

This was published 3 years ago

A literal game of thrones: why the glamour of royalty doesn’t fade

By Jeff Sparrow

Review: God Save The Queen: The Strange Persistence of Monarchies, Dennis Altman, Scribe, $27.99

Dennis Altman began writing God Save the Queen after he and his editor spotted a peculiar phenomenon. A list compiled by The Economist of the world’s 10 most democratic nations featured eight countries with maintained constitutional monarchies, despite the seeming contradiction between hereditary power and popular rule.

Could kings and queens – figures that Altman had previously dismissed as quaint survivors of a vanished era – be more politically interesting, even important, than he’d imagined? Altman’s ensuing exploration of royalty’s persistence certainly uncovers a trove of fascinating snippets.

The funeral of Princess Diana was watched by a global audience of 2 billion people.

The funeral of Princess Diana was watched by a global audience of 2 billion people.Credit: Anwar Hussein

We’re reminded that Europe’s nobility experienced the Great War more as a family squabble than a global apocalypse, given that the sovereigns of most of the combatants all called each other “cousin”. Even today, with modern aristocrats less inclined to inbreeding, the royal (and former royal) families of Britain, Denmark, Greece and Serbia remain genetically linked.

Monarchies that don’t share DNA often share experiences. The King of Malaysia, Sultan Abdullah, and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, for instance, both attended the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, an institution that lists among its alumni royals from 23 nations.

On the 60th anniversary of Franz Joseph’s reign, his loyal subjects could buy all sorts of souvenirs.

On the 60th anniversary of Franz Joseph’s reign, his loyal subjects could buy all sorts of souvenirs.Credit:

As that example suggests, royalty and privilege still go together like a horse and gilded carriage. Altman tells us that the Crown Estate of the British Royal Family includes “263,000 farmed acres, a significant portion of the buildings in central London and about half of the UK shoreline, including 12 miles of seabed extending out beyond those coasts” – not a bad little haul!

Once upon a time, sovereigns justified themselves by exuberant claims about the doings of their ancestors. The Japanese royal family traditionally asserted a relationship with the gods; the Hapsburg emperors identified themselves as the descendants of Noah (a boast that becomes much less impressive once you’ve thought about it for a second: other than Aquaman, everyone’s presumably descended from Noah).

Yet even the most aloof king must now sell himself to the masses. Historians consider the royals the first modern celebrities. When Franz Joseph marked 60 years ruling the Austro-Hungarian empire, his subjects could celebrate by buying daguerreotypes, ashtrays and aprons featuring the imperial visage, a foretaste of the gargantuan industry that would emerge around the Windsors.


As an institution based on biology, monarchy naturally produces spectacle, with the hatching, matching and dispatching of family members providing a regular pretext for grand occasions. Some 750 million people tuned in to watch Charles and Diana’s wedding; two billion watched Diana’s funeral.

Precisely because it’s associated with birth rather than talent, the glamour of royalty tends not to fade in the way that other forms of celebrity might. That’s central to the theorisation of constitutional monarchy, as the 19th-century essayist Walter Bagehot argued. He distinguished between the “dignified” and the “efficient” parts of the system.

The royal family, he said, “excite[s] and preserve[s] the reverence of the population”, thus providing a provided stability for those who actually run the country.

We might not necessarily apply the word “dignified” to, say, Prince Andrew’s friendship with the sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The Queen, however, with her ability to rise calmly above the fray of day-to-day politics, offers a perfect illustration of Bagehot’s point.

Might that explain why countries with constitutional monarchies tend to be democratic and egalitarian? Could a decent royal family even inoculate a country against, say, Trumpism or other forms of populist authoritarianism?


Though Altman poses both those questions, we don’t sense he entertains either with any great conviction.

Fairly obviously, correlation doesn’t mean causation. Prosperity and political stability seem more likely to facilitate the retention of the monarchy than be engendered by it. As for royalty warding off racial populism, well, we might ask Meghan Markle about that.

Indeed, the intensity of the backlash against a non-white royal provides evidence for a different and more persuasive claim raised by Altman: namely, that a monarchy acts as “a constant reminder of the importance of family background, accent and right school”.

The Irish socialist James Larkin once argued that the great only appeared great because the rest of us were on our knees.

That’s surely part of the monarchy’s persistence: a broader collapse in democratic ambition, which means that republicanism struggles to engender much enthusiasm. During the referendum in 1999, local monarchists campaigned on the slogan “Don’t know? Vote no!” – essentially, a version of Hilaire Belloc’s injunction to “always keep a-hold of nurse/ for fear of finding something worse”.


Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to think of monarchy as simply a decaying feudal relic. On the contrary, as God Save the Queen documents, it’s a phenomenon of remarkable plasticity. Germany, at one stage, gave rise to Social Monarchists, who wanted to restore the Kaiser as the head of a workers’ state; the modern Russian Orthodox Church reveres the last Tsar as a martyr and saint.

Royalty, Altman concludes, is “an institution that reveals more about the possibilities of politics than either dedicated monarchists or republicans acknowledge”. This very readable little book encourages us to think more about the game of thrones and the different ways it might be played.

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