

This was published 2 years ago


Superheroes need to share the screens with ordinary mortals

Tom Holland’s new film, Spider-Man: No Way Home, is a huge hit, enjoying the second-highest US domestic box office opening of all time.

Yet off-screen, Holland is engaged in another battle. He is taking to task critics such as Martin Scorsese who have dismissed superhero films, arguing that movies like No Way Home are in fact “real art”.

Spider-Man (Tom Holland) is taking on the action movie critics.

Spider-Man (Tom Holland) is taking on the action movie critics.Credit: Sony Pictures

“You can ask [Martin] Scorsese ‘Would you want to make a Marvel movie?’ But he doesn’t know what it’s like because he’s never made one,” Holland told The Hollywood Reporter.

“I’ve made Marvel movies and I’ve also made movies that have been in the conversation in the world of the Oscars, and the only difference, really, is one is much more expensive than the other.“

Are superhero movies art? Perhaps that lies in the eye of the beholder. One man’s Battleship Potemkin is another man’s Caddyshack.

I don’t begrudge someone their escapist spandex sagas. The real problem is that this one particular form of art has become so financially successful that is dominating the field to the detriment of other, more adult films.

Indeed, the stranglehold superhero movies have over Hollywood is disappointing. The decline in decent things to watch – with rare gems such as Oscar winners such as Nomadland and Mank – has been noticeable. So, too, has been the decline in the art house cinemas like the Mandolin and the Valhalla that once screened them.

One is tempted to agree with James Cameron, who in 2019 hoped we would all start to get “Avenger fatigue”.

“It’s just, come on, guys, there are other stories to tell besides, you know, hypogonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process.“


Would I be comfortable with a superhero movie winning the Oscar for Best Film, as some have suggested, standing among the ranks of such films as Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, The Bridge On The River Kwai and The Godfather. In a word: no.


Good art surely must be relatable – and many of our superheroes are simply not relatable. Not unless we start getting ones like the Ghost That Walks (To The Shops To Pick Up Milk And Bread).

In a world where each day brings new, terrifying realities – global warming, environmental degradation, COVID-19 – the idea of the superhero seems faintly ridiculous.

Yes, let the superhero movies fly high, real art or not. But leave some space for the tales of us ordinary mortals and our ordinary problems, too.

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