

This was published 4 years ago

The Drum host's new book shares some thoughts on surviving dark times

By Lorien Kaye

Julia Baird
Fourth Estate, $32.99

Humans glow. Not just metaphorically. A Japanese experiment proved that we emit light, that we glimmer. We have our own phosphorescence, the natural light phenomenon Emily Dickinson described as ‘‘that light within’’, that so entrances writer and broadcaster Julia Baird.

Right now, when I imagine humans glowing, I feel more terrified than entranced, as if, in this dystopian fiction we’re living through, the light is evidence of contagion with the virus that is changing our daily and future lives.

Many people will find sustenance reading Julia Baird's Phosphorescence.

Many people will find sustenance reading Julia Baird's Phosphorescence.Credit: Susan Papazian

But that could just be me. For Baird, the living light of phosphorescence serves as a metaphor for ‘‘flashes of life in the middle of the dark, or joy in difficult times’’. And the eerie timing of the release of Baird’s book about ‘‘awe, wonder and the things that sustain you when the world goes dark’’ should be welcome rather than worrying.

Baird declines to take the now well-traversed path to find some trite secret key to happiness, wondering whether trying to find happiness is asking the wrong question. Instead, she asks how we can ‘‘survive, stay alive or even bloom’’ through tough times. Phosphorescence, after all, is quietly lit, not brightly burning.


Phosphorescence has marked similarities to her ABC colleague Leigh Sales’ Any Ordinary Day, which looked at how people coped with extraordinary tragedy and loss, bringing together personal insights, the experience of others and scientific evidence. Phosphorescence uses the same approach, although it looks more at how to cope with life’s chronic rather than acute darknesses.

It goes without saying that these are dark and difficult days. Will this book get you through them? Will it help you bloom as well as survive?

Baird certainly identifies ways to find sustenance. These include seeking out awe and wonder (especially in nature), being present and living deliberately, finding stillness and silence, being with friends, and finding purpose.


Of course, she could not have written this book with foreknowledge of the global pandemic that has us hunkering down in isolation. So her examples of storm-chasing and forest-bathing and open-sea swimming are a reminder that not everything that is good for our souls is currently within our grasp.

But the book is not a failure because of that. Rather the opposite. First, because Baird uses these extremes as examples that could teach us how to find awe and wonder in other ways, and there are things we can do while staying home and keeping 2 metres apart from our friends.

The book has marked similarities to ABC colleague Leigh Sales’ Any Ordinary Day.

The book has marked similarities to ABC colleague Leigh Sales’ Any Ordinary Day.Credit: Daniel Boud

Awe can be commonly found, says Baird, but we just need to seek it out. Indeed, Baird says isolation can clear the air for the kind of contemplation she has found most useful through her life – to look at the world around her and to wonder and to savour it.

And second, and more importantly, because Phosphorescence is not written to be a compilation of step-by-step instructions to reach nirvana. It is an intelligent and emotionally astute exploration of what these sustaining ways could be, how other people have experienced them, and why they work.

If all this sounds as glib as the search for happiness, it’s not. Thankfully, Baird reassures us that she is not ‘‘suggesting that we all Pollyanna our way through’’ life, which can be ugly and awful. Some of the book does feels tangential to its purpose rather than core – some treatises on feminism and the need for action on climate change, for example, don’t quite fit, no matter how right she is in what she says. But who can begrudge a scenic detour at the moment?


Baird was prompted to write Phosphorescence by her experience of the pain and fear of death that came from stomach cancer. Dark days in which she looked for light. Her book is not an illness memoir, but it does share some of that genre’s tropes.

Finding meaning after illness is a pervasive narrative, not just in illness memoirs but in society more broadly. People try to make sense of illness, and the sense they most often make of it is that it helps them truly appreciate life. They finally recognise life as precarious and therefore precious. Certainly, Baird feels this.

Like Baird, I have experienced illness that has brought me perilously close to death. I’ve always wondered what this new sense of the preciousness of life should actually mean day to day. While others had epiphanies, I was left with questions. Of course once life has almost slipped away from you, you recognise its value. But how should this change the way you live the life you have been gifted?

And if you do make changes, for how long can they be sustained before nagging children or noisy neighbours distract you from that recognition and those changes? For how long do the recovered still stop and smell the roses? For how long do they remain convinced that, as Baird feels, ‘‘you do not, you cannot, waste a breath’’?

These questions feel particularly apt right now, and will be even more apt once the pandemic is over and we emerge back into the world, whatever that world looks like. They are not questions Baird has fully answered, and she acknowledges she is still grappling with them. But she has come further than most.

As well as finding sustenance in nature, God and human connections, Baird found it in writing this book. Many will find sustenance in reading it.

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