

This was published 5 years ago

Australia remembers the moon landing, 50 years on

By Andrew Stephens

During the Apollo 11 moon mission in July 1969, commander Neil Armstrong played what his crewmate Michael Collins described as "strange, electronic-sounding music". It was from an album called Music Out of the Moon by Dr Samuel Hoffman, and featured the theremin, that weird musical instrument whose eerie UFO sounds grace classic sci-fi films such as The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).

Joan Aldrin speaks with her husband, Buzz, via telephone patch during the quarantine period that followed Apollo 11's return to Earth..

Joan Aldrin speaks with her husband, Buzz, via telephone patch during the quarantine period that followed Apollo 11's return to Earth..Credit: NASA

Writing about this in his book Moondust: In Search of the Men Who Fell to Earth (2005), Andrew Smith describes it as eccentric but perfect that the quavering notes of the theremin – "like the pleadings of an alien choir" – accompanied humanity's first visit to another world.

Armstrong also played Antonin Dvorak's 1893 symphony no.9, From the New World.

It says much that there was a soundtrack during the historic trip that landed people on the moon for the first time, for these military-minded men were pretty straightforward when they stepped on to that dusty surface. Armstrong's brief "small step, giant leap" speech was the most rhapsodic they got during their televised conversation from the moon. They were, after all, on a serious work trip.

The moon has figured in art, music, poetry and literature for most of human history as an object of mystery, speculation and beauty. That glowing orb in the night (and day) sky, with its cycles and effects on tides, is deeply embedded in our collective psyche and imaginations. So people landing on the moon was not only a leap for science, engineering and human endeavour, it was also a deeply significant moment for cultural expression. It meant we could see and understand ourselves in new ways. Through the prism of artistic expression, the long-lasting effects of this astonishing achievement on July 21, 1969, are still being creatively explored.

The 2000 film The Dish celebrated CSIRO’s Parkes' role in the moon landing.

The 2000 film The Dish celebrated CSIRO’s Parkes' role in the moon landing.Credit: AP

That's especially the case this year. Marking the 50th anniversary of the "giant leap", museums and galleries around the world are mounting dozens of exhibitions and events. This seems especially true across Australia, where the televising of the first step was assisted by staff at CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope, celebrated and fictionalised in The Dish (2000). The 26-metre antenna at the Honeysuckle Creek space tracking station near Canberra was also crucial to the TV event, while Tidbinbilla deep space tracking station supported the command module.

Local moon aficionados love all that involvement, and will feast on National Science Week's many events, while visitors to Queensland Museum's show NASA – A Human Adventure can see loads of machinery, ephemera and replica spacecraft. This may provoke exciting memories for those who huddled around their tellies in 1969 to see the event. But what happened to their expectations of the lunar cities that would surely follow, like those now seen in TV's The Expanse? Since 1972, when the twelfth man last stood on that surface, no one has been there, even though former US President George Bush announced in 2004 plans to have us back there with a settlement by 2020.

Perhaps Dr Alice Gorman will move things along with her perceptive view of art-science connections. Gorman, an eminent Australian space archaeologist known as Dr Space Junk, describes the moon as "a cultural landscape strewn with archaeological sites", thanks to the many moon landings made – six of them with people – since 1959, when Russia made history with the crewless Lunik 2 touching down on the moon.

A close-up view of an astronaut's foot and footprint in lunar soil, 1969. A lack of atmosphere means the footprints of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are probably still there.

A close-up view of an astronaut's foot and footprint in lunar soil, 1969. A lack of atmosphere means the footprints of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are probably still there.Credit: NASA

Thanks to a lack of atmosphere, the footprints of Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are probably still there. That's nicely poetic given all the tech-focus the space age tends to attract. Gorman writes in her new book, Dr Space Junk vs The Universe, that landing people on the moon did not herald the end of "the lovers' moon" – it retains its romantic place in our lives as the confidante of lovers and the dreamscape of children.

"Science and the arts had not been fatally riven apart by the encounter with reality," she writes of the human landing. "Perhaps, on the contrary, it had brought them closer together."

Gorman, who lectures at Adelaide's Flinders University, describes the moon as essential to our lives. "There is no living thing which has not been influenced by it; no person on Earth, from our hominin ancestors to the present day, who has not looked up to the moon in the night sky, experienced lunar cycles, or felt the effects of the tides … It's the inspiration for stories, myths and science about how the heavens and Earth came to be."

Some still question whether the enormous costs are worth it.

It's great to keep these reflections in mind as we grapple with the ambitious new commercial space age headed by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, with the US, China, Japan, India and others vying for supremacy by launching more missions to the moon, Mars and beyond. In the face of that adventure, though, some still question whether the enormous costs are worth it, despite the immense scientific, medical and technological advances resulting from the Apollo missions.

But as Roger Launius, a former associate director at Washington's Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, once pointed out, "we spend more money each year on major sporting events than on space exploration".

There are certainly many perspectives. In the exhibition Between the Moon and the Stars at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, curator Dr Wendy Garden has included local Indigenous artworks and says the importance of the moon and stars to Aboriginal people is reflected in numerous ancestral stories used to explain their existence.

She notes that when these first Australians looked up into the night sky more than 65,000 years ago, the Moon would have been very slightly closer, for each year it is moving away from us by a few centimetres.

In 2017, though, the Moon was close enough to be in the kitchen for Dutch photographer Robert Pufleb and designer Nadine Schlieper.

