

This was published 9 years ago

Ultra HD Blu-ray - will you upgrade your movie library again?

By Adam Turner

A new disc format is on the way, will you rush to get onboard?

Depending on how long you've been watching movies, your home entertainment library might be an eclectic collection of VHS tapes, LaserDiscs, DVDs, Blu-rays and digital downloads for the Apple TV. If you're an early adopter who tends to back the wrong horse there might even be a few Betamax tapes and HD DVD discs in there as well.

Ultra HD Blu-ray might let you revive the lost treasures in your movie library.

Ultra HD Blu-ray might let you revive the lost treasures in your movie library.

Change is upon us again, with Hollywood finally agreeing on the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc standard to deliver pictures four-times sharper than Blu-ray. Ultra HD Blu-ray disc players should be available in the US by Christmas, although we probably won't see them in Australia until next year.

Thankfully they'll be no format war this time around, but there is an alternative to discs in the form of Ultra HD streaming from the likes of Netflix. We might even see Netflix Ultra HD streaming built into the next Apple TV set-top box, if not the mythical Apple Television. Some people argue that physical media is dead and buried, but they're a vocal minority.

Most Australians won't have the bandwidth to do Ultra HD justice for a few years yet. Even when the new-look NBN does reach your door, you'll see that online video struggles to match the quality of discs. There's a lot more to picture quality than raw resolution. Look to the detail in the shadows to see the difference, the bigger your television the more it stands out.

If you're keen to stick with discs, the big question is; when do you draw a line in the sand and start buying movies in Ultra HD rather than Blu-ray?

Initially it's a question of price – Ultra HD Blu-ray discs will certainly be more expensive – but after a while it becomes a trade-off of quality against convenience. Fragmenting your entertainment library is troublesome when you're waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.

Even after I crossed the line and started buying new movies on Blu-ray, I kept buying movies for my kids on DVD. That way they can watch them on the old DVD player in our rumpus room, or on a notebook computer. They can also take DVDs to their grandparents' house on sleepover night.

Over time a few Blu-ray discs have crept into my children's movie library, so my old Blu-ray player now lives at my parents' house. The next hand-me-down Blu-ray player might end up at my mother-in-law's house for the same reason.


After you make the leap to a new format, the next decision is whether you'll go back and buy another copy of your favourite movies on Ultra HD, like the original Indiana Jones trilogy, even if you already own them on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray. If you're a die-hard fan then you probably won't be able to resist, but proceed with caution.

The movie studios sometimes do a cheap and nasty job of remastering old movies and transferring them to new formats. If they do a poor job then it won't actually look much better than the old copy you already own. If you're fussy about picture quality then you'll want to visit forums like and to check the transfer quality of specific releases before you spend your money.

How fragmented is your home entertainment library? Will you jump on the Ultra HD Blu-ray bandwagon?

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