows white people to say things like, 'Oh, I just love hearing all these different accents.' And it gives them a chance to stand in a line for long periods of time."

He motions to the lengthy queue in front of a gourmet pizza shop. "When it comes to takeaway food, it's not worth eating unless you have to wait at least half an hour for it. Then you have to tell everyone you know that you waited at least half an hour for it."

But as we step outside, Lander slips up: he fails to point at the McDonald's over the road and say, "Why would anyone eat there when there's so much good food here?" "Man, you're right," he says, looking deeply ashamed. You see, in white person culture, not saying the right thing can be as humiliating as saying the wrong thing.

We make our way to St Kilda, which he likes but dismisses as a Whitest Spot nominee because of the chain stores on Acland Street. He is heartened, though, by the prevalence of fixed-gear bicycles with Australian-made, white-rimmed Velocity tyres. "I have them on my bike. Those tyres are Australia's greatest contribution to hipsterdom."

After lunch at a little Malaysian eatery, he and Jess retire to their hotel for a nap. In the evening, we reconvene at Cookie on Swanston Street, where we're joined by a suitably eclectic bunch including Salam Cafe hosts Aamer Rahman and Nazeem Hussain, Age columnists Catherine Deveny and Kenneth Nguyen, and Murray Cook (aka The Red Wiggle). Finally, Lander announces the winner.

"North Fitzroy is Melbourne's Whitest Spot," he says. "It has more organic bakeries and vintage shops per square mile than anywhere else. It's been gentrified — but not completely, which means it still has credibility. And most importantly, everyone seems to be in possession of at least one blonde child. When a suburb is hip enough to contain vintage shops, but safe enough for white people to have kids in, then it's truly white."

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