By Age reviewers
A week into the festival, our reviewers have found some four- and five-star gems among Festival stalwarts and fresh faces. Read on - every one is a winner.
Geraldine Hickey, What a Surprise ★★★★★
Melbourne Town Hall, until April 18
A 6.10pm show means two things: you can be home on the couch by 8pm (ace) – but people don’t generally laugh as loudly (boo) because they’re only one drink into their night.
Comedian Geraldine Hickey.Credit: Darrian Traynor
It’s testament to the way Hickey builds her set with calm elan that she can have a full Supper Room crowd heaving back and forth on their seats within the first 10 minutes using small mouth movements and vulnerable asides as she recalls her 40th birthday party/festival.
She takes us deep into her relationship with her now-wife, Cath, including a proposal story, an elusive bouncy castle and some dynamite long-game footage of the couple over the years that’s reminiscent of Sammy J’s fastidious life-hoarding for comedic purposes.
Hickey’s knowledge of her audience is forensic, “I’m just like all of you, don’t forget that,” she smirks. Wait ’til you see the victorious climax — truly an epic flail. MIKEY CAHILL
Luke Heggie, Lowbreed ★★★★★
European Bier Café, until April 18
Is there an award for Most Improved Player? Last time I saw Heggie he was solid, now he’s utterly extraordinary.
The deadpan Sydney stand-up gets straight into it and delivers as many jokes per minute as fellow blue chip performer Rhys Nicholson, targeting police, vegan-haters and unisex toilets: “This is the future we’ve all fought for.”
Luke Heggie
Heggie is uniquely placed as an anthropological intellectual disguised as a tradie. The stern-faced cheer-jerker stacks up line after line of acerbic gold like a sarcastic symphony. “I was spending quantity time with my children,” he mutters before launching into some of the sharpest written material I’ve ever heard about modern Australia in all in its maddening, hypocritical glory.
Heggie constantly wrongfoots his crowd who have no choice but to roar with approval as we take in his Banjo Patterson meets Chopper Read wisdom and finally find out who really wins bar fights. A knock-out. MIKEY CAHILL
Stuart Daulman: The Stuart Daulman Farewell Reunion Show ★★★
Trades Hall, until April 18
Stuart Daulman
Comedy tastes vary. If your palate is restricted to white bread with no crusts, you might as well skip to the next review now.
If you’re the sort who’d try camembert and dark chocolate on open rye, however, chuck another star on the rating above.
Stuart Daulman comes across like an 80s IT expert hopped up on too many 7-11 coffees, a hyper-kinetic outsider who switches in an instant from this festival’s best yoga-based pun to bush poo material to a bracing Nessun Dorma delivery.
Usually his shows are high concept and effects-heavy, but this year he makes plain what many comedians are thinking: why plan? Is this festival even happening?
As a result this is a wild hour of abstracted thoughts, half-formed gags and on-the-fly riffs that move like a dirt bike careening down a gully, forever threatening to crash spectacularly. More than once you may ask: is this a bit or is he falling apart?
As his preferred Enya track responds: Who Can Say? JOHN BAILEY
Ivan Aristeguieta, Pinata ★★★★
Athenaeum Theatre, until April 18.
Vivacious Venezuelan ex-pat Ivan Aristeguieta is the kind of pal you want if we go into lockdown again.
He decries the cynicism of Australian media who complained this country was ranked 8th in the world for COVID-19 response. “There are 194 other countries!”
Aristiguieta admits the solitude of lockdown and tyrannical rule – dictators and all – reminded him of his home country.
Comedian Ivan Aristeguieta
The 42-year-old grinning machine takes us into the roughest period of his life when depression became a tear-tattooed Chicano gangster. This led him to visit the Land of the Rising Sun where he said Hello Kitty and goodbye black dog.
Pinata is a step up into wholesome, satisfying-but-not-safe territory that revolves around the relationship with his mother, two perplexing, painful separations and Aristeguieta’s adorable love story of finally finding a partner who has opinions on flatulence.
He gesticulates wearily, pretending to be an Australian audience member ordering Aristeguieta to “make the joke jokes.” No need. This is a vibrant, energetic hour. MIKEY CAHILL
Is Doing Me Right Now, Nina Oyama ★★★★
Comedy Republic, until April 16
Nina Oyama is the over-correction we had to have. Male stand-ups have been doing jokes about self-pleasure since, well, forever, and now it’s Nina’s turn to go all in.
Oyama burst onto the scene in 2019 with her debut solo show, Needs a Lift, that scored her roles on Utopia, The Weekly and, um, as a possum on ABC’s The Set.
Nina Oyama
Tonight she’s in ripping form in front of a sold out crowd. The gleeful gagger reminds us at the start of the show “If you’re not laughing, you’re learning” a professional caveat.
Oyama picks her targets (Hughesy and his extra mansion, Chris “Smug Mug” Kenny, Lizzo vs J-Lo, calzones) but mostly she’s picking on herself. The sardonic comic also gifts us an early leader for best portmanteau of the festival (no spoilers here).
Get your hands on a ticket to her just-announced 300 seat show this Sunday at Max Watts. MIKEY CAHILL
Cockatiel, Charlie Zangel ★★★½
Comedy Republic, until April 5
Following a short sketch documenting his adolescence and a recital of his single Drama Queen, Charlie Zangel sets the tone for the evening very early on: “Are you guys ready to do some gay s--t tonight?”
An alumnus of MICF’s handpicked showcase The Comedy Zone as his drag alter-ego Charity Werk, Cockatiel sees Zangel ditch the makeup and spread his wings for a debut solo hour.
Charlie Zangel
Cockatiel is part a bildungsroman of a teenager who leads a drama troupe in a Catholic high school realising his sexuality; part a comfortable and confident late-20-something young genderqueer belting out original and parody songs.
There’s also a modicum of references to the latest reboot of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Hocus Pocus and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (which I’ll admit, all went straight over my heterosexual head) that the unusually-full Wednesday night audience adored.
Cockatiel wraps up tightly with a moment of tenderness – as Zangel recalls coming out to his brother cross-continentally.
He’s here, he’s queer. Snap up a ticket, quick. TYSON WRAY
Bob Franklin - Sir Robert’s Sporting legends ★★★★★
Greek Centre, until April 4
‘Sir’ Bob Franklin
With a mischievous glint in his eye and a wry smile, Bob Franklin as Sir Robert steps onto the stage and sets off the audience from the get go.
Sporting a cravat and puffing on an unlit pipe, he’s a picture of refinement hosting a charity night for the reformed Shane Warne Foundation. However, few are safe from his cynical, sarcastic genius. He rattles off well-known names, skewering them with an unrivalled panache.
An inspired selection of sporting, entertainment and television identities are targeted - from Wayne Carey to Richard Wilkins. From Eddie McGuire to Russell Crowe. From Sam Newman to Anthony Mundine. From Scott Morrison to, of course, Shane Warne.
The saucy old thespian’s turn-of-phrase as he lists the donated charity auction items is enchanting, peppered with rapid-fire barbs. Sir Bob is so intrinsically funny, all he has to do is swing his leg onto a chair and the audience erupts.
By no means do you need to follow sport to get the gags. It’s more social commentary with extra sting. And Wil Anderson, if you’re reading this, you may want to skip this show. DONNA DEMAIO
Dave Thornton Novel Problems ★★★★
Upstairs at The Forum until April 4
Dave Thornton should hope for latecomers to every show. His gentle taunting of tardy stragglers sets the tone for an hour of quick wit and cheery anecdotes.
Dave Thornton
He launches into a stream of engaging tales. Reflections on the lockdown(s) prevail while Thornton isn’t afraid to regale the audience with embarrassing insights into being father to two young girls - even with his wife in the audience.
Thornton’s several years on the circuit have given him confidence and finesse on stage. He paces, grabs a stool for a pit stop and sweeps back his locks, while telling spirited tales and sharing relatable observations.
He pokes fun at baby names, dog breeds, snobbery, cynics, and rumpus rooms. Don’t be surprised if the words fiddlesticks and tickety-boo come up.
And if anyone in the audience leaves during his patter, he demonstrates exceptional prowess at the reverse-heckle. If you don’t want to become a target be punctual and make sure you grab a drink or a bathroom break before the show, not during. DONNA DEMAIO
Tommy Dassalo: Meatball! ★★★½
Coopers Inn, until April 4
Tommy Dassalo
Standups are artists whose canvas is their audience, which is why comedians suffered especially during 2020’s lockdown.
Many turned to podcasting to keep thinking out loud, but Melbourne’s Tommy Dassalo was there well before most, a long-time host of two shows (with admirable international followings) that might one day serve as a record of how comics made it through our COVID times.
He’s more than willing to continue metastasizing our collective trauma onstage this year, and while it’s far from a dark night of the soul it’s lightly cathartic stuff, riffing on the shame we’d feel if our day was actually contact traced to the disappointment our 2020 selves would feel if they could see us now.
His winsome loser persona is a Millennial entry on that vintage tradition ranging from Charlie Brown to Spongebob Squarepants. Or think George Costanza reduced to 3G coverage; the timeless appeal of someone losing their mind one marble at a time. JOHN BAILEY