

This was published 4 years ago


For 20 years our students have been slipping - but money is not the answer

Earlier this week, the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, report was
released. There is no sugar coating what it shows. For 20 years now, we have been on a steady
downward trajectory in the international student rankings.

The truth is that while Australia has a great education system, there are systemic problems that
need addressing if we are to rise back up to the top of the rankings.

We know that the problem is not funding. Under Gonski 1.0 – and now under Gonski 2.0 – schools
have more money than ever before. Not only do they have money – but this money is distributed
according to need, with the most money going to the most disadvantaged schools.

The bigger challenge lies elsewhere. There are three areas in particular we have to look at: curriculum, teacher quality, and our philosophical approach to learning.

With regard to curriculum, it is clear that we must focus on the basics of numeracy and literacy, and
we must ensure that what is being taught in the classroom reflects evidence-based best practice. The gradual overcrowding of the curriculum in some ways is not surprising. Too often, the
curriculum has become a depository for content aimed at fixing societal ills. The reality is that
instilling values sets and encouraging positions on social and political issues is not the job of schools.

It is the job of parents. A school’s job is to equip kids with the knowledge needed to successfully
engage with the world as independent thinkers.


This is why the NSW government is in the midst of comprehensively reviewing the curriculum for
the first time in more than 30 years – with the aim of bringing things back to the basics, cutting
unnecessary content, and putting an explicit focus on numeracy and literacy in the early years.

The second thing we must look at is teacher quality. Universities have forgotten their societal duty to put only the most qualified graduates in front of our kids. We must set the expectation that a low ATAR and poor university marks are not good enough if you want to be a teacher. If our aspiring teachers don’t strive for academic excellence, how can we expect them to instil intellectual rigour in their students?


This is why the NSW government announced the Teacher Success Profile last year – demanding that
future applicants for a job in government schools get at least a credit average at university, pass
rigorous psychometric tests, undertake targeted interviews, and have all their practicum reports

But it is not just teacher graduates we must look at. We must also look at those leading our schools.
A good principal can be transformative – but a bad principal can be devastating. We must give our best teachers an incentive to stay in the profession – so that they become principals, and we must give incentives to our best principals to take up jobs in our most challenging schools. This means having conversations around how we structure salaries, as well as around creating "fast streams" to accelerate the career paths of our best teachers.


The third conversation we must have is around our philosophical approach to education standards.
Perhaps more than any other portfolio area, education is prone to sudden infatuations with flavour-of-the-month fads. The current one seeks to downplay the importance of final assessment of
academic ability, on the grounds that final assessments such as the HSC (and related ranking
mechanisms such as the ATAR) put too much pressure on students.

At the end of the day, academic capability matters. This is something that is recognised by high
performing systems overseas. Yet too often we hear the tired mantra that "marks don’t matter". But
a hard truth must be re-embraced by educators: marks and performance don’t mean everything -
but they are meaningful. They indicate the extent of a student’s knowledge, and the sooner we
recognise this, the sooner our PISA scores will improve.

It is clear our system in its current form is not preparing our students as best as it could for the
future. As the minister, I have a responsibility to rectify this. The next year will be exciting for our
schools as we roll out reforms that allow us to build the best education system in the world.

Sarah Mitchell is the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning. 

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