That year, they published Alternative Moons, featuring dozens of gorgeous images of this celestial body – but what we see, pocked and cratered, are not photos of the moon but of pancakes. In a frypan, the artists had noticed the kinship between cooked batter and our orbiting rock. They took many luscious photos; fake-moon-landing conspiracy theorists will never see breakfast the same way again.

Space fashion, ‘Angels in Orbit’, 1969. 

Space fashion, ‘Angels in Orbit’, 1969. Credit: National Archives of Australia

It's no surprise the moon has had these sorts of outlandish expressions, and fashion and pop culture haven't escaped its gravity, from the preposterous outfits in photos such as the National Archives of Australia's uncredited Angels in Orbit (1969), or the garb of moonbase staff in Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's UFO TV show, to some extraordinary pieces of cinema.

Yarraville's Sun Theatre is next month showing films as diverse as The Right Stuff (1983), Moon (2009), Apollo 13 (1995) and Wallace and Gromit in A Grand Day Out (1989). Not to forget 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), which predated the human moon landing, as did David Bowie's song Space Oddity (the latter by just a few days).

Damiano Bertoli, Whiteys on the Moon (Cathy & George) 2008, lustre print, is showing as part of The Moon Exhibition at Geelong Gallery.

Damiano Bertoli, Whiteys on the Moon (Cathy & George) 2008, lustre print, is showing as part of The Moon Exhibition at Geelong Gallery.Credit: Courtesy of the artist and Neon Parc, Melbourne

Another film that predated the "small step" was one of the world's earliest pieces of cinema, Georges Melies' A Trip to the moon (1902), in which the arriving spacecraft comically hits the Man in the Moon in the eye. Geelong Gallery is featuring this film in its exhibition The Moon. Curator Lisa Sullivan has included artists as diverse as Walter Withers, Arthur Streeton, James Gleeson, Rosemary Laing, Louise Weaver and Mikala Dwyer in the exhibition.

Georges Méliès, A Trip to the Moon, 1902.

Georges Méliès, A Trip to the Moon, 1902.Credit: ACMI

One of the most evocative is Dwyer's work, The Moon (2008), which dallies with lunar nomenclature devised by 17th-century astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli: his placenames include the well-known Sea of Tranquility as well as Seas of Roughness, Trust and Rainbows, Swamps of Rot and Sleep, and Lakes of Death, Forgetfulness and Perseverance. Dwyer plays with these magically.

Janet Dawson, another artist in the show, lived in the bush for 47 years and felt she communicated with the moon daily, always aware of its presence and its silvery light at night. Now she has moved to the coast, but feels she has brought the moon with her as a friend.

Dawson recalls the turn of the millennium in 2000 and rumours the world would end. She set up a "dawn operation" with a telescope and art materials and as the moon rose, she began works "with all the lumps and bumps", as seen through a telescope. More recently, she has been doing more work with this "old friend" on a tondo, or round canvas.

At the National Archives of Australia, an anniversary program will display moon fragments handed to then Prime Minister John Gorton in 1970 by NASA astronaut Colonel Thomas Stafford.

Caroline Webber, the NAA Director of Public Programs, says Gorton also penned a goodwill note which, along with messages from 73 other world leaders, was microfilmed, etched onto a small silicon disc, encased in aluminium and left on the moon's Sea of Tranquility.

His message (which will also to be displayed) conveyed how thrilled he was at Australia's part in the event, hoping "the high courage and the technical genius which made this achievement possible be so used in the future that mankind will live in a universe in which peace, self-expression and the chance of dangerous adventure are available to all".

That hasn't quite happened, but artist Bec Bigg-Wither remains positive. She is one of many artists in an Australian National University exhibition called Promised the Moon, curated by Dr Ursula Frederick, and she notes that several works include references to television, the medium through which the landing was conveyed to many millions on Earth.

People gather outside Dixons department store in Sydney to watch a live telecast of the moon landing.

People gather outside Dixons department store in Sydney to watch a live telecast of the moon landing.Credit: John O'Gready

"Television is how people understood it," Bigg-Wither says. "It linked people around the globe and how they interpreted the event. It was unifying – perhaps only for a few minutes – but there was no one on the planet who had access to a television who wasn't wishing those guys well and that is a really beautiful and incredible thing."

As part of the ANU project, supported by ACT Heritage, people are being asked to record their moon-landing memories on the website. One, Martyn Jolly, recalls being let out of school early to watch Armstrong. The next year he saw a piece of moon rock displayed at a museum. He recently found a newspaper image of that rock and it was smoother (and more expensive) than he recalled.

The make-up of that fragment, like the other 382 kilos of moon returned to Earth by Apollo missions, has added evidence to the theory most scientists accept about the origins of the 4.5 billion-year-old orb: that it was formed very early in Earth's history when our planet collided with another Mars-sized planet named Theia. So the moon, coalescing from the impact fragments, is composed of bits of Earth and bits of Theia. It has always been a part of us.

Dr Space Junk vs The Universe (2019) by Dr Alice Gorman (New South Books, $29.99). The moon is at Geelong Art Gallery, June 15 - September 1, The moon Film Festival is at the Sun Theatre, July 16-24 July, NASA – A Human Adventure is at Queensland Museum until October 9, Promised the moon is at ANU School of Art & Design Gallery, June 20-July 26, Between the moon and the Stars is at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory until March 22, 2020. National Science Week runs August 10-18,

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