

This was published 1 year ago

It’s corporate retreat time on Succession, and there’s a kill list

By Thomas Mitchell
Catch up with all of our recaps and coverage of the final season of Succession, in our collection.See all 23 stories.

This story contains spoilers for the season four episode of Succession, Kill List. Every week The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald will be recapping the latest episode of Succession. You can listen to our recap podcast here.

Blood is thicker than water, so the saying goes, but in the dysfunctional world of Succession, family ties are rarely the ones that bind. We’ve learned from four seasons of this show that leverage is more important than loyalty; what you know outranks who you know.

And if what you know is particularly damning, say, the CEO of GoJo has been sending bricks of his frozen blood to a young female employee, well, that can be all you need to fast-track a bond and a business deal. As it turns out, blood bricks are thicker than water.

Titled The Kill List, episode five could’ve easily been called How Shivvy Got Her Groove Back; such was her sparkling return to form.

Titled The Kill List, episode five could’ve easily been called How Shivvy Got Her Groove Back; such was her sparkling return to form. Credit: Marija Ercegovac

Titled The Kill List, episode five could’ve easily been called How Shivvy Got Her Groove Back; such was her sparkling return to form. Following last week’s literal fall from grace, Shiv Roy put her years of politicking to practice as the WayStar family were summoned to Norway by Lukas Matsson.

Wait, but he’s Swedish, right? “Norway, Sweden, what’s the difference?” explains Tom. “They’re all descended from the same rapists.”

In Norway, Matsson and his gang of super hot, young, bearded European employees hold their annual corporate retreat, and the WayStar staff have been invited for a “cultural compatibility check” before the impending merger.

Really, it’s more of an incompatibility check, with talk of a kill list doing the rounds. Fail to impress Matsson over the weekend, and you’re a no-go for GoJo.

It seems appropriate that against this icy cold Norwegian backdrop, all rugged mountains and freezing fjords, Shiv Roy finally starts to warm up. But before we get to the bit where Shiv circumnavigates her CEO-bros, has a loaded-but-also-arousing exchange with Mattson and eventually seals the deal for WayStar, we must first rewind.


In real-time, it’s been 24 hours since Kendall and Roman took over, but Kendall is already in full takeover mode. In fact, he’s listening to Takeover by Jay Z on the way to the office, blissfully unaware of what he might learn from the lyric: “It’s like bringin’ a knife to a gunfight”.


By the time we get to Norway, though, Kendall’s takeover looks more like a takedown. It’s clear the entire WayStar organisation is nervous about the trip; vibes on the plane are tense. To be fair, planes haven’t been kind to the family lately, so Karl and Frank are smart to pop on a pair of DVT socks.

However, the real danger lies on the other side of the Atlantic; Matsson and the Super Swedes have the team rattled; rumour has it one of them even competed at the Winter Olympics.

Cue Gerri with one of the all-time great Succession pump-up speeches: “They’re just Europeans, hammocked in their social security safety nets, sick on vacation-mania and free health care”.

“We’ve been raised by wolves,” she says. “Exposed to a pathogen that goes by the name Logan Roy.”

Unfortunately, that pathogen isn’t around to do the bidding anymore, so the duty falls to Roman and Kendall. They intend to try to milk Matsson for a few dollars more; he agreed to buy Waystar Royco (minus ATN) for $US144 a share.

Raised by wolves and yet, still so uncomfortable in the wild.

Raised by wolves and yet, still so uncomfortable in the wild. Credit: HBO / Binge

Bump that up by a few dollars, and everyone flies home rich and happy. Sound like a plan?

As Shiv reminds us, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth, and Matsson lands the first blow by hosting the negotiation on a clifftop. Forcing your opponent to travel via cable car? Amazing.

The second hit arrives in the form of Matsson’s presence; a hulking Viking, six-foot something, and so relaxed he doesn’t even need to remove his hood.

“I’m solo, baby,” he says to Roman and Kendall, who are flanked by the Graybeards.

Body language experts would have a field day with this photo.

Body language experts would have a field day with this photo.Credit: HBO/Binge

“You got scared to come and talk without the village elders?”

And the final blow? Mattson comes to the meeting with a new offer: he wants ATN back on the table and is prepared to pay $US187 a share.

The art of negotiation has never been a strong suit for either brother, Kendall being too impulsive and Roman too emotional - especially since Logan’s death. And both balk at the idea of selling their father’s prized asset.

Over lunch, the rest of the crew go full Nordic - Meat on a spit! Sauna! - while Matsson tries (and fails) to explain why they don’t want ATN, belittling it as a parts shop peddling “news for angry old people”.

He just wants to make them rich, OK? Take the deal and have a sauuuuhnna!

But Matsson’s approach backfires when he calls the brothers a “tribute band,” sending Kendall into a spiral - he is already rich, but now he’s angry too.

Watching Kendall and Roman get chewed up by Mattson felt eerily reminiscent of Logan in his prime; smarter, meaner, slicker, and quicker. And like Logan, Matsson soon decides these are not serious people.

But Shiv? From the minute they crossed paths in this episode, there was an obvious attraction, a recognition of equals.

Can I interest you in a Bloody Mary? Perhaps an episode of True Blood?

Can I interest you in a Bloody Mary? Perhaps an episode of True Blood?Credit: HBO / Binge

It doesn’t hurt that they’re on the same page about the deal, with Shiv making it clear she is happy to farewell the toxic ATN with its problematic pipeline to right-wing presidential candidate Jeryd Mencken.

So it is hardly a surprise when the pair splinters off to a private cabin, and here’s where things get strange, wonderful and slightly bloody. Over booze and bumps of cocaine (worth noting that pregnant Shiv appears to fake sipping and snorting), the two indulge in a game of show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.

Matsson admits that he’s currently lusting after his young head of communications, Ebba. Worse still, his way of courting is sending bricks of his recently harvested blood to her. Romantic!

Side note: Special mention to those who couldn’t get past the Alexander Skarsgård-True Blood-Eric Northman connection here.

Sensing an opportunity, Shiv flicks into an advisory mode, reminding Matsson that in the ruthless American media landscape harassing direct reports with bricks of blood will not play well for him.

She then offers a vulnerable nugget of her own when Mattson asks about her crumbling marriage: “We’re f---ked; it’s a disaster.”

The entire exchange is undercut by the possibility that things could get weird between these two - maybe not blood brick weird, but who knows?

The attraction emboldens Shiv, and she encourages him not to give up on the deal: “A meaningful bump gets you over the line.”

Beautiful location = ugly showdown. It is just part of the Succession cannon.

Beautiful location = ugly showdown. It is just part of the Succession cannon. Credit: HBO / Binge

At the same time, Kendall has decided that bleeding the Swede is futile (especially considering he’s bleeding himself), and the time has come to tank the deal. It’s the moment we’ve all been expecting since Kendall took over; he’s waited a lifetime to become Logan, and after a day in the hot seat, he’s addicted.

“I like running the ship, I think we’re good at it, and I don’t want to stop,” he tells Roman, who reluctantly agrees.

Succession loves to save its ugliest showdowns for the most beautiful locations (traitors in Tuscany, anyone?), so we scale the mountain again for the final showdown.

Aware that the deal is popular with the board, Roman and Kendall must convince Matsson to walk. But their attempts to scare him off with horror stories about overblown budgets on their Sleepy Robot In A Cave movie fall flat.

He calls their bluff and rages, the Northman is not happy, and he tells the brothers that Logan would be “embarrassed if he saw you now, his two big boys playing Scooby Doos.” Then comes the scene that will inevitably play at the Golden Globes next year when Kieran Culkin picks up his Best Actor – Television Series Drama trophy.

Despite telling everyone he has pre-grieved, it’s clear that Roman has been hurting. Even before Logan died, he was different this time; there was empathy, emotion, and sensitivity under the snark.

When Matsson pushes the Dead Dad button, Roman rages, channelling everything he hasn’t said and spitting it back at the man twice his size. “I f--king hate you, and if you tell the board I said any of this, I’m just gonna say it was a negotiating tactic, and you know what, maybe it is,” Roman says. “But it’s not, so f--k you.”

With the deal seemingly torpedoed, Matsson takes flight in his chopper while it’s back on the PJ for Waystar and Co. While in the air, Frank gets a phone call from Matsson (do only rich people have service on planes?) with an updated offer: $US192 a share for everything, including ATN.

Amidst the popping corks and back-slapping, we spy a smiling Shiv. Her brothers might be sheepishly toasting to their success, but her back-channelling closed the deal. Having notched up a professional win, Shiv then takes care of her personal life, extending a dinner invite to Tom but not before asking him to fire Cyd from ATN. You just got shivved Wambsgans, and it hurts so good.

The celebrations are cut short when the Kill List gets leaked, it’s goodbye for Karl, Frank and Hugo, but it does not include Tom, Karolina or Gerri. Curious, given they are Shiv-adjacent. Might she have helped Matsson curate that?

The episode ends with Shiv taking a call from Matsson; he wants her to send a picture of Roman and Kendall, he wants to see them at rock bottom.

She’s more than happy to oblige, especially when the view is so good from the top.

Line of the week: “Deniability is difficult, given she has so much of your blood.”

Shiv to Matsson

Succession is dropping new episodes every Monday on Foxtel and Binge.

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