

This was published 4 years ago

Casey Donovan's Australian hustle: being an entertainer is 'not a free ride'

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Casey Donovan. The singer and actor, 31, won Australian Idol in 2004 and I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! in 2017. She is currently playing Matron “Mama” Morton on stage in Chicago.

"It is my body and I’m happy and healthy."

"It is my body and I’m happy and healthy."Credit: Louie Douvis


What was your relationship with your body like growing up in south-west Sydney?
It’s been a very rocky relationship, that’s for sure.

Rocky, how so?
Just not fitting your average … well, I don’t know what you’re supposed to look like these days. I came from a very sporty background when I was a kid. I hit high school, fell out of sport and moved into music, then life got a hold of me. And here I am with my body.

To what extent does not knowing what one is supposed to look like come from getting mixed signals about what women are “supposed” to look like?
You see a lot of things in magazines – and now online – as to what your body is supposed to look like. I hated my body as a child. In my early teens, it got to the point where I wouldn’t show my body to anyone. Of all of my friends, I was always the bigger one. I couldn’t just walk into a shop; I had to go to “the fat people shop”. That time of my life was very hard. It took me years to go, “Stuff it. You know, what? I can walk, I can breathe, I can lift things, I can run, I can box.”

I go to the gym three to five times a week and work out with a trainer. Most people can’t do that. But I also sit on bicycles where the seats go right up your quoit. They’re not made for my crack, let’s be honest! But I’ll get on; I’ll give it a go!

Sounds like a metaphor for life, really.
[Laughs] Basically! “Too small for my crack.” But at the end of the day, it is my body and I’m happy
and healthy.

What do you love most about your body?
My tits. Tits, teeth and legs. And wrists. You’ve got to embrace all of those things that just stick out.



You’ve rolled politics.
[Groans] Oh, I hate politics. I don’t speak about politics, ever.

Do you dislike politics, generally – or is it Australian federal politics?
I guess I just don’t understand it enough to comment.

You’re probably not alone in feeling that. Still, what policy areas are important to you?
I give money to the arts. And we need to look out for our planet. And there’s also our land.

Why are the arts important?
It’s one of the key things to keep people dreaming and imagining. It takes people out of their nine-to-five existence: they get to go and watch things and be surprised by creation.

And the environment?
Because we need to live! [Laughs]

And by “our land”, do you mean land recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
Recognition and rights. Our people [Donovan’s biological father is Indigenous] have kind of fought
for that forever. Slowly but surely we get there.


You’ve won two major Australian reality-TV shows. Does that mean you’re rich?

Why haven’t you become rich from these shows?
It’s business. You do Idol, there’s no cash prize. They give you an advance. I did get a car. And as the winner of I’m a Celebrity, I was given $100,000 to donate to the charity of my choice [in Donovan’s case, the Starlight Children’s Foundation].

Entertainers like yourself are essentially your own small business. What have been the main lessons that you’ve learnt along the way?
Knowing that I employ people to do jobs, and that people should do those jobs accordingly. When I do my own gigs, I have to pay a booking agent, manager, band, lighting and tech guys, and maybe hire the venue. There have been a few little tricky situations along the way, where I’m like, “That’s not good; that should not be happening.” It’s about finding that [authority], because I didn’t finish high school. Thankfully, my mum and stepdad are very business-savvy and own their own small business.

Any particular mistakes you’ve learnt from?
Oh god, yeah. You book gigs; some fall through. Or you’ve already done the gig and lost money. I’ve had to go out and work as a medical receptionist and drive an Uber because music wasn’t bringing me money. And I can’t get money off Centrelink, because I own a business. On paper, they’re like, “You’ve got money in the bank.” But I’m standing in Centrelink saying, “I’ve got nothing.”

You’ve had to consider going to Centrelink?
Definitely. I’ve gone to my local Aboriginal Land Council and asked, “Hey, can I get a job?” and drove a bus for elders. Still, I’ve always been told hard work pays off in the end, eventually.

All entertainers are hustlers in the end, right?
Oh yeah, we grind that pole for dollars, entertainers! [Laughs] It’s not a free ride! People don’t understand that in this industry, we work really hard.

How are you earning money right now?
There’s corporate work. Chicago gives me a weekly wage, which is nice, and I get to perform each night – eight shows a week! But I’m an independent artist, and as hard as that is, it’s very, very rewarding.

Chicago is playing in Sydney until October 20, then travels to Brisbane and Melbourne.

